I. AM. SO.SO.SO. SO.SO. SORRY!!!!!!! This isn't another chapter…..cowers in fear of flying veggies! I swear, I didn't mean to be gone for sooooo long. It was a total accident
I promised a sequel, and then I disappear for a long time. And I have no excuse. In all honesty, I wasn't at all happy with Camp Equals Craziness. I wanted to revise the whole thing. But then, my retard of a computer decided to get a virus, and then all of my files were gone! So, I couldn't even go on the damn thing to figure out how to get my files back, much less revise the story. So, I decided that I won't revise it. For now anyways, I'll probably get to working on it after the sequel. That doesn't make any sense at all, but that is what I have decided.
Anyways, I am terribly sorry…again. I say sorry a lot. But, the good news, I got a laptop!!!!I don't really remember if I said that already, but yes. I now have free reign on when and where I get to use the computer! And I don't have to fight my stupid brother for it.
About the sequel, there is going to be one. I guarantee it. I just won't post it for another week or so.
I'm going to make a few changes to my file on ff. Just going to change my penname and a few other things too. Nothing major, then I'm going to work on the sequel some more.
New penname: fish.in.a.bowl or sushi (depends which one I like more, I haven't really decided)
I also wanted to thank my reviewers. Even though the story was over, and I have been gone for some time, I was surprised to see that I still got reviews! So thanks guys! I really appreciate it, and I am truly sorry for being gone for sooo long.