A/N: So I decided to write that small second installment anyway... But this is really the last one! Thanks to Aerilon452 for reviewing. Please don't forget to do so too!

On Cylon-occupied Caprica, the news broadcast was also shown, four models watching the footage from the Galactica intently.

"Most of the time, the men and women serving under Commander Adama get it right. The proof is that our fleet survives. And with Galactica at our side, we will endure." The voiceover narrated.

"This is D'Anna Biers, fleet news service." The screen went black.

In the Cylon theatre, the Doral-model spoke up from the far left of the second occupied row of seats. "That was shown across their entire fleet." He entrusted to the others.

"Their resilience is remarkable." A Six remarked from the right.

The Sharon in between them carried on, addressing the only remaining Cylon in the theatre, seated before them. "Play the footage that was cut." The film obediently started rolling again.

The four Cylons now saw the image of two people, whom they immediately recognized as the President and Commander of that rag-tag fleet. Their bodies were very close to each other, one holding the other up.

"She's weak." Six remarked with slight contempt when she saw the support the President needed.

Sharon, paying more attention to the details, countered. "They are strong."

"She won't live much longer." Doral added, completing their odd dichotomy.

"And when she dies, the fleet will be in disorder, and weak." Six beamed evilly.

Any further comments were stilted as the tape moved on to the disorderly images of Galactica's Life Station, where another Sharon was shrieking at the doctors who were trying to save her baby.
