Author's Note: This story is written in response to the monthly challenge of August of 2007.

July 19, 1986
6:00 PM PDT

Calvin William McFly, who was formerly known as Martin Seamus McFly, was at the beach with his beloved twin - who was really just another version of him raised in a very different environment. While he envied his twin, on several occasions, the two of them have become very close within the past nine months.

"It's so nice to be at Oak Ridge Lodge again," Marty commented, as he and Calvin were floating in the inner tube together. "I think this is actually the first family trip that we've taken, since you've entered this world. I think this is so wonderful!"

"It's nice to have a real family," Calvin replied, dreamily. "I know I've probably said that a million times already, but I have spent so much of my life in boarding schools - and, well, Biff wasn't exactly a fatherly type of person to me. My mother was quite a mess, too - and she was subject to a lot of abuse from that piece of vile scum!"

"Yeah, I saw a lot within the few hours I was in that world," Marty said, nodding. "As nice as it is to spend time here at the beach, I think supper is about ready. Mom has plans to grill us some bacon cheeseburgers for supper tonight. I am rather glad that you suggesed this trip. I forgot all about how much I really missed this place."

"I'm rather hungry, myself," Calvin said, as he and Marty stepped out of the lake. "At least, the cabin we're staying in isn't too far from here. I wonder how Dave and Linda are doing? I noticed Dave can be very much of a workaholic, at times."

"Well, it's better to have him be a workaholic than to be a drunken bum," Marty was quick to point out, "but I see what you mean. Mom just had to do a lot of convincing to get him to agree that he should take a little break from work."

"I can't believe that I'm eighteen, already," Calvin said, sighing. "The thing is, I don't want to leave home anytime soon. I know how many of our peers really can't wait to leave home, so that they can do whatever they wish to do. Still, they just don't seem to appreciate how blessed they were to grow up with a wonderful loving family."

"I do see where you're coming from," Marty replied. "In all fairness, though, maybe they don't all feel that they have a loving family. In fact, some probably even have families that were a little bit like mine - from the original timeline. I know it's not as the situation you've been in, but it's still not a very pleasant lie to live."

"Calvin! Marty!" called out Dave, as the twins entered the resort. "Don't the two of you ever get enough of each other? I mean, I know you two are twins and all, but what about the rest of us? Don't we count for anything, as well?"

"Come on, Dave," Linda urged her brother. "Calvin hasn't had the easiest life, as he was growing up - and I think it's natural that he wants to spend time with his twin. I still can't believe that our parents gave him up for adoption, after he was born."

"Now, honey," chided Lorraine, "you know we would have kept Calvin, if we had the funds to do so. We were quite dirt poor at around the time they were born, so I had to do what was best for Calvin. If I had known that his adoptive parents would have abused him the way they did, you know I never would have allowed it to happen."

Calvin swallowed, as he thought of the cover story that his parents gave to everyone - including Dave and Linda. After all, they couldn't exactly explain that he came here from an alternate reality. That explanation certainly wasn't without any flaws.

Just then, their father pulled up. Calvin swallowed hard, as he thought of how he did have a happy family life, until the day his father was shot by Biff Tannen. His father appeared to him in a dream a few months ago, when he was feeling very distraught over the fact that the George McFly of this world would never be the same.

"Daddy's home!" George called out, as soon as he stepped out of the car. He kissed his wife on the cheek, as he added, "So, how's supper going, honey? I was thinking we could have a campfire tonight, and we could even roast some marshmallows."

"Just don't tell us any ghost stories, please," begged Linda. "I mean, no offence, but ghost stories tend to give me nightmares - and I don't want this trip to be ruined."

"All right, I won't," George replied, as he laughed and kissed Linda's cheek. "What if I tell sci-fi stories, instead. Maybe I can even tell the story about how Darth Vader had come to me from Planet Vulcan in the wee hours of the night, back in 1955."

"Well, Dad, you told us that story times a million times," Linda said, quietly. Then she broke out into a smile, and added, "But I don't mind hearing it again, though. I must say that you have a very vivid imagination, and your stories are very enthralling."

Calvin and Marty smiled at each other, as they both knew who "Darth Vader from Planet Vulcan" really was. Calvin remembered how shocked his father was on the day that Doc told him the story of what really happened within the fateful week of 1955, and also where Calvin himself had come from.

"Come on, Dad!" prodded Dave. "Don't listen to Linda! Go ahead and tell us some ghost stories! I always enjoy hearing them, and Linda sure needs to toughen up a little. Marty and Calvin wouldn't mind hearing them, either - right, boys?"

Calvin was a little uncertain of how to respond. At this rate, he felt it was quite nice spending time with the family, he didn't care what kind of stories his father told. He still didn't wish to get involved in the argument that Dave and Linda were having.

"All right, children," Lorraine called out, much to Calvin's relief, "dinner is just about ready. Why don't you kids set up your plates, and I'll serve up the hamburgers with cheese right away. The way, the cheese should be nicely melted into the burger."

Calvin's mouth was watering, as he and Marty reached for some paper plates. They stuck the plates into some wicker plate holders, and they set up their buns.


Later that evening, all six members of the immediate McFly family were gathered around the campfire, as they were roasting marshmallows. Calvin thought of how wonderful it was for his father to have planned this very special trip.

"Are you kids ready for some s'mores, now?" Lorraine asked, as she reached for a box of graham crackers and some Hershey's chocolate bars.

"Oh, we are!" Calvin and Marty called out, in unison. Then they both started laughing.

"Gee, Calvin and Marty," Dave said, teasing, "if I didn't know any better, I'd almost think the two of you were the same person! You both seem to be so much alike!"

You have no idea, David, Calvin thought, as he and Marty looked at each other and smiled. He then asked, "Hey, Marty! I was wondering if you and I should maybe dress up the same, tomorrow. As twins, we have to do that every now and then!"

"That's a wonderful idea, Cal," Marty replied, with a lopsided smile. "We can have so much with dressing up in identical clothes. You and I rather seem to share the same taste in fashions. I sometimes do worry that you might be after Jennifer."

"You don't have to worry about that, Marty," Calvin told his twin. He knew he would be married one of these days, and have a pair of twin boys named Michael Jandrew and Alexander Patrick. He was sure that he hadn't met his future wife yet, though.

"I think the two of you would sure look adorable!" Lorraine gushed, as she squeezed Calvin's marshmallow between two graham crackers and a piece of a chocolate bar. She then pulled it off the stick and handed it to Calvin. "I sure feel lucky to have two precious little boys like you. Of course, Dave and Linda are equally as precious."

"The twins sure resemble my grandfather, William," George added. "You know, one of these days, I will have to dig up some pictures of my grandfather, from when he was a teenager. He had brown eyes - but, other than that, he looked just like you."

Calvin smiled, as he loved hearing stories about his ancestors. He didn't really know too much about his heritage, back when he lived in the Biffhorrific world. He listened to the crickets chirping around him, and he realized what a wonderful family trip this would be. It was so wonderful to be able to take a lovely trip with his new family.