The concept of flying without actually flying was amazing

Forsaken Sin

SD: See? Like I promised. A two chapter update. Now that I've given you two chapters, you're going to review right?

GA1: Do you honestly think that the readers actually read these things?

SD: pouts I do…..

GA1: Just because you do doesn't mean the rest of us do…

SD: Ok, Fine! Whoever reads this Author's Note thing gets a cookie! Just tell us in the review! grins

GA1: ……….I can't believe you just said that rolls eyes

SD: shut up….

Summary: Two years after the Geostigma outbreak, AVALACHE now hunts across the planet looking for all of Hojo's skeletons that were left uncovered. A hunt that leaves Vincent facing a ghost he thought long gone, but more over a whisper of the Planet which once thought lost by Chaos has come reborn. Time is now a race in the Planet's last stand against the depths of Geostigma's final out come.

Disclaimer: Yeah Square Enix owns Final Fantasy, If it was owned by us there would be more to the game. SO much more we would have to take over the world just so we could turn it into Gaea and then--

The FBI has taken over this disclaimer; please enjoy the writings of two well behaved adults that have no interest in taking over the world. We do however own our on individual characters and plot:

Glass Angel1 Sammatha Ravin Night Trisiren,

Spirit Dancer: Eira Trisiren

This story is a joint writing of the previous writers listed.

All rights reserved.

Song Disclaimer: "Iris" belongs to Goo Goo Dolls, and their respective record angency. NOT US! Please don't sue?

XxXxXxXx scene change

XoX flashback or dream

xVxVxVx point of view change

Chpt 9 Unfading Memories

The concept of flying without actually flying was amazing. Eira stood next to the window towards the front of the ship, a smile of pure delight lighting up her face as the clouds flew past them. Highwind was cursing about something to the new pilot; Valentine was in the back part of the cockpit leaning up against the controls with his arms crossed in front of his chest, red eyes closed. Zack was sitting next to Night in the corner, for once not saying anything. Night stood next to him, leaning against the wall, arms also crossed in front of her chest. Her head was turned away from the window, a blank look etched into her usually calm features. A smirk appeared on Eira's face before she looked back to the window. How one could fly and still have motion sickness was beyond her. She watched the sea below move past quickly as they flew on, this was the farthest she had ever been off the island, and they had only been flying for a little over an hour now. The last of the land birds flew by underneath, they would be far out past the island chain now if she remembered the land maps right. Highwind's voice stopped for a moment, Eira could hear his heavy boots walk along the metal of the floor. The smell of cigarette smoke tingled her noise.

"Right, now that we're on our fuckin way, it'll be two days if lady weather is gonna side with us before we reach Edge, three if we hit any storms. President Reeve wants to talk to ya Dr. Samm-"

"Night…..or Dr. Ravin if you must please…." Night looked away from the wall warily to the pilot before continuing. "My brother was the only one who ever called me by my first name. In any of my records I went by my last or my middle. So I ask you please not to call me by that name." There was a silence for a few seconds as Cid puffed his cigarette before going on.

"Right.. Anyways, there'll be rooms for ya to use on yer humble and comfy trip on my baby." Cid waved his hands about a bit as he talked. "The dinning halls open all the time, hope ya don't mind making yer own food though. Don't got a cook…" Zack seemed to perk up a bit at the mention of food. Night stood up off the wall, seeming the pep talk as over, and she would finally be allowed to leave the bridge. She could feel the crimson eyes that followed her out of the room. But she didn't move any faster, she kept the same steady pace as she moved.

"Thank you Highwind for you hospitality. I'm pretty sure we can make due….." The metal door closed behind her as she left the bridge. Eira looked back down at the water for a moment before turning her head back when she heard Zack get up, and walk towards her.

"So… hungry?" She looked at him for a moment before chuckling. Leave it to Zack to take Highwind up on his offer. Turning her gaze back to the water. She wasn't hungry yet, but she knew that her stomach would start protesting soon.

