I do not own FMA


She was chasing him through the overgrown grass waving around a wrench in her hand when it hit her, not the wrench, but the realization that she loved him, broken auto-mail and all. She laughed with her entire being. Her whole body shook with the sudden laughter. Her weakened hand dropped the wrench onto the soft ground with a dull thunk. The sound caused her friend to stop running, and ask what she was laughing at. After quelling her laughter she reminded him that they used to play tag in the very same field. To which he replied that the only difference now was that she 'tagged' him with her wrench. That being said she remembered the reason for their presence in the field, retrieved the wrench, and smacked the boy she loved over the head with the tool she adored.


A.N.-These will be posted once a week until I have finished writing my response for each theme, after that I will post them more frequently. Most of these will be on the shorter side. I prefer to stick to drabbles for 100 themes responses, but they will all be over 100 words. That being said, what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Let me know.