Don't own!

Ginny and Hermione looked at him like he was crazy. Harry looked down at the knife.

"I'm serious, guys. I had to learn about vampires in Auror training. Kid vamps, they need blood once a week while adults need it once a month. So, anyone one of us ready to pop open a vain?" he asked lightly.

James, Lily, Jennifer, and Richard came downstairs and looked around.

"Mum, what the bloody hell is that?" Jennifer asked.

"Jenny, where did you learn that type of language?" Ginny scolded.

"Uncle Ron taught us more yesterday." Jenny smiled.

"Ok, upstairs, now!" Ginny raised her voice. Richie pouted.

"Who is SHE!?" he asked, pointing to April.

"Someone; go upstairs." she commanded, pointing to thir rooms. The kids hung their heads and sorrowfully marched up.

"Lets go in the dining room, the kids could hear everything we're saying." Harry said. The three took their seats and Harry placed the knife on the table.

"I should be the one." Hermione said.

"Why? I mean we could easily do it." Harry asked.

"Well, I am her nanny. I should be taking care of her."

"But if you do, she'll get used to your blood. With you around her all the time, she'll smell you and want you more." Harry comprimised.

"Harry's right. You sleep in her room, you wake her up, you feed her, etc." Ginny said.

"So I'll do it." Harry said.

"Can't," Hermione stopped, "You work with Malfoy all day. Your scent will be all over him. You guys don't touch, but you sit next to him in the conference room."

"What does Malfoy have to do with this?" Ginny asked. Harry's eyes went to the carpet.

"Mione is working for the Malfoys." Harry whispered. Ginny's eyes blew up.

"WHAT!?" she shrieked. The two shifted uncomfortably.

"You never bothered to tell me?" Ginny growled.

"It never came up." Harry smiled. Ginny pouted and stared at the knife temptingly.

"Gin," Hermione warned. Ginny sighed and pounded her fist on the table.

"Why don't I do it?" she asked.

"It is reasonable." Hermione said. Ginny picked up the knife.

"Let's do it." she said darkly.

James crept down the stairs right after the adults went away. He saw the girl and looked at her with admiration.

April he thought, what a lovely name

He stared at the fangs.

"Kid vamps, they need blood once a week..." his father's voice said. James had a nagging feeling that he needed to feed her. A strange aura took over and he hazily walked over and put her wrist to her mouth. April's reflexes caused her to bite, not waking her. James' face twisted with pain, but his soul quickly yielded.

Ginny walked in the room with the knife, took a glance at the couch and screamed. There was her son, James, lying on the ground with his wrist bloody and a girl sucking on it.

"JAMES!" Harry yelled. Hermione pulled April away and made sure she was okay. James was alive and surprisingly his wrist closed up. His skin color went to normal and his breathing came back.

"Kay, this is freaky." Ginny said, her hand clutching her chest. Hermione nodded quickly and checked April. Blood was lightly dripping from her mouth and her eyes fluttered open.

"What time is it?" she asked weakly.

"Maybe 11:40 something." Harry shrugged. April's eyes sprung open.

"Did i feed!?" she exclaimed. Hermione patted her and pointed to James.

"He fed me?" April asked. Her eyes glazed over his black flappy hair and cornflower blue eyes. Ginny put her hands on her hips as she moved closer to Harry.

"What I'm asking is : why?" she snapped.

Ron was puzzeled. No, in fact, he was just plain befuddled. And this was all caused by a girl. Not his wife. But Deena.

See you later? Tomorrow night!?

Ron was sitting at the table, thinking when Charlie came in, whisting a happy tune.

"What are you so happy about?" he snapped. Charlie's brow pinched.

"Don't you know? My engagement?" he asked. Ron nearly fell to the ground.

"To who!?" he asked.

"Deena Malfoy." Charlie answered and took a piece of trecle tart.

"MALFOY?" Ron yelled, following him in the living room.

"Yeah...Draco's her cousin." Charlie nodded.

"And the whole family is fine with it?" Ron squeaked.

"Well they all met her a few times when we had dinner. But you were too busy with Lavendar in your bedroom to answer my calls!" Charlie rolled his eyes.

"What about her? What's so special!? What if she'd like the rest of her stupid family?" Ron asked, furious. Man, his ears must look like crimson right now.

"She's not. I've been dating her for 3 years. Sure, her friends are in the wrong society and she used to be in Slytherin. But didn't Mum's family belong there too?" Charlie argued.

And that's how everyone found the. Ron and Charlie at each other's throats about a girl.