Numbuh 39 cents stepped into the metallic floor of the moonbase mail room. He held his mail bag tightly just to make sure no letters would fall and be abandoned there. He could still remember the last time that had happened. It was some time ago but he still didn't want to see Numbuh 86's face like that again.
He shuddered and began placing the envelopes in the correct containers. Soon later there was only one letter left. "It's for Numbuh 362," he read and placed it into Rachel's mailbox and pressed the button to send the letters to their recipients.
Meanwhile the Supreme Leader was filling some important forms when she heard a sound. She turned around and saw that her mail had arrived. She put her pen down, glad for a distraction from working. The first letter was addressed from Numbuh 20 inviting her to a party. The second was from the kids next door mathematics department. "Must have figured out the cost of this month's KND account," shrugged Rachel.
There were a few more that were addressed to her professionally but besides the party invitation, nothing that was really for her, not just because of her position but one for Rachel McKenzie. The last envelope had no sender or at least, the person didn't write their name on the envelope. Rachel usually would have never opened an unidentified letter but before she could stop herself, she began to open it.
"Dear Rachel..." she began to read aloud but the rest, she mainly mumbled. As she read the letter, her face flushed. She took a deep breath as her cheeks became a bright red. Her heart beat started to go faster, her head began to spin and everything went black.
The grip on the letter loosened and it was caught in the breeze coming from the vents above. It flew into a pile of unorganized papers before Numbuh 100 and 86 ran into the room. "Numbuh 362, you ok?" asked Numbuh 100 before noticing the unconscious body of Rachel.
"Of course she's not all right! Boys…sheesh" Numbuh 86 said in response. "Sir, wake up!"
Rachel's eyes fluttered as she regained consciousness. "What-" she mumbled as everything came back into focus. "The letter! Who sent that poem?" She knelt down and began searching for it.
"What are you looking for, Numbuh 362?" asked Numbuh 100.
"It's not here…what happened to it," asked Rachel to herself instead of the others.
She looked at both of them and announced, "Numbuh 86. Find me a detective. One of the best. I need all the help I can to find who sent that poem. They have no need to come here. I just need contact with someone who can help!"
"Uh…I'll try," blinked Fanny and she turned towards the computer and began to search for detectives in the kids next door. Pictures of operatives began to flash on the screen until it stopped on a picture of Sector V then it centered on the chubby pilot and inventor of the group. "That doofus is one of our best detectives?" exclaimed Fanny in her strong accent.
"That settles it! Contact Sector V a.s.a.p," demanded Rachel. Then she whispered to herself, "I'll find you, whoever you are."
Author's note: And there it is. Remember to review or else I will be very upset. "tear tear cry cry" Flames are for campfires and have a Sooper day