A New Story Chapter one: Elizabeth

Elizabeth's long brown hair blew in the springtime wind. Her sparkling blue eyes turned to the rainbow leftover from the storm the night before. Chicago was amazing sometimes, even though some surprises were nicer than others.

"I love this city." She said as she quietly crossed street. She had lived in Chicago all her life and felt that there was no place better to live. Elizabeth Griffon, Liz to her friends, had always felt like she belonged to this city and was glad she lived in it. She had a nearly perfect life. Great friends, got perfect grades, had a cool family, an even cooler family history, had good looks, a good head on her shoulders and she had a promising future. However, it was the closer future she had on her mind at the moment.


She turned around to see Goggles, one of her friends. Everyone called him that for more then obvious reasons: he always had pair of goggles on his head. Partly because he hated getting rain in his eyes and he loved to build, so he needed something protect his eyes when he was working. His short white hair shined in the morning light.

"Hey, Goggles." Elizabeth said.

"Hey, did you hear about the new Sonic game?" Goggles asked.

"What do you think?" Liz asked and Goggles just laughed.

Elizabeth was the biggest Sonic the Hedgehog fan in all of Chicago. She knew just about everything about him and his friends. She wasn't against any couples, if they liked one another she was willing to accept it.

"So, you ready for the big field trip to that museum today?" Goggles asked.

"You know it." Liz said.

"I hear that they've gotten a new jewel in their old world jewelry." He said.

"Seriously?" She asked.

"Seriously, they're putting it on display today."

"Way past cool! Maybe we'll be able to be some of the first to see it!"

"I hope."

"Hey weenies!"

"Oh no." Liz groaned.

That was one of the only two flaws in her life: number one was the Greeds, a group of bullies who picked on everyone, everyone pitied their mothers their kids were nothing but trouble. The second flaw in her life was that it was SO boring. She lived in the safest part the city. If anything really did happen, it had nothing to do with her.

"What do you Greeds want?" Liz hissed.

"You know what we want." The one everyone called Hangnail said.

"No, I don't think I do." Liz said, keeping her eyes on the three, incase they wanted to jump her and Goggles.

"Now listen, we only want our pay, now hand it over or else we'll be the tar out of you both!" Hangnail hissed.

"Fine, here's our money." Liz said, pulling a few dollars out of her pocket.

"There, now see how easy that was?" Hangnail asked.

"There's enough there for the two of us, now beat it!" Liz said.

"Whatever. See ya." Hangnail said and motioned her friends to follow. Once they were out of earshot, Liz broke out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Goggles asked.

"Remember that itching powder I ordered three weeks ago? It came yesterday and I put some on a few pieces of play money incase those mugs showed up." Liz said.

"You mean the stuff made out of the grind up fangs from the most poisonous snakes in the world?" Goggles asked.

"Uh huh." Liz nodded.

"Liz, you're a genius!" Goggles said.

"Isn't that your job?" Liz asked.

"Funny." He said. "So how long does it take for this stuff to take effect?"

"Knowing them, they'll have the money in their hands until they get to school." Liz said. "Then they'll probably stick it in their back pockets, so it should start while we're on the bus."

"Wait, don't they still have those holes inside of their back pockets?" Goggles asked.

"Whoa. That wasn't even part of the plan! When that powder come into contact with skin, it'll start setting in. And the softer the skin, the more affective it will be." Liz said, remembering the instructions.

"This field trip has just gotten a whole lot better." Goggles laughed.

"Good thing I brought my camera." Liz said, pulling out set device.

"Oh, this is SO gonna be blackmail!" Goggles laughed.

"We're gonna pay for this later, but it's SO gonna be worth it!" Liz said.


"I told we'd be some of the first people to see it." Liz told Goggles.

"I guess you were right." He said.

They stood amongst a small crowd that was waiting to see the new jewel.

"Another minute or two." Goggles said.

"Let's watch the forage of what happened on the bus again." Liz said.

Goggles took out the camera that they had taken on the bus revealing what had happened earlier. They both struggled not to laugh as Hangnail and her friends fell out of their seats, scratching themselves like nuts. They both slapped their hands over their mouths so not to burst out laughing.

"Forget the internet, this one's going pay per view!" Liz said.

"You know they're gonna clobber ya if that happens." Goggles said.

"They'll have to catch me first." Liz said.

"I swear, combine all of the Sonic good guys into one and the result is you." He said.

"I know, I know." She laughed.

It was their, own little joke even though it was true. Liz really did act like all of the Sonic good guys.

"One of these days you're going to turn into the blue hedgehog himself." Goggles said.

"Incase you didn't notice, I'm a girl." She said.

"You are?" Goggles joked.

Both of them started laughing.

"Hey I think they're about to show it." Goggles said, ending the laughter.

The two friends watched s a man started talking about how jewelry was an important part of learning about culture but Liz had lost interest after a while. She easily got bored with the same old thing.

"And now," The man said. "I give you the jewel!"

He lifted a tarp off the case and it revealed a beautifully cut diamond!

"Whoa." Goggles said.

"It looks like a Chaos Emerald!" Liz said.

"I know it." Goggles said. "I've gotta get this on tape!"

He picked up the camera and started recording the diamond.

"As you may have noticed, this jewel seems to be giving off some sort of strange energy, so I suggest you be careful with all devices." The man said.

"Whoa, I better shut this off." Goggles said, turning off the camera.

"Chill Goggles." Liz said.

Soon the people started spreading out to check out other pieces of jewelry they had to show but Liz couldn't tare herself away from the beautiful jewel.

'It looks so much like a Chaos Emerald.' She thought.

"Something up?"

Liz looked over her shoulder and saw Goggles.

"It's this diamond, it looks so much like a Chaos Emerald, doesn't it?" Liz asked. "And it's giving off some kind of energy, Chaos Energy perhaps."

"Liz, I think you need a vacation from Sonic, you're starting to weird me out." Goggles said.

"That's like saying that you need vacation from those goggles." She said, pointing to his namesakes.


"Oh no."

The Greeds were coming.

"I think they washed that powder off." Goggles said.

"Not good." Liz said.

"We know it was you how got us itching on the bus, now we're gonna pay ya back!" Hangnail said and tried to punch them.

"Watch out!" Liz cried and she and Goggles quickly dodged.

Hangnail's punch hit the case that the diamond was being held in. Hangnail had barely punched it but the case broke almost at once.

"Whoa." Liz said.

The force had sent the jewel falling it hit the floor and then bounced a ways until it was in between Liz's legs. She had fallen back and her legs were opened a bit. By now, security had arrived.


The jewel suddenly started shining so brightly that it hurt their eyes.

"What's going on?" Goggles cried.

"I don't know!" Liz cried.

"We're gonna pound ya!" Hangnail snapped and charged Liz. She never got the chance because the jewel started shining ever brighter.

When Liz put her arm down, she found herself in some sort of totally white void.

"Is…is this the Zone of Silence?" She asked herself quietly.

Then a strange color seemed to be taking over, it was flowing almost like water. It was red but it seemed to be everywhere, it was like, she was the only thing there other than the color. Suddenly, a blast shot out of the color and was headed straight for her. It hit her in the chest straight through the chest so fast that she could barely understand what was happening.

Her world then faded away as she blacked out…


There's chapter one, I guess. Please review.