CHA!! i got to upload this thingy im happy

Disclaimer: I do not own naruto or any of the characters

It was just a typical day in konoha


"I wonder why cant Tsunade-shisou just give me a day off, " 'but id b too sacred to ask anyways' 'coward…' I kept walking without paying attention to my inner self, until I arrived at the hospital.

"Tsunade shisou? I'm here, we can start now." I just glared at the sleeping from before my eyes, there she was, he same woman that make me wake up so early and there she is still sleeping

"Tsunade Shisou!!! Wake up!!"

Surprised with the noise the hokage fell off her chair and to the floor she went.

I couldn't help myself but to laugh..

"What's so funny?" 'Let me think about this, hmm…maybe the fact that the hokage just fell off her chair …..While sleeping oh her paperwork...'

"Sorry Tsunade-sama" "whatever, getting to the point..."she checked a scroll "well it seems today is clear of hospital duties cause its been pretty calm these days so I guess you can have a break for today"

I just stared in awe 'did she just say that?' 'Like hell she did'

So with that I left the hospital and decided to go eat an ice cream.

"this will be easy, yeah" and with hat a mysterious shinobi jumped off a roof and followed the pink haired kunoichi in her shadows….

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH this is sooooooooooo delicious!!! Its beeen so long since I've had an ice cream, I should eat them more often…hm..but I would gain weight and that's not something we want, now do we" "like hell we don't, just cause we gave up on sasugay doesn't mean we aint attractive to all those other shinobis"

"oh shut up" "what did I say?" and there he was, the raven haired boy I fell in love so long ago. "well?"

"I was jut talking to myself, no need to worry, I don't really pay much attention to what you say anyways." He glared at her

"so, how was the last mission?" "not really good, we didn't get the akatsuki information we were seeking"

The only reason he said this so calmly was because he had killed his brother uchiha Itachi about a year ago and he was now living his life as a normal 16 year old shinobi, dating ino now.

'What a traitor, after all he did to me and she could still go out with him'

"That's bad to hear, it would help a lot with the new records Tsunade-sama is making…or trying to make"

"hm" "and there he goes again" "did you say something?"

She just stared at him like he was crazy, did she mean so little he didn't even notice that loud of speaking….

"nope, don't worry, I didn't say anything about you"


'damn him' 'lets just beat him to a pulp'

Suddenly she smirked and sasuke just stared at her thinking like wtf was wrong with her…

After that he kept walking towards ino's flower shop….sakura only stared at his back stabbing daggers wotht hat look, suddenly he fell down

'I must really have a strong mind to affect reality jjjajajaja'


It was really peaceful in the park until…

"aaaaaaaaaaaaag" and explosion was heard and sakura was thrown away

"what the hell!!!"

"Such bad language for such a young and cute girl, yeah"

'Whose this guy, wait he seems familiar….NO , isn't he the puppets freak friend?...yes…..then that means…'

And just to confirm her assumptions…she saw the so infamous black cloak with red clouds…"Akatsuki!!"

deidara: when will i get to do something fun?yeah

me: soon enough

sakura: you better not be thinking weird stuff , CAUSE I CHEKED AND THIS STORY IS RATED M INROMANCE!!

it better not include me!!

deidara: ooh!! i get to keep the pink haired thing!! yeah

sakura: and who the hell do you think you called a thing?

me: you of course jejeje, well say your lines!!

sakura and deidara: read and review please!!

AN: this is my first fic so please… and tell em what to change or like if u like how I started…cause I know its short…but its hard to write for me….cause I'm trying to write in English.

Recommendations will be accepted!!