One Piece Fan Fiction

Title: Glomming Wars

Rating: M (just in case) for MXM meaning "guy on guy" if you do not like "guy on guy" plaese do not read any further...

Rating Now: Mild for cutness and "suggestive" actions...

Paring: Zoro X Luffy

By: Aki Hime

Summary: Well it's about Zoro and Luffy battling each other with hugs and kisses until… Well you know certain things happen that I'm not going to say because it will ruin everything for you…

Authors Note: Whatever, enjoy you freaks,

Ch. 1 Luffy vs. Zoro

A grin spread a crossed his face as he caught the stern look of his swordsmen. The straw hat boy's eyes were brimming with cheerer as he leaped towards the older boy, glomming him to the floor in an act of pure excitement.

"Oi Zoro! What cha do'n?" Zoro looked up from his position on the ground burning death glares into the boy above him.

"Luffy! Get the fuck off me!" Luffy just smiled and with one quick movement was back on his feet bent over looking at Zoro with a stupid looking grin plastered to his face. The swordsmen gave him another evil look before sitting up.

"What was that for?!" His captain just continued to smile and stare at him with his usual dumb founded expression.

"I was happy and wanted to tackle you for some reason. That's all. " He laughed and scratched the back of his head knowing that he had somehow pushed the wrong button. The swordsmen stood up, brushed him self off and gave his captain another glare before walked down the left side of the ship, Luffys eyes watching him intently as he went.

For some reason lately, Luffy had this feeling like he wanted to just tackle his first mate, it was like a game to him at first but then it started to become more serious and to the point where he realize that he had feelings for the master of the three sword technique, Zoro. It was something that was sure to happen at some point anyway and Luffy was dieing to show the swordsman his feelings for him but all the hugs and tackling glomp's weren't getting through to him. He just assumed if he did it enough times that he would finely get his first mates attention. His strategy consisted of random hugs, glomping, and the occasional staring contest in which he usually won most the time and although it was pretty obvious to the rest of the crew Luffy had some kind of crush on Zoro, Zoro was the only one who seemed oblivious.

Zoro had once again planted himself down on the deck for a quick nap before dinner and was snoring away. A shadow lingered over him belonging to a similar silhouetted figure of a straw hat. A grin spread across his shadowed face covering his eyes, giving him a mischievous look. He reached down to his first mate (whose arms were braced behind his head, relaxing) to tickling his sides viciously. A grunt escaped the older mans lips. Luffys smile grew larger as he continued his assault on the swordsman's sides. Soon he had Zoro giggling loudly in his sleep. Luffy then began to tickle him harder until both of Zoro's eyes snapped open angrily but kept on laughing as Luffy tickled the living daylights out of him. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Stop!-Ha-Ha-Ha-That!" He grabbed both of Luffys hands and stood up glaring at the shorter boy. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Can't you see that I'm sleeping!" Zoro let his arms drop and then became unbelievably scary. "I was tickling you." Luffy tried to sound as innocent as possible. "Well don't tickle me! I'm trying to get some rest before dinner." Luffy gave Zoro a "you're no fun" look and then pouted, turning his eyes away from Zoro.

"Hey…" Luffy looked back over his shoulder not before being knocked clear over by full body weight being thrown at him. Confusion was written all over his face as he looked up from his position on the ground to his attacker. Zoro was on top of him giving him a charming smile. "Huh! Zoro?" "That makes 1 for me and about a 100 for you. I need to catch up some how." He finally got up off of the smaller boys frame to stare down at him with the smuggest of smiles yet, he kind of giggled in his head to when he saw the flustered form of his captain still staring wide eye up at him. "Here. I didn't know I was gona startle yah that much." He reached his hand down to his captain who slowly reached up to grab it, still in shock. "T-thanks. Uh?" Zoro stared at him blankly. "What? I just felt like tackling you that's all." Smugness was written all over that one and it made a clearly visible blush appear all over Luffy's face, who tried lowering his hat to hide it. He bashfully gave his first mate a smile seeing how his own words were now being used against him. "Oh is zat so?" He began to crimple the edges of his shirt, shifting his feet embarrassingly.

Zoro stared at his capn's weird behavior and some how a weird thought popped into his head and a feeling like he wanted to glomp the cute looking boy again. He shook the strange thought away and gave Luffy another grin before walking away calmly, leaving the embarrassed boy standing there on the deck.

End of Ch. 1 ...

Authors Note: If you like, tell me if you don't like...still tell me. I want 2 know how u you fell about this story and if I should continue or not? If you reply that it was good there is a purdy good chance that i will post a new ch. quick but if there are no more then 2 revews i will take that as a no and not write any more of this story... Please tell and thank you...