A/N: Of course I do not own any characters. And I'm sorry to say—especially to Angelus-alvus and because I had a blast writing it!—that this is the last part of the story. I hope you enjoy!


One week later, the opening night for the werewolf play has just finished at the Casper High Theater. A few people are scattered about in the back of the theater, but no one is in the front except for Sam and Tucker, who are waiting for Danny to come from backstage.

When he finally comes out, still in his "werewolf" costume, but without his headpiece, Danny smiles, waves, and joins his friends. They purposely separate themselves from everyone else and just before they have a chance to talk, Danny intensely scratches himself all over.

Tucker, ignoring Danny's strange behavior, says, "You were great in that play, Danny!"

"Even though the costume wasn't very realistic!" Sam adds wryly.

Danny chuckles and says, "It was as realistic as I wanted it to be, and especially after all the things that you told me did, and could have, happened. And I had no idea that out-of-control emotions could wreak such havoc!" He chuckles and puns, "It sure was a hairy situation for awhile, huh?"

Sam groans and Tucker snickers.

Danny continues, "Anyway, I haven't thanked both of you and Wulf enough for everything you guys did."

Tucker smiles in response. "Dude, what are friends for? And speaking of Wulf, where is he?"

"Back in the Ghost Zone. It took us a while, but we finally found a place that I think will be a safe haven for him. I don't think that even Walker will find it."

Pleased at the news, all three friends smile at each other just as another student passes them and says, "Your acting rocked, Danny!"

"Thanks!" he calls back to the passing student, and then utters a wry aside to Sam and Tucker, "If they just knew that I didn't have to 'act' the part. Even though I can't remember much of everything that happened, I felt like a natural in the play. Like it was familiar. So, having first hand experience doesn't mean I was cheating, does it?"

The three of them laugh, but then suddenly Danny shivers.

Distressed, Sam asks, "Danny, are you all right?"

Danny smiles, relieving Sam's anxiety. "Yes, don't worry! I forgot to tell you guys something."

He looks around and seeing that no one else around them is looking, changes one of his fingers into a 'ghost' finger. It suddenly produces a wulf claw that rips a tiny hole into the Real World. Then, after exposing the Ghost Zone briefly, the hole quickly repairs itself.

Tucker, grinning broadly, says, "Cool! Wulf gave you a new power!"

Danny, just as suddenly scratching himself all over, announces, "That's not the only thing he gave me!"

To which, Sam adds, "Ugh! Fleas!"


A/N: Awww, it's over ! But I hope you have enjoyed my first DP story…Now, I have to make a little confession to y'all (yeah, I'm from the South). I have been writing DP stories (so far, a total of 5) for a couple of years. This is the first one I wrote. And I wrote them as teleplays, having the fantasy that they could actually be accepted by the show. So, they are short on purpose. (And I hope I didn't disappoint you because Bewerewulfed was so short) .…. Anyhow, back to my little background history: But since my fantasy did not come true, it looked like I had no venue to have anyone enjoy them. And then I found this website!!! But then, I was nervous about posting (my first time and all). Then I got the nerve. And now, y'all have been wonderful and I am so excited again! Thank you! I am now converting the next story, "Brace Yourself", into a narrative. I have to admit, I'm having a little difficulty with that because the teleplay is in the present tense (hence why "Bewerewulfed" was in the present tense). If you don't mind that style, I will have no problem converting "Brace Yourself" and will have it ready sooner than later.

****Please let me know what you think!******

Because I really pay attention to ALL of your reviews, take them seriously, and appreciate them all. And in the future, I promise you that once I start a story, I will finish it in a timely manner. In the meantime, a BIG thank you to each and everyone of you, especially the phans that reviewed! You are the BEST! truephan PS. Fantasies can come true!

And a special PS to Angelus-alvus: please forgive me. I tried to find another angle to continue the story, but couldn't. Don't give up on me! I especially appreciate your insight. Thank you. truephan