Ino shuffled down the street. Tears still fell from her eyes. She hated herself. For loving him. For telling him! For making a fool of herself. Yes, she had just confessed her love to Shikamaru Nara, only to find out that he was going out with that bitch Temari. For about the tenth time, she relived the moment.
"Hey Shika-kun" Ino said softly. She looked down at the boy laying, looking up at the clouds.
"Hey Ino" He said smiling but keeping his eyes on the clouds.
Ino closed her eyes for a second, trying to explain how to tell him. 'What if he dosnt feel the same way'
'You'll never know until you try'
'Shut up what do you know'
'Just tell him!'
"Shikamaru I love you" She blurted.
Shikamaru's eyes widened and he blushed a deep red.
"I-Ino?" He sat up and looked at her in the eyes. Ino's eyes dropped and she blushed a bit. He was about to tell her. Tell her something he'd wanted to tell her for a long time.
"Ino" He started as Ino looked up. "I-" He was cut off by another girls voice.
"Hey Shika-kun!" Temari said waving and walking up to him. She bent over and gave him a kiss. Ino mouth dropped a little, but she quickly closed it.
"You two are going out?" Ino asked horrified by the scene. Temari smirked and nodded. She saw Inos pain and was laughing on the inside.
"Um.. I gotta go" she said quietly. She got up and ran away as fast as she could, tears rolling down here cheeks.
'I cant believe this' Ino thought. 'I made such a fool out of myself.' She sighed. As Ino though about what had just happened, someone called out her name.
"Hey Ino!" Someone said. Ino looked up and saw her best friend, Sakura. She gave a weak smile, showing she was happy to see her. She was happy her and Sakura were friends again. Ever since Ino had lost interest in Sasuke, Sakura and she started talking again. Now they act like nothing ever happened. Sakura noticed the tears rolling down Ino's cheeks.
"Ino…What's wrong?" Sakura asked, concerned for her best friend. But Ino just wiped away her tears and shook her head. Sakura wrapped her arms around Ino, giving her a hug. Even though she didn't know what was wrong, she knew that Ino needed a hug.
"Lets go to the apartment and talk about it, ok?" Sakura smiled as Ino nodded.
15 minutes later they arrived at the apartment. Ino and Sakura had been living together when they first moved out of their parents' home when they were 15. The reason they had moved out so young was because their parents knew the girls needed their privacy. So they paid rent so Sakura and Ino could live in the apartment together. While living there, it taught them responsibility. They learned how to take care of themselves and gain independence. They were now 17 and had lived together for around two years.
They walked into the huge living room and sat on the cute pink couch. Ino grabbed a small lime green pillow and hugged it to her chest.
"I told Shika-kun I loved him today" Ino said quietly. "…He's going out with Temari"
"Oh Ino" Sakura said softly. Ino again started crying and leaned into Sakura. Sakura patted her back and tried to comfort her.
"Ino I'm so sorry…I really am" Sakura said hugging her friend. Ino nodded and slowly stopped crying.
"Ya know what you need Ino?" Sakura said looking at her bff. Ino shook her head.
"You need a party!" Sakura said grinning. Ino looked unsure at Sakura's idea. What if Shikamaru and Temari came. That would just make her even more depressed. And there really wasn't anyone else in the village that she took an interest in. Sakura saw this look on Inos face.
"Oh c'mon! You can win Shikamaru back! The Ino I know would not sulk about a boy not liking her. She would do everything crazy and mischievous that she could think of to get him!" Sakura exclaimed as ideas formed in her head. Ino smiled.
"Yea. Your right" Ino said grinning. "I'll show Temari who she's messin with! And maybe I can hook you up with Sasuke while we're at it" Sakura blushed.
"But I'm with Lee"
"Sakura. Do you even like him? Almost everyone knows your going out with him because of pity. I think even he knows."
"I AM NOT!" Sakura shouted defensively, even though she knew she really was. Ino just giggled.
"Whatever you say Saku-chan"
They giggled and started discussing the party. They talked about who they wanted to invite, when it was going to be, what they were going to do, and everything else. They made the invitations and then talked the rest of the night until they both fell asleep on the couch. Oh this was going to be fun.