Draco Malfoy stood outside of Grimmuald place staring up at it.

It had been four years since he had been there.

He wasn't sure why he was there now.

All he knew for sure was that he had woke up that morning, thinking about Hermione Granger.

It was weird for him to suddenly be thinking about Hermione Granger.

Maybe it was for the simple fact that he wouldn't be living in the mansion he woke up in if it were for Hermione's magnificent attorney skills.

Taking a deep breath, he walked up to Grimmuald place and knocked.

Twenty-seven year old Ginny Potter opened the door. She looked the same as he remembered. Her long red hair was pulled back into a pony tail and bright brown eyes.

She smiled polietely at Draco. "I was kind of wondering if we'd see you again, Mr. Malfoy."

"Hello Ginny."

She held the door open for him and he came in, looking around the foyer. She led him into the parlor where he sat awkwardly on the couch. "How's Harry?"

"He's fine. He's at the school right now, you know, it being the middle of October."

"Right. . . . Um, how are your kids?"

"They're good. Lily just turned six and Jamie's five."

"That's nice."



"Why don't you just ask me what you came to ask?"

"What did you think was going to ask?"

Ginny rolled his eyes. "Hermione's fine."

Draco gave her a small smile. "That's good."

"She moved into a bigger house."

"That's wonderful."

"She's still single."

"That's – why would you say that?"

"Just thought you might be wondering."

Ginny smiled when Draco scowled at her. Looking around the parlor, his eyes caught hold of a picture. He stood and walked over to the fireplace mantel where the picture sat.

"I thought you had two girls," he said to Ginny, picking up the picture.

"I do."

Draco examined the picture. It was Hermione all right. She had cut her hair up to her chin. It looked nice. Next to her, his arm around her shoulder, was Ron Weasley. And both of them were holding two very beautiful little boys.

"Well, then I thought you said Hermione was single," Draco said.

"I did." Ginny got up and went to stand next to Draco.

"Who are these kids then?"

"They're . . . hers."

"She and Ron had kids?"

"Draco, can you honestly look at that picture and say those are Ron's boys?"

Draco looked back at the picture. The boys were twins of about four years of age, he realized. The boy in Hermione's arms had straight brown hair while the boy in Ron's arms had curly blond hair. Blond hair.

But the thing Draco really notice was that each child had grayish-brown eyes.

The picture slipped from his grasp. Ginny caught it before it hit the ground. Placing it back on the mantle, she said, "She was supposed to tell you. . . . I'm really sorry, Draco. . . . Would you like her new address?"

Still staring off into space, all Draco could do was nod. Ginny walked off to get a quill and a piece of parchment.

Draco still couldn't believe it.

Four years.

She had had those boys for four years.

And she didn't even tell him.

He was a father.