A/N: This drabble was written more than two months before I ever conceived of "Penultimate," but because of its close thematic relationship with that story (as well as featuring the same pairing) I felt it would be legitimate to share it here.
Space Between
Saiyuki "58" drabble by
Ro Anshi
"I'll be good!"
And he's promised that—been that—a hundred times, but never good enough, so now her claws stripe his cheek
—red wetness flows like tears—
and the axe swings but never lands.
"Jien!" More blood on the floor, and his brother's stare is dark and lost.
"Don't leave, I'll be good—"
And a warm hand is on his cheek
—wet again, but not from blood—
and sleepy green eyes meet his as he blinks the nightmare away.
"Shh." In their bed, Hakkai pulls Gojyo closer, breathing comfort into his ear. "You are good. You are."