My Muses Squall and Seifer ask me to write this. No pairings just a letter.

To our other loyal fans,

We would like to express our pleasure at your work. But we have some problems that are not your fault. Our problems are with the parents of some of the readers. It is unfair that the writers are being punished because parents can not control where "their" children go on the Internet. They (the parents) seem to suffer from the misconception that if they remove a higher rating i.e. the NC-17 that it will stop their children from viewing things that they shouldn't be. There are other web sites that cater to the more sophisticated reader. That will let you post anything your little black perverted hearts can come up with. But that's not the point, the point I am trying to make is do you know how easy it is to go to one of those? All it takes is a fundamental knowledge of basic arithmetic and presto you are there. In example if you were born before April 1995 that would make you 12 years old. On those sites you have to be at least 18, gee all you have to do is take 1995 and subtract six or seven years from it that would be 1988 or 1989 for those of you who failed mathematics. And you can view all those dirty little things your parents don't want you to.

I know I'm probably going to overwhelmed with hate mail but I don't give a rat's pattooty. (That's ass in case you were wondering) All this has done was take away our First Amendment rights as writers. Censorship is wrong. No matter how reprehensible you might find something it is still a person's right to feel that way.

These parents want to censor certain things, like what we can write here or music. But if they really want to censor something it should be the Bible. It has more violence in then I care to mention, it has people going out and getting drunk, and the one that really blew me away was the fact that our good ol' Bible has gasp shock would you believe incest in it? Yep that's right incest. It's in Genesis when Lot and his two daughter left the burning rubble of Sodom and Gomorra behind they wondered around for a little while and the daughters not knowing when and if they would find civilization again got the old man drunk and had sex with him.

But this is not Sunday morning in fact it's late Monday afternoon and I am not your Minister, Preacher, priest, et-all, I am just a frustrated writer who is a little afraid to post latter chapters in the one story that I have posted here.

Thank you for reading and reviews are more then welcome,

Eddy Leonhartslover

Seifer Almasy

Squall Leonhart