Time Frame: 2 years post time skip
Ninja battles: Originally 0, Currently 2+
Genre: Romance, Comedy; ... Romantic Comedy? Upgraded with Drama, suspense, and tenderness in later chapters.

A/N: Well don't expect a masterpiece, or well anything up to par with Renge Master or Serac, or PugThug. This is just a little side story that's been boring its way out of my head in the past week. Also, the story has minor dialog format, but isn't intended as a "script," merely to promote easy reading without eyestrain. Enjoy

Edit: character thoughts in italics

--I do not own any of the characters/ideas in the proceeding story.

Mean Streets of Konoha, 8pm.

"Man oh man, am I ever hungry. I sure wish Tsunade-baachan would keep her mission debriefings shorter" Naruto said to himself out loud. "Hmmmm..." was the sound he made, and after a brief pause pulled out a day planner from his rear pouch.

"Lets see... Defeat Akatsuki, check; Bring back Sasuke from the clutches of evil, check; Become Hokage, hmmm..."

A thought bubble popped up with the image of Tsunade dropping numerous stacks of paperwork on Naruto, burying him while she laughed maniacally and proclaimed "Well I'm off to go gamble, drink, and pick some fights. Keep up the good work 'Hokage-sama' ahahahaha."

"I'll just hold off on that for a little bit," Naruto said while grinning in an exagerated way. The day planner that Sakura had given him was certainly coming in handy. "Next on the agenda... Ramen!"

-+-At the same time, somewhere nearby the Hyuuga compound-+-

"Yosh! It's perfect" Hinata said, not to anyone in particular. She took a look at her handy-work and couldn't help but giggle.

Why didn't I ever think of this before!

There along the path were the best instant ramen bowls money could buy. Not that instant ramen bowls really cut into someone's budget, but they were by far tastier (with 25 less fat than the leading competitor no doubt).

"Now I just have to finish up before Naruto-kun arrives, and maybe freshen up a little." She turned and smiled gleefully at the person who was now inches from her face, she was so engrossed in thought, she hadn't noticed him arrive.

"How'd you know I was showing up?" Naruto asked, his arm balancing more than 15 instant ramen bowls.

"Na-Naruto-k-kun..." she stuttered. ".. I.. I was just... about to have dinner, would you like to join me?"

Her face luminated such a shade of red that steam began to puff out of her ears. Naruto seemed to be wracking his brain, he was staring at her incessantly, with his eyes and cheeks scrunched up. He eyed her up and down slowly, which she noticed.

He's undressing me with his eyes... oh Naruto-Kun I...

"It's okay, you don't have to be so polite just because I wandered by. Besides, I have a bunch of Ramen now... some poor bastard must have dropped it from his bag. I tried looking around but no one seemed to be missing any, so I suppose I'll just help myself. See ya!"

Her heart nearly gave in to the pain. It had taken a good six hours of thinking and a chat with Kurenai-sensei to come up with this devilish plan, all wasted because she hadn't prepared everything faster. She felt a tug at her heart with each step he took, until she couldn't take it any longer... her arm shot out and she began to run to him.


He spun around as she reached him. The look in his eye told her something that he had come to a realization. Yes, he must know how she felt. Somehow she felt naked, everything bare in front of the man she longed for.

Slapping his hand to his head, and rubbing his forehead he finally spoke.

"I... how could I not have... I'm so stupid. I'm sorry Hinata, I..."

Her heart pounded, it seemed all her years of admiration and aspiration were about to be crushed.

"No, Nartuo-kun, please don't say it. Its enough for me that you know."

"Hmmm... but I don't know your answer; and how did you know I was going to invite you to sleep over? Must be that damn gossiping Ino."


Hinata shot up. She was in her bed, in her room. What a beautiful dream. Naruto had asked her to sleep over at his home. He hadn't rejected her. She sat for a minute hugging her pillow.

"Hinata-sama," an attendant said from the door, "Naruto-san left a note when he dropped you off at the door."

Hinata walked over and retrieved the note from the attendant. Then shut the door and put her back to it as she read.

"You passed out again. You really should have someone check you for anemia one of these days. I didn't get your reply, but I'll be expecting you Saturday night. Dress comfortably. -Naruto"


--+-- The next day, 12 noon --+--

"... and that's why Sai's not gay. He's ..." Ino stated but was interrupted.

"Oh, he's that. Wow, that makes so much more sense, now that you've explained it to me. But you really shouldn't be so loose Ino" Sakura replied.

"Whatever, I'm just having some fun, no big deal. Plenty of guys to choose from anyway, I'm just shopping around before I buy. So... what about Sasuke?"

Sakura sighed. "Please don't remind me, I'd rather not think about that right now.

"Oh ho ho" Ino started, "All that pining away for him, and when he finally gets back to the village you throw in the towel? If it's another guy, I'd understand but honestly..."

"Shut up Ino-pig" Sakura demanded. "I just thought it would be more romantic... you know?"

Ino: "Why, what'd he say?"

Sakura: "..."

Ino: "Just tell me forehead-girl, it'll make you feel better."

With a long drawn out sigh, Sakura spoke softly "..."

Ino: "What"

Sakura "..."

Ino "Louder."

Sakura "I said he asked me to 'start reviving the clan quickly' while I'm in the peak of my 'child-bearing years'."

Ino fell over laughing. "Your... child... bearing..."

The laughing was replaced with Ino being kicked into a wall by Sakura. After a few minutes, she rejoined her friend and they sat down at a sake bar.

