Disclaimer: Characters presented in this story are not property of the author but of Namco. There are used without permission and for no profit.
Introduction: I've been writing a lot of original stuff and sort of left fan fiction after Mitsurugi: Samurai. I've wanted to write a good Yoshimitsu story similar to Mitsurugi's for awhile but have been waiting for a good idea to develop. I hope this turns into something to outshine Mitsurugi: Samurai, which shouldn't be too hard in my opinion. As always, please read and review and thank you for reading.
Yoshimitsu: Ninja's Destiny
Charles Kirby
His legs were weak. The sword was heavy in his hand. His lungs suddenly couldn't hold air. His vision blurred. The signs of an imminent death were obvious to the ancient warrior. His body couldn't do much more, despite the promise of technology. Now, he was just a man with a sword in the middle of a ring across from his oldest enemy.
The whole tournament had come down to them, through a much deviation. Kunimitsu had devised her greatest plot. The Mishima Zaibatsu, who traditionally held the tournament, would be given the Manji Clan in exchange for Kunimitsu's victory and an increased reward. She was explicit that Yoshimitsu be invited to the tournament. A number of Kunimitsu's early opponent's forfeited. These 'wins' gave her time to lead a force of Mishima henchmen to the Manji hideout to finally steal the Clan's tachi. Yoshimitsu had noticed he didn't face a number of returning fighters, mostly new faces with little skill. Now, her plan came down to this moment. Somehow, she guaranteed that Yoshimitsu would yield the clan to her. She had guaranteed a win with a Mishima henchman placing a knife into his back before the match. Three times.
Kunimitsu knew he couldn't win. The Mishima knew he couldn't win. The eyes surrounding him now knew he couldn't. Yoshimitsu knew only thing. He would not give in. No matter what matter of torture or pain would be administered, he would never yield the clan to evil hearts.
Now, as Kunimitsu charged to make what she was sure would be the final blow, Yoshimitsu left the battle. His mind left his body and his eyes flashed with the images of his life, those events that had defined him. He had chosen his destiny. It was time to see it all play out.