Thank you to Kochelle-chan for making me feel better along with all the reviews.

Note: Once again I DO NOT own DNAngel in anyway

Warning: Yaoi fan fic, and if you don't like it then I don't care.

Chapter 4:

Isn't someone missing me

"Well what?" Dark asked while raising an eyebrow, giving his normally crooked smile.

"N-nothing!" Daisuke said hiding his head beneath the blanket, covering his bright red cheeks.

"Come on, spill…" The older teen said with his soft hands gently pulling down the blanket covering the boys head, his amethyst eyes looking down and into the ruby ones trying to find a glimpse of his feelings.

"It's no-" Daisuke tried to say again until something stopped him, the soft feelings of darks lips on his. 'Is this real?' The young boy thought to himself as he closed his eyes and softly kissed back.

'Yes Daiuske, this is very real.' He thought as he broke the kiss and looked down at the younger teen, softly caressing his pink colored cheeks. Dark gave a sincere smile and pressed his forehead up against Daisuke's., softly whispering. "I promise you all this is real." Dark's eyes were full of hope and promise, just because he wore dark clothing doesn't mean he was evil unlike his other half Krad.

"How do you know that this isn't just a dream…" Daisuke questioned as Dark pressed his lips once again against the younger teens.

"That's how, because you can feel everything that his happening."

"Doesn't mean that this isn't a dream though Dark." Daisuke said once again, sitting up and jumping off the bed over Dark, landing face first on the floor. "Oww…so this isn't a dream."

"See I told you, don't you trust me anymore?" Dark asked kneeling down to help his tamer up from the rather embarrassing fall.

"Yah, just hard to believe that your back that's all." He said rubbing his soar cheek.

"I actually couldn't believe it at first but here I am."

"Yah, here you are."

Then the next thing both of them heard was a crash and glass breaking around them, a few shards flying directly in Daisuke's direction only to be blocked by Dark. Softly wincing he covered up most of his pain, looking at Daisuke. "A-are you okay?"

"I'm fine, what the hell was that?"

"Don't you mean who the hell was that, Daisuke Niwa." A deep voice said as his shadow stretched out around the room like a dark blanket. As the voice rang out Dark covered the young boy more with his body, hoping to protect him the best he could. "It's no use Dark, you and I both know his fate is sealed so no need to protect him."

"I have every need to protect him, I don't care what I have to give up." Dark paused for a moment and stood up, teetering back and forth for balance.

"How is my fate sealed?" Daisuke asked as he looked up at both halves of one person, the angel with black wings and the devil with the white wings.

"You'll see soon enough Daisuke." Krad spat out as his smile widened on his face, his long blonde hair reflecting the rays of the sun perfectly through the room. "And I thought this would be fun…" He said turning his back to the two. "Seems you lost your touch Dark." With those words he flew of into the horizon.

"Of course, if Dark came back then Krad would have to come back also." Daisuke said standing up and walking over to Dark. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a couple of scratches nothing serious." He said giving the best smile he could.

"Please tell me what he meant by "My fate is sealed"." Daisuke said as he held onto Darks arm, to support the older teen from falling over.

"Like I said, you'll find out soon enough…" He mumbled as he looked though the broken window and at the blood red sunset, as beautiful as it was he knew that it must come to an end. That both his and Daisuke's days were limited together . 'I wont let your fate be sealed for long, I promise you that Daisuke.' He thought as he looked down at his tamer who was memorized by the colors of the sunset.



What could Daisuke's fate be?

What is Dark so worried about.

On the other hand…BOY KISS!

P.S. Sorry this chapter is kinda short.