"Sure…" She left her spot near the window almost reluctantly before her stomach growled. Smirking she followed Zack out of the cockpit. Cid puffed his cigarette as he watched the three leave one after another. Having that woman walk about on his ship after seeing what she was made him a little unsettled but it was no different then Vince being Chaos. So far the woman hadn't given him much a reason to distrust her, even if she was the damn sly bastard's sister. Blue eyes looked over for a moment at the dark man in the corner. Then again, Vince had been acting weird for some reason. Before Cid grasped there had been something when he thought the woman dead but now, now it seemed the man was ready to 'drop' all those sins he kept to himself on that woman's shoulder. When he spoke to Reeve, he just wanted to talk with the woman, see if she had any ideal of what Hojo could have done else where. Right, 'talk', then why were the Turks meeting them when they arrived at Edge? Puffing on his cigarette Cid rolled his eyes, everyone just jumped to too many conclusions without all the facts. Then the next thing was the ex-SOLDIER the doc had been caring for. The man knew right off the bat Cid's own vet record, and even once on the Highwind had to shake the older man's hand. Weird, but guess Shinra always was. But the name Zack was eating at the back of his mind for some reason. The black haired man looked a little like Cloud, sort of even acted like he did except he seemed more talkative. For some reason though he couldn't figure out were he had heard that name before.

"You shouldn't think while smoking Highwind, it is bad for your health." Vince's calm voice broke his silence. Rolling tired blue eyes he looked over at the dark man who was leaning against his equipment.

"Haha…… Don't tell me yer siding with Teef about me quitting eh? What ya gonna do hide my cigarettes like that damn ninja?" Crossing his arms he glared at the older ex-Turk. "The day I stop smokin be the day you stop mopping around the Highwind. Or anywhere else for that matter." The two glared at each other for a few minutes before the cloaked gunman shook his head.

"What did Reno want?" Cid growled at the mention of the damn turk.

"To rub in my face I'm missing the birth of my fuckin' godson! Him and that fuckin' Ninja!" There was a large puff of smoke as Cid grumbled some more. Tifa had gone into labor this morning finally, the redheaded turk and the hyper ninja decided to wake him up to rub it in his face. After a few minutes more of grumbling, he took the cigarette out of his mouth. "That and to tell me him and Rude would be meeting us at the Neo-Shinra building. Seems to me someone is over reacting a bit…."

"………" Vincent continued to look down at the floor, Cid grumbled to himself mentally. The man had been brooding a lot more lately then he normally did. Cid already had a pretty good guess why too. For a man who spent thirty years of his life in a coffin, Vincent Valentine hadn't made much of an effort to come into contact with old friends or even relatives. It was like the man felt that he was dead to the whole world, Cid was half amazed he didn't go back INTO the coffin after they saved the world…twice. Well, the old pilot puffed his cigarette for a moment before he decided whether it would be best to 'open his mouth and insert his foot' and do what Yuffie was better at.

"So……….You gonna tell me?" Crimson eyes looked up into blue ones, Cid really hated that look.

"Tell you what?" There was a growl from the blonde pilot as he threw his hands up in the air.

"What's between you and the Doc!"


"O don't give me that fuckin' bullshit! I think after three years of knowing yer ass I think I can figure out when something wrong. And ever since we found out this woman is Hojo's sis you've been in this…..mood." Crimson eyes narrowed at him for a moment. "The same mood you got into when we found Lucrecia in that water cave. There something more to this woman that you're not telling." There was silence on the bridge. None of the crew members mumbled a word as crimson eyes glared into blue ones for a few minutes before the gunman pushed himself off the control panel he was on and walked out the door.

"There was nothing."


He closed the door behind him as he stepped into the dark room. He could hear the chocobos move restless in their stables. Vincent ran a claw through his hair, slightly annoyed by the persistent nature of the old pilot. At least it was Cid and not Yuffie; the teenager would have never let him leave the cockpit. She would have followed him until she managed to get an answer. After a moment, he pulled the cloak off his shoulders and laid it across one of low walls of an empty stable. His hands untied the small bandana and placed it on top. Long black hair fell down over his face; crimson eyes stared through the black mess. Maybe he should take Tifa's offer and cut it back, it was getting ridiculously longer now. Soon the poor bandana wouldn't be able to keep it off his face. Sighing he walked down the hallway between the empty stables to were he knew Shonne would be. He needed to think, or well, hide for a while to get away from her. Cid's gold bird warked at him as it huddled far back in its stable. Vincent stopped moving to look at Shirea, eyes turned to look at the stable across to the black 'happy-go-lucky" chocobo that belonged to the young Eira. The black bird was shuttering far in the back corner of its own stable. Crimson eyes darted to Shonne in the stable next to it as his hand fell to the Death Penalty. He could feel the unsettling tension in the room; it was making his bare forearm crawl with shivers. Shonne hide back in the corner of her own stable, he could see her small shutters of fear. What was going on here? He pulled his gun out of its holster as he looked over to the last full stable. Shinigami stood, unshaken, in the middle of its stable pecking the ground at some food that was there. It picked its head up to look at him for moment, black eyes staring into crimson red ones before snorting again and going back to whatever it was trying to eat off the metal ground.

