If you don't remember certain parts of The Visitation, this story may not make sense to you.

True, the Doctor would never really do what he does here, but he darn well might fantasise about it. ;)

Four people waited in the TARDIS console room to learn where they had materialised today. Lately, peace (or a distinct lack thereof) in their home usually rested on these results.

"I hope we made it to Heathrow this time, or Tegan will throw another fit," Adric muttered.

Beside him Nyssa nodded grimly, eyed fixed on the scanner as it slowly revealed their surroundings. When it displayed crude log houses, dirt tracks, and horse-drawn wagons, Nyssa let out her breath in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Tegan, but this is 1862 Provo, Utah," the Doctor announced as he studied the console.

Nyssa and Adric winced and wearily braced themselves for the usual explosion of wrath, but it never came.

Instead, Tegan docilely replied, "That's all right, Doctor, I know you tried your best," before she turned and walked out of the room.

"I'm sure she must be much more upset than she's letting on," Nyssa insisted with a puzzled frown, hurrying after Tegan.

Adric tore his gaze away from the two, reflecting that something about Tegan's manner had seemed quite odd. Hadn't she looked a little blank, and hadn't she held herself rather stiffly? He turned to the Doctor, to see a faint smile playing about his lips. "Didn't Tegan take this latest failure with unusual grace?" Adric asked, his suspicions flowering.

The Doctor glanced up. "Oh, Adric, yes, she did. She did, indeed." His smile widened.

"And would there be a special reason for this new attitude?" Adric pressed. "I did notice that Tegan was wearing that strange watch you just gave her."

"You're too observant for your own good," the Doctor scolded, though with an approving nod that belied his words. "Well, that Terileptil control bracelet had to come in handy for something!"