
By Tasha

Rating: K/G

Characters: Severus Tobias Snape, Harry James Potter

Genre: Humor

Summary: Severus is trapped, and there's no way he can escape.

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

A/N: Evil plot bunnies made me do it. Read at your own discretion.


Severus could only sit there, keeping quite and tried to get up. Next to him, Potter had lifted his arm to wipe the sweat on his face. It was so hot, there was steam everywhere. This was worse than the torture inflicted upon him during the War, the Death Eaters had more mercy than this. He wanted, needed, to escape, but as there were others with him, he wouldn't be able to walk out that easily. If only it wasn't Potter next to him, if only it was Albus, or even Granger, if he was desperate, he would be able to escape. What made the situation worse was the fact that he wasn't wearing his usual attire-he was stripped and was only given a piece of cloth to wrap himself with by his captors.

Potter reached forward to hold a stick and poked on the hot coals.

"What the hell are you doing? This is already as hot as Hell! You're making it worse!" Severus shouted.

"It's not that hot." Potter said, "Besides, this is a spa, we're supposed to relax."

How Potter had bet him into going into a muggle spa was one thing, but how Potter had persuaded him into going to a sauna with him, Severus himself will never know.

A/N: (in a Southern accent) Ah toldcha what those dirty varmints did to me:D