"You can put the gun way. I'm not going to jump out at you…." His hand tightened on his gun as he walked back closer to the stable. Peering over the wall of the stable he looked down at the woman who sat on top of a bundle of hay. It seemed there would be no peace for him here in his hiding place either. The black trench cloak lay out on over the hay as she sat on top of it. Long black hair undone from the braid it had been in this morning and fell around her. Pointed ears come out from the side of her head breaking through the long strains of hair. She turned her head slightly to look up at him; golden eyes with slit iris studied him for a moment, white teeth sitting on the tips of her lips. Slender claw like hands lay forgotten in her lap as she turned away from him to look at her chocobo. "Shinigami is the only one who never minded me like this, it seems though I make the other Chocobos jumpy…..and you too apparently…."

"……." Vincent put his gun away after a moment, taking that the woman wasn't really a threat. In the back of his mind he could feel his demons moving uneased by the presence of the doctor.

"Funny how that all works out really, when I'm like this everything is afraid of me…." Sadness was etched into the pale skin of her face as she watched the black chocobo moved about. Left hand pulled something out of her right boot as she rambled slightly. It was a habit she always had, a habit HE had too. With a snort of disgust at the thought of the man, Vincent turned away from her to look at his Shonne who still hide in the corner.

"Then why are you lik-"

"Because unlike you…." Ravin cut him off as she stood up, taking a swing from the small flash that was now open in her hands. "My demon is what I really am on the outside……." She shook her head slightly as her hands reached up to pull her hair up, they were no longer looked claw like. It was then Vincent noticed her ears were growing smaller as she hide them under her long hair as she pulled it up into a low pony tail. Bending down, she gently and gracefully picked up her trench cloak off the hay bed she had been sitting on. Pulling it over her shoulders, she tugged her hair out of under it before she turned to look at him.

And I give up forever to touch you

Cause I know you can feel me somehow

You're the closes to heaven that I'll even be

And I don't want to go home right now

"I have a fair share of the demons your beloved brother left me, fiend…." The gunman snarled at her suddenly. Some part of him felt this was partially her fault too, just as much as it was Hojo's. She stood by and let the woman he loved die, stood by and watched her brother destroy her life. It was only right her demon show its face matching the darkness in her soul. No better then her brother, he realized that a long time ago during those thirty years of his solitude. Thirty years he cursed them both. When he woke to find she had dead sometime long before, some part of him mourned, some part of him forgave her for her sins but now that he looked her in the face that part him cursed her just the same. Hatred burned beneath his crimson eyes as golden brown eyes barely met his. She opened the door to the stable and exited it into the hallway Vincent stood in. His hand lay unconsciously on his gun as she walked pasted him, head hung slightly low. Crimson eyes burned deep into her back as she opened the door to the rest of the Highwind. "Running again…? You haven't changed a bit, Sammatha."

"……..And you have?" Cold golden brown eyes burned into his as she looked at him from the doorway.

All I can taste is this moment

All I can breathe is your life

But sooner or later it's over

But I don't want to miss you again

Black hair fell down in front of her face as she sunk her hands deep into the soapy water. The water felt warm, relaxing while she scrubs away the grime on the white dishes. Well that dinner could have gone a lot better, or worse. Worse maybe, Ravin grimed as she scrub angrily away. Someone moved to stand next to her, out of the corner of her brown eyes she could see the white lad coat that was draped over the slender female. The lavender shirt hung close to her, a small ruffle of fabric ran down the middle. The diagonal cut dark purple skirt fluttered about her thin legs. Her light touch made a shiver run down Ravin's spine.

