Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon (sniff)

Hey Guys! Let me know what you think! (aka, review please and thank you)


Lita couldn't believe it. She found him. Found her perfect man. She looked up at Adymn as he walked next to her, holding her hand. His spiky sandy hair covered one of his emerald green eyes, which stood out brightly because of his tanned skin. Well they would've stood out anyway because they were amazing to look at. He was very muscular and he was taller than Lita. He was sooooooooooo sweet and so cute. And did she mention he was really hott? Didn't think so. But he was extraordinarily sweet and loved Lita's cooking. But most of all, he really liked Lita. He was so sweet. Oops. She already said that a bunch of times. It's true though. But she was getting a little ahead of herself. Back to the beginning of the story.

"Don't touch him!" Lita cried, interposing her body between a bully and a boy a two years younger than the bully. The bully paid didn't listen to her.

"Get out of the way!" the bully growled.

"Make me!" Lita exclaimed defiantly. The bully's fist flew to her face, but Lita blocked it. "Didn't you're mother ever teach you not to pick on people?" Lita exclaimed as his fist kept swinging at her, trying to hit her. She blocked his punches every time. As he drew back his hand for a powerful punch to her ribs, a guy grabbed his arm.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to attack pretty women?" an irresistibly attractive guy asked, with anger written in his features. Lita felt her cheeks turn red. He threw the bully to the ground. "Leave her alone." He glared at the bully and the bully scrambled away as fast as he could run.

"Thanks," Lita said. She turned to face the boy she had protected. The boy was a head shorter than she, with raven black hair and sky blue eyes, hidden by overly large glasses. "You ok, kid?"

The boy nodded. "Thanks. Johnny has always been mean to me. Thanks for sticking up to him for me." He looked at her oddly.

"Alrighty then. Glad to be of help. Just try to stay clear of people like Johnny, k?"

The boy nodded vigorously and ran off to the library.

Lita turned to the guy who had helped her. She felt like she was hit over the head with a board as she really looked at him; he was handsome. He stood about a head taller than Lita and had emerald green eyes that were looking at her as well. "I'm Adymn," he said, extending his hand.

"Lita." She shook his hand. "Thanks again."

"You're tough," he said, complimentary. Lita blushed. "Uh, thanks. You're not so bad yourself."

"Thanks," he said. "I'll see you around." He turned on his heel and walked away as he waved his hand bye. He looked back over his shoulder.

"Yeah. See ya around. Bye." Lita waved back. He smiled. Lita felt herself melt into the floor. Not literally, of course.


"Lita, you look like you've been struck by cupid's arrow!" Mina exclaimed as she watched Lita pale then flush then pale again. She also had a little twinkle in her olive green eyes that she got only when she met a really cute/hott boy.

"OOOOO, who's the lucky boy?!" Serena cried.

"It's nothing guys," Lita said, embarrassed. Her cheeks turned a rosy red.

"Come on Lita!" Mina whined.

"Yeah, come on Lita!" Amy exclaimed.

"Not you too, Amy! I thought I'd be safe from you!"

Amy's sea blue eyes twinkled. "Oh, don't be a spoilsport. We know you met someone."

Lita put her hands on the back of her head. Her cheeks returned to their normal hue. "Well, I guess I did."

Mina and Serena jumped up and down in front of her, screaming "WHO?!?!"

"No one, really," Lita said, loving to watch her friends go crazy for the want of information.

"Come on Lita!" Serena cried.

"I'll have Raye do her karate thing-a-magig on you if you don't tell!" Mina threatened.

"Martial Arts," Amy corrected absently.

"Yeah, that!"

"Well…" Lita drawled. Serena balled her fist in frustration and Lita laughed. "His name is Adymn."


"You mean that new guy that just transferred here?" Mina asked excitedly.

Lita turned a bright red and mumbled, "Yeah, him."

"Oh, Lita! I'm so excited for you!" Serena cried.

"He hasn't done anything," Lita muttered. She turned even redder.

"Suuuuuuuuure!" Mina teased. "And I'm a boy. Seriously! What'd he do?"

"Nothing. I just met him and he helped me deal with a bully."

"AND?!?!" Her friends cried because of the suspense.

"He called me pretty? And he smiled at me?" If it were possible for Lita to turn rosier, she would have.

"LITA!!!!!!!" They cried. "This is so important," Mina continued. She raised her index finger, getting ready to give one of her famous speeches. "First, he helps you. Then he calls you pretty! Then on top of that, he smiled at you and noticed you! This is amazing."

"Yeah, yeah," Lita cried, controlling her blushes. "It was nothing. Besides, I bet he won't even remember me by tomorrow."

"We'll see," was Serena's only response.