Possession: A second chance.

I do not own Naruto.

"Talking" Normal or small summon talks.

"TALKING" Normal or small summon yells.

"Talking" Kyuubi talking to Naruto or large summon talks.

'Thinking' Normal or small summon thinks.

'Thinking' Kyuubi or large summon thinks.

Naruto awaken in the darkness only to see a tall man with white hair that hides most of his pale face dressed white robe surrounded by small flying white flames. Upon closer inspection Naruto see two horns on top of the man head partly hidden by the white hair. 'Who is this weirdo?' Naruto thinks before jumps in surprise at hearing Kyubi say "That weirdo as you put it is the Shinigami that Yondaime summoned to seal me in to you." "WHAT!" Naruto yells out loud. This makes the Shinigami take notes Naruto's soul present. "Naruto Uzumaki, you have not for filled you destiny and Destiny has dumped that responsibility into my hands. I am the ruler of life and death will give you a second chance in life. But with one small catch, you get a mental link with Ino Yamanaka as she was trap in you mind long enough to leave psychic of imprint that give enough time will become sentience if left unattended. I don't want you to go insane by having third present in you mind. Now be gone mortal."

Naruto awakens with a scream. Looking around him in panic he starts to recognize his apartment. "What the hell happen" he ask after pushing his mind to his mind representation of Kyubi's cage. "Looks like the Shinigami has given us a second chance" Kyuubi tells Naruto. "What do you mean" Naruto asks. "What I mean stupid is that you can save Iruka from dieing and we do not have to die" Kyuubi tells a confused Naruto. "Now wake up and find out what date it is" Kyuubi tells Naruto before he pushes back Naruto into the waking world.

At the same time in another part of Konaha.

In the Yamanaka resident Ino awaken with a scream of absolute terror and try to fight her way out of her sheet. As she starts to remember her nightmare she starts cry. A few seconds later Ino's father kicks in her bedroom door. "Ino is everything alright" Ino's father asks, but all Ino can do is hug her father and cry. An hour later Ino's mother and father have manage calming Ino down. "Was it a bad nightmare" Ino's mother asks. "You will fell better if you talk about it" Ino's father says. Ino takes a deep breath and starts to tell her parents about her nightmare. Starting how the villager treats Naruto on his fifth birthday to the point where his body was destroy by Kyubi's chakra. A few hours later she finishes. "Why did you not let me play with Naruto when I was younger" Ino asks suddenly. Her father sighs loudly and says "Naruto has a burden that can crush him and those around him. We don't want you to be crush by his burden if his burden were to crush him". "Most people meaning the most villager and a few ninjas sees him as the burden he is holding. But after hearing about you nightmare I am stating to think he needs friendship or else you nightmare can become real" her mother continues. "But now my little princess must get some more sleep so she is well rested for her genin exams" Ino's father teases. "DAD" Ino yell before she lies down on her bed as her parent's leaves her room. In a matter of minutes she is fast asleep.

At the same time in the domain of the Shinigami.

The Shinigami and a soul are talking. "The boy's destiny is still all over the place that ends in early death and the goddess of destiny has pushed the reasonability on me to set it right. Not only that he is favored by the goddess of luck and she too is breathing down my neck to set things right. The god of war likes this realm and his said that without Naruto alive all that battles in that realm will be boring" the Shinigami tells the soul. "Well you can ask one of the travelers to help you or you can ask a soul to help" the soul says. "Asking one of the travelers to help………Are you nuts? I think I will send a soul and ask a traveler for help 'not in this eternity' if the soul can't help find the boy a reason live and love 'I will send an other soul until his destiny is set right'……...Ah yes, and I got the perfect soul" the Shinigami thinks out loud. The soul looks up at the Shinigami and asks "Who are you sending". "You" the Shinigami say and send the soul back to the world of the living. "Curse you" is all the soul gets out before being sent back to the world of the living.

This is a second try of chapter one.

Please review I like to what I did wrong.