Chapter1 Wierd

I Don't own Inuyasha or YuGiOh

Ever since she could remember, Kagome had absolutly no intrest in history.


Not even when she herself was in the past helping to make it.

So imagine how suprised she was to find herself in the middle of the Egyptian desert crawling around in100 degree heat, sweatng in places people shouldn't sweat, cleaning the sand off the bas relief of a pointy guy, with a little blue tooth brush.

'The things I do for family'

Kagome glanced over at her fellow workers toiling away tirelessly and without complaint, she couldn't help but admire thier resilience, each of them didn't even seem all that bothred by the heat. Kagome leaned back on her heels and stretched the kinks out of her back , it was time for a drink. She retrieved her water bottle from the ground next to her and reveled in the feel of the warm liquid as it made it's way down her throat.

Wiping her mouth, Kagome was startled to see someone watching her out of the corner of her eye. He was standing over an unexcavated mound, the creepy one she had come to call it, something about it's aura. He wasn't fazed by it though, in fact, his aura almost matched. She narrowed her cobalt eyes but did not turn to face him. Taking in his white turbin and tunic, her didn't look all that different from the other workers, exept for his eyeliner, that looked like the dude in the painting her brother and professor Bakura were working on. The manturned and she could see he was about her age, his large brown eyes focused on her. Kagome was startled by thesudden stir of power eminating from the man, and jumped to her feet to face him, ignoring the strang looks she was getting from the others,, she had suspected, but, now she was sure, that man wasn't human. He tilted his head towards her in acknowledgement and simply vanished. Kagome blinked a couple of times, then looked around, no one else seemed to notice.'I wonder if stuff like that is norman here?'

She shook her head and went back to work.

An Hour later, it was time for lunch and Kagome was starving. As she made her way to the mess tent she took one last look at where that man was, that aura was bothering her and she prayed it didn't bring unwanted attention, she didn't know anything about Egyptian Yokai. Filling a bowl up with something that smelled good, Kagome made her way to the special little place the made for her to eat in. To her suprise she wasn't alone, as was usual. There was a tall attractive woman sitting on one of the rugs eating a spiced orange. The woman looked up at her and smiled slightly. Kagome assumed it was ment to show she wasn't a threat but the effect was lost due to the dark aura coming from the necklace at her throat

'What is with today?'

"Hello miss, My name is Kagome."

The elegent woman nodded respectfully. "I am Ishtar Ishizu , Miss kagome, pleased to meet you."

Kagome gave the woman a big smile before sitting across from her, keeping a wary eye on the womans necklace. her nervouse gaze didn't go unnoticed by the woman however, as she rinsed her delicate hands is the bowl next to her she cought Kagome is her intese gaze. Kagome averted her gaze to her food, blushing slightly. Sh could feel Ishizu observe the her quietly, seemingly contiplating her words carefully.

"Miss Kagome..."

Kagome looked up at Isis expectantly, figiting slightly, this woman held power simular to her's.

"You are a holy woman correct?"

Kagome ran her hand through her sholder length black hair, she really didn't know how to answer that. "I guess."

The woman nodded slightly, deep in thought. Kagome eyed her suspicously as she slowly chewed another mouthful of stew. Ishizu dried her hands on a drying cloth that was next to the washing bowl, then turned her attention back towards Kagome.

"You sense the power of the sennen tauk."

"Ah,If thats what your necklace is, than, yeah."

She nodded and rose to her feet.

"If you would excuse me?"

Kagome nodded her accent

"It was nice to meet you Miss Ishtar"

Ishizu bowed slightly, then left Kagome alone with her lunch.


She sighed and finished up her lunch.