Not Sick...

Disclaimer: Not mine...pout

A/N: Thanks for all the supportive feedback. Keep it up.

A/N: Please Review!

Chapter 2

Sara resisted the urge to laugh as Nick instinctively reached over and turned on the heater of the crime lab issued black Chevy Tahoe. She cast a glance over at him, his hands still tucked inside the sleeves of his sweater. He caught her looking at him and quickly reached over and turned the heater off. Sara focused on driving the vehicle to the crime scene and calmly reached over and turned on the heater.

"Are you crazy Sidle," Nick said looking over at her. "It's like 60 degrees outside and you are turning on the heater?"

"I'm a little on the chilly side," Sara said nonchalantly as she drove. Nick shot her a side-glance but did not comment and she took satisfaction in watching him slowly unearth his hands from his sweater.

By the time Sara had pulled into the casino's parking lot, Nick was almost asleep. Like an infant, the motion of the car had lulled him to sleep, unfortunately when she parked and turned of the car he jolted awake.

"We're here…" she said brightly with a smile as she got out of the car and grabbed her kit. Nick groaned and followed suit trudging after her.

"Hey Jim," she said as they approached the scene. "What do you got for us?"

"An assault with a deadly weapon that turned into a homicide," Captain Jim Brass replied. "Riley's got the other homicide off of Green Valley, it's a grand night for killing…"

He then added softly to Sara, "What's wrong with Nicky? He looks ready to keel over."

"He's being stubborn," Sara said. "He's coming down with something and for the most part is battling it full force but is too stubborn to go home and recover. Gris has him as secondary."

"Stokes!" Brass said a little louder than necessary.

Nick looked up quickly and lifted a hand in acknowledgement.

"Hey Brass," he said. "How's it going, what happened?"

"Follow me," Brass said. "Witnesses heard an argument coming from the hall followed by screaming. By the time any of them ventured out into the hall for a looksie, well the victim was bleeding out on the carpet and the murderer had fled the scene."

"Sounds fun," Nick commented as he followed Sara and Brass's quick pace. Sara rolled her eyes and said,

"This the Benadryl talking Nick?"

"Don't take it," Nick replied. "Stuff knocks me out."

"Ahhh" she said with a nod making a mental note of it.

"Don't even think about it Sidle," he said.

"Gee for someone who is sick, you're pretty snappy about now," she quipped.

"Not sick…darling," Nick said giving her a smile before sneezing and coughing. "Not sick…"

A/N: Please Review and let me know what you think, comments? Suggestions?