Sakura's Fire

Chapter 1

She was walking home from school when she came across an alley, filled with noise and voices. Sakura looked down it cautiously when she came across it, many guys fighting each other not far from the main street. One, with dark raven hair and peircing blue eyes, noticed her and quickly grabbed her. Sakura tried to scream but he covered her mouth with a cloth, damp and cold against her mouth.

The fluid made part of her body cave in on itself and she couldn't talk, let alone move. The boy sat her down on the ground and returned to the fight in which only resumed for a few more minutes before many guys -from the opposing team it seemed- ran away from the alley.

The one guy who had drugged her walked up to another that was clearly older and taller. His hair shone a chocolatey brown and amber eyes with specs of gold in them fell on her. She bit her lip under his intense gaze.

"Syaoran, a girl witnessed. She's over there." The drugger said, nodding in Sakura's direction.

Syaoran -the brown haired boy- nodded then walked over to Sakura, fear suddenly seen in her eyes as he picked her easily he carried her into the street and set her facing the wrong way on the front of a green motorcycle's seat. Once he was on and the other guys of his group mingled on their own bikes, they were speeding down the road and leaving sirens behind.

Sakura held onto Syaoran for dear life since she was sat facing him. He was going so fast that she couldn't tell where they were anymore. Her eyes were screwed to tightly shut for her to even attempt to figure it out. Sakura glanced over the guy's shoulder to see that many other bikes were right behind them but was a little freaked when Syaoran skidded to a stop.

The surroundings were all Sakura cared about, afraid immediatly when she didn't recognize where they were. The man stood up, her clinging hands dropping, and she glanced at her watch for the first time. As fast as they were going, it felt like time was going so slowly around them, but they had been riding for over twenty minutes.

The group assembled between the circle their bikes made. "What are we going to do about her?" asked one guy that had pure blonde hair.

"We can't let her go until we are sure that she won't tell anyone about this." Drugger-boy said.

"But where will she stay?" the blonde asked again.

Syaoran glanced back at Sakura on the bike and replied, "She'll stay with me." He wasn't sure why, but the little trouble maker seemed like she could possibly be a fine guest.

She found her voice and yelled at the five guys standing near.

"I'm sitting right here!" Sakura hollared in a you-guys-are-so-clueless kinda way. No, she shouldn't be acting this calm. Kidnapped! She was kidnapped!

"She recovered quickly." Drugger-boy smirked. "Looks like you got a strong one on your hands, Syaoran."

The coment went unappreciated, by more than just Sakura it seemed. "Shut the fuck up you marshmellow. Do you want me to replace you, Kyoshu?" Syaoran growled.

He then turned his attention to Sakura and smirked himself.

"What's your name girly!" the blonde stepped closer, hands in his pockets like he was the coolest.

God, how much she hated people like him. "Fuck off!" she yelled in reply and flipped him the bird.

"Damn! She just dissed Tamaki!" Kyoshu laughed. "I'm starting to like this girl."

Unable to control her antsy body she jumped off the bike and straitened out her jean mini-skirt with a scowl on her face. The day she actually wanted to dress up... And this happens? Where were her jeans when she needed them.

"You energetic little prick." she mumbled, meaning the one guy that was cheering her on as she bent down to fix her heels. They'd loosened on her feet and she almost twisted her ankle when she got off the bike.

Two loud steps and the leader was nearly pushing her up just by standing. "What are you doing? Get back on the bike before I handcuff you to it." Syaoran ordered.

Sakura stood up straight and sat slowly back on the bike, not wanting her freedom of space to be violated. He got back on his bike, arms on either side of her as he turned on the ignition.

"Where the hell are you taking me now?" she wimpered at Syaoran as he started to back away from the deserted building they stopped near.

"In case you weren't listening earlier, you are coming to stay with me until we know we can trust you." he smirked rudely before riding off as fast as he could. Anything to see her squirm as she clutched him in fear.

They arived over a half an hour later in front of a huge, almost-mansion, house. Syaoran got off the bike and so did Sakura, once he gave her formal permission. He wheeled the bike into a garage with about thirty other bikes and led her inside by placing one hand on her back, telling her which way to go.

"Yeah, as if I would want to get lost here." she stated when he said 'listen to me or you might get yourself lost.'

He took his hand off her and unlocked the door, letting them both in.

"If you're going to stay here I need to know your name." Syaoran announced as he watched her take off her two-inch-high heels.

The thought sent shudders through her. Why wasn't she more forboding? More uncomfortable? "And if I don't tell you my name?" she quirked, placing her heels right next to his tennies.

"Then I'll call you Chu and, let me warn you, I will get annoying."

"When you get on my nerves I'll tell you my name."

"Okay Chu. You can place your bag by the stairs."

Sakura did as she was told but was unaware that she dropped her student booklet in the process. Syaoran noticed and started to read it allowd.

" 'Sakura Kinomoto, 16, born April 1.' " he laughed as she tried to snatch it back. "And wait! There's more! 'Hobbies: dancing, listening to music.' Nice life you got there princess!"

She finally snatched back her card, having to climbed on top of him to get it. He couldn't stop laughing at her reaction.

"Just to go easy on you," he paused and then whispered the rest in her ear, "I'll still call you Chu."

"Bastard." Sakura snapped.

"Prat." Syaoran mocked.

She didn't react but instead placed her ID booklet in her skirt, the top half sticking out and pressing itself against her bare stomach, her smiling photo visible. In her moment of distraction she didn't feel his gaze on her. His eyes examining her jean mini-skirt and her tight pink tank that was light enough to see her darker pink bra. Then his gaze went to her nicely curved hips. After a moment longer Sakura could practicly feel Syaoran's gaze and stood up with a scowl.

"Pervert." she mumbled as she walked back to the pure white couch and taking a seat across from him. What else was she to do?

He tilted his head at her, staring into emerald eyes. "Why aren't you more afraid? Kind of... interesting."

Her scowl clearly told him that se was NOT going to answer him. He didn't deserve her words. Even if it was just her pathetic excuse of how home was probably worse.

There was silence between the two and Syaoran pulled out a lighter then started o play with it, lighting it and letting it go out. Sakura saw his smirk, then jumped as he trew it hard against the ground and it exploded, not terribly though. She half-screamed as she pulled her feet onto the couch and he just laughed like the evil bastard she thought he was.

"Get used to it Chu." he said, using her pet name. It suited the innocent, child-like expression on her face. "You'll be here a while."

He picked up the lighter then sat next to her.

"Your room is up the stairs. The third door on the right."

The second Syaoran said that Sakura dashed to her "room" and scanned it before locking herself inside. He had proved to be a creep and a freak, but would Sakura really find leaving better than staying. She didn't want to think about it as she crawled onto the bed and tore back a few covers.

'Thank Kami that he gave me a room with a lock.' she thought before drifting off to sleep in the appreciated room.