"You don't have to do the dishes, Ravin that makes me a poor hostess…" Brown eyes turned back to the white bubbles as she knocked some of the dark grime up again as she grab another plate.

"…… Lucrecia, you're family now. It really doesn't matter… besides…." She left the words hanging in the air. Not wanting to remember the night's event. The light hand fluttered away from her shoulder. She could hear those heels turn of the stone floor as the woman moved to leave the room. Hands stopped moving in the water as her eyes stared into those white bubbles and the floating scum that mingled with it. "…… Hojo didn't mean what he said, Lucrecia……"

"…… I know…" Ravin turned her head slightly to look at the light brown haired woman. She stood somewhere near the doorway that exited the kitchen, looking down at her hands but her back was turned to face the woman by the sink. "He's just…."

"Over worked, and less understanding sometimes." Ravin laughed slightly as she looked away to the window in front of her. The sky was dark outside, not a star in sight. Sad, she thought at least in Nibelheim she would get to see more stars then back in Midgar. There was a small shuffle of feet behind her.

"I understand that…… you and Mr. Valentine were…" Hands cringed on a small fork in the water. It dug into the palm of her hand.

"Yes, but that was years ago……" Coldness filled her voice as she spoke.

"I'm sorry, Sammatha, I didn't mean to…."

"Ravin….Lucrecia, just call me Ravin…"Letting go of the fork, Ravin pulled her hands out of the sink and pulled a small towel over them to dry them. Turning she faced the younger woman behind her. She had turned around to face her again, lab coat dancing around her purple skirt. "Is there something you want to know?"

"Well… You see……… Vinc- Mr. Valentine doesn't talk much I was just curious what he was like… that's all…." The woman smiled weakly at her. With the towel still in her hands as the dark haired woman study her.

"Well… He's stubborn for one….but mostly because he's a little on the shy side…."


"Hard to image huh? Though, once you get him out of his shell, he's nice to be around..." Ravin smiled for a moment, remembering better times.

"…… If it's not to wrong for me to ask, Ravin…. Why did you two…." Looking away from those eyes, she looked down at the towel in her hand. She could see the red color perverting the whiteness of the towel, the cleanness it once had been.

"……because I broke his trust…."

And I don't want the world to see me

Cause I don't think they would understand

When everything is made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

The wind battered her hair about, its empty coldness robbing her of what little warmth she had. Eyes half closed she looked soullessly down to her hands that lay forgotten in her lap. Legs were stretched out before her, left one arched up a bit with its boot sinking its grip down into the metal of the ship. Her body lay in a hunched arch as she tried to keep what little warm that was left in her, but she didn't care enough to stand back and walk back inside. No, she was not worth the warmth within, the cold and darkness of the night was only for her. Ravin left her golden eyes closed more trying to ignore the high pitched scream of the air in her long ears. What part of her hair that was pulled back into that low pony tail danced around her. To her right the door which leads to the warmth of the inside slid open. Heavy military boots stepped out of into the cold unforgiving air. She didn't bother to turn her head to see what poor soul had decided to join her, she already knew who it was.

"Figured I would find you out here, Eira is looking for you." His dark voice was low, sweet sounding in her ears verses the harsh screams of the world. Golden eyes opened slightly and looked sideways at the dark haired man who was leaning against the wall on the right side of the door. It had closed the world of warmth away from the world of cold despair.




"…………………O would you say something! I am not Eira, I don't like silent contests…." A small smirk graced her lips as she looked up into his dark eyes.

"I'm fine out here……"

"Yeah right, and I'm Miss Sunshine come to spread happiness among the despaired vampire women….." His hands were on his hips as he glared down at her before he walked over to slide down the wall to sit next to her on the ground. "Ravin, are you going to say anything? Or you just gonna walk into this without letting us know a thing?"

"It's better this way…."

"Yeah, how? Better that Eira will literally freak out if they pull something? Are you even gonna defend yourself?" She looked away from him back to her hands as she clenched them slightly. Her cold lips moved slightly as she murmured something. "……What was that?"

"…..Should have left you two back at the village…." Zack sighed for a moment before looking away from her to something in the darkness. They sat there for a little while before he spoke again.