Ino: "Are you sure it was just the way he asked you? I remember you saying that you'd do anything for him, even help him with his revenge. Maybe you have someone else in mind."

Sakura: "No... no... are you kidding me? No."

Ino: "That's an awful lot of denial. You won't be winning over Naruto's heart if you're that uncertain about your feelings. Or was it Lee you were interested in?"

Sakura replied by strangling Ino, who in turn began strangling Sakura. After a minute of that, they let each other go and huffed frantically.

Sakura: "What makes you think I have feelings for either of them?"

Ino: "I'm very good at noticing these things. You became very close to Naruto after Sasuke left. Lee was also there for you, and you always visit him in the Hospital even when no one else did. Now you're not so sure if you love either of them as much as Sasuke."

Sakura took 5 quick shots of sake.

Ino: "Listen girl, I've been patient with you, but if you don't choose one soon, I'm going to make my move. Lee has that oh so divine muscular body, I'll just get him to change his haircut; or perhaps Naruto, he's become oh so much more handsome and strong and cool and mature and dreamy and..."

Sakura: "Ino-pig, stop drooling! I get it. If I don't decide, you'll move your skank ass right on in."

Ino: "I've never had any complaints about my ass. Also becoming the wife to the future Hokage or the head of the Uchiha Clan has it's perks. Well, let the race begin."

Sakura: "Race... wait, I thought you were going to let me decide who..."

Ino: "This will help you choose."

On that note, Ino stuck her tongue out, and seductively licked the sake bottle. Unfortunately, her rival would never see that taunting gesture since she snuck out, leaving Ino with the bill, and a tracking seal on her shoe.

Saturday, 2pm - Hyuuga Household

"Fu fu fu" Hinata laughed in a stereotypical Japanese style. Her preperations were nearly ready. "Lets see, I've got silk sheets, scented candles, bubble bath, massage oils, whip cream, rope, explosive tags, and..."

knock knock

Hinata: "Hai?"

Neji: "Ready for training?'

Hinata: "Ano... I'm a little busy at the moment. Eto, woman problems."

Neji: "..."

Hinata: "Yeah, so I'll just see you later."

Neji started to walk off. Then it occurred to him that Hinata had been unwaveringly focused on training since Naruto had left the village four years ago. That, and he remembered Ten-Ten having woman problems every time it was her turn to substitute for a sensei on a cat retrieval mission...

Neji: (shouting)"Hinata-sama, what would Naruto think of your determination if he found out you were skipping training? He'd start to dislike you if you quit now."


Hinata: "Thirty minutes. When I defeat you in thirty minutes, I'll go back to what I was doing."

Neji: "Oh ho. Fine, but if I win you have to go with me on a dangerous mission."

Hinata: "Agreed. Now hurry it up bitch. I'm getting anxious."

Neji: Bitch? Anxious? Oh god, she is having woman problems... I'm in trouble.

--+--+--Elsewhere in Konoha, probably by... oh lets just say that fence they always pass by--+--+--

Shikamaru: "I told you no."

Ino: "But.."

Shinkamaru: "No."

Ino: "Shika-sama... onegai" she said running her index finger along his chin.

Shikamaru: "For the last time, she's not my girlfriend, and I'm not going admit to something so far fetched."

Ino: "Then why do you go to Sand Village so often?"

Shikamaru: "You women are so freaking troublesome. Godaime-sama promoted me to official liaison to Sand, so I have to run back and forth and do more paperwork than guys you've screwed."

Ino: "I haven't had sex with that many guys."

Shikamaru: (eyebrow raised) "Screwed over."

Ino: "... okay you've got me there. Speaking of which, I'm kinda bored right now, if you'd like to clear up all that built up tension, you can get me here."

Shikamaru: "Keep your herpes to yourself."

Ino: "WTF I'm clean as a whistle."

Shikamaru: "Yeah, everyone's had their lips on you."

Ino: "Now you're just turning me on."

Shikamaru abruptly stopped. He stared past Ino for a second.

Shikamaru: "Oi Lee! Put your clothes back on. You're making a scene."

Ino turned her head so fast it nearly fell off her body. Rock Lee however was nowhere in sight. Ino turned back to find Shikamaru was also nowhere to be found.

Ah well, I guess I'll go play with Sakura and Hinata for a bit. Sorry Naruto, "oh ho ho ho ho."


Neji: "Impossible, you shouldn't be able to stop my Kaiten."

Hinata: "Look what happened the last time you told someone something was impossible."

Neji: "Ha, you're right. Well then I'll end this now and have you help me with my dangerous mission."

Hinata: "You still haven't told me what mission."

Neji: "Steal Ten-Ten's pantsu (underwear) of course. It's a life or death mission I'll need back-up for."

Hinata: "... Pantsu... crap, mine are all sweaty now."

Neji: "Hinata-sama?"

Hinata: (stops fighting to think, chin resting on hand) "... hmm all my laundry is in the wash right now! Crap! I forgot. How can I show up like that? He'll hate me for sure. And everything was so perfect. Can't be helped, I'll have to shop for some, and maybe a kawaii lingerie. I ..."

Neji: "WTF are you babling about woman!"

Hinata: "Oh, was I talking out loud?" She blushed for a moment. "Well I'm done training. Bye."

Neji: (looking disappointed) "Wait... she's gone. Humph, I was looking forward to seeing what she could do..."

Insert Evil grin

Neji: Maniacal Laughter "Pantsu!"