"…..You are going to at least tell me why Mr. Scary in Red is….. well…."

"He's angry with me…. He has all the right in the world to be………." Her head hung down a little lower as she spoke. There was a light hand on her back, firm but light, before he stood back up and walked to the door.

"You sure you'll be alright out here?"

"……Yeah….. Keep Eira company….." He nodded slightly before opening the door and walking back into the warm world of the ship. Golden eyes looked out over the dark world around her the screams of the wind battered her ears once more in the silence. The door slide closed leaving her once again alone. Alone, and in the cold darkness where in tinted soul knew so well. "Besides…. Maybe in this darkness I will sleep….."

Maybe in this darkness my sins can be forgotten.

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming

Or the moment of truth in your lies

When everything feels like the movies

Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

"Where did you get these?"

"Oooo, from a little mouse in the wall…. Or in a well, you can say…"

"…………………… Is this the only copy?"

"O, come on Doc, I'm a Turk, you think I'm that stupid?"

"…………………………………… What do you want………"

"You really do anything for him huh?"

"I said what do you want!"

"Break it off……"


"Vincent, I want you to break it off. I'll make this disappear if you break it off with Vincent."

"You can't be-"

"If you don't, this little file will find its way to some very-"

"Alright! Alright, I'll do it just……"

And I don't want the world to see me

Cause I don't think they would understand

When everything is made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

"What do you mean?" O god she couldn't do this, she couldn't do this. Reddish brown eyes stared into hers as he stood there before her. She could see the small ring in his hands, the hurt that echoed in his eyes. It was tearing her apart, and yet her face said nothing. She looked blankly into his face, it was empty of all emotions as if she was looking at some patient that was about to die. Never get to attached, never become too reliant. Her hands hung useless at her sides, useless like the way she felt as she looked into that face.

"When we started this I told you it was nothing more then a fling."

"A fling? Is that what these past two years have been to you Ravin? A fling?!" Her chest felt tight, hurting as she looked on at him. The want to run, the want to hide burned in her legs but she stood still. Not letting what she felt on the inside come out through her voice.

"It's over, Mr. Valentine." The words let her voice coldly, she knew it cut into him harder then anything else had. She could see it from the look on his face. For a moment Vincent stood there, shock, hurt before his face hardened into what she knew clearly as the face he wore when he was a Turk. Emotionless, empty, the forgotten ring was shoved into a pocket as he grabbed his jacket off the back of the couch and turned to leave. She stood there watching him, unable to move as her legs stood frozen to that spot. The door slammed shut behind him, the sound echoing off the walls. The sound slowly died away from the room, but it burned into her ears bedding itself into her mind. After a while there was movement from the bedroom behind her as someone stepped out into the room.

"Well done, Doc." Her hands balled into fists as Miguel's voice graced her ears. He walked slowly past her pulling something out of his blue business jacket. The amber folder a slight contrast to his darker hands. "I didn't think you were gonna do it when he got down on his knees… You really are-"

"Get out……" He turned slightly to look at her, a smile on his lips. There was a slight shrug from him as he took out his lighter. The small flame took a few minutes to take to the folder, but once it did he held on to it for a few more minutes before casting it into her trash can that was next to the couch. He turned, and straightened his jacket.

"Pleasure doing business with you Sammatha…" She could hear his foot steps as he made his way to the door. It closed softly behind him, leaving her alone to the sound in her head of Vincent slamming the door. Tears, tears ran down her cheek… when had they started? She could fell them now but when had they started? Ravin didn't care as her knees finally gave way letting her fall to the floor. Her arms curled around her sides as she let the tears fall.

When everything is made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

SD: And that, ladies and gents is only the tip of the iceberg. Maybe we should have put a depressing disclaimer or something….

GA1: I'm sorry if I made you get out the tissue bow and go eat a gallon of chocolate ice cream… sheesh…rolls eyes not everything in life are like roses.

SD: yeah…but again, depressing scenes are what makes the story interesting.

GA1: you…….are weird.

SD: You're calling me weird? What was with the disclaimer anyway?

Fake GA1: ……………runs away

SD: Hey!

Real GA1: In a straight jacket ….Please review!

Needs editing