Disclaimer: Power Rangers aren't mind, Disney/Saban/the man in the moon owns then, I just play with them. Kit and other cats belong to me though.
Title: Kat vs the Cat
Rating: T
Summary: Sequel to Rocky vs the Cat. Kit and Kat go another round the next time she stops over Rocky's. Who wins?
Author's Notes: Finally got inspiration for the sequel to RvtC. I think I've outdone myself in the weird factor. Btw, this is definitely a humorous-cracked out fic. Trust me.
Kat knocked on Rocky's door and walked in, "Rocky? Oooh Rocky," she called as she looked around for him. "One day that man is going to come home and find all his stuff's been taken, the door locks for a reason," she complained to the wall.
Kit patted into the living room; Ape-man is that…it's YOU!! With a loud battle-meow, he leapt at Katherine. Freaky cat-woman die!!
Kat yelped and pushed the cat off him, "Oooh! That's it!! Every time I come over here, you attack me, you're history," she growled, transforming into her feline form. I'm going to tear you to pieces!
Kit let out a ferocious growl and arched his back, and sniffed in her direction, Oooh… hey… you… your… come here mama! He leapt at her, startling her.
What? Ahh!! No!! No! No! Absolutely not!! Kat caterwauled and ran away from Kit, high-tailing it through the house, trying to find someplace to hide.
Come on pretty cat. I'm hot, you know you want me! Kit called as he prowled the house for her.
About an hour later, Rocky walked in his front door, a sack of groceries in one arm, a pizza box in his other hand. "Kat?" he called, setting the pizza down, "Where you hiding at?" He took the groceries into the kitchen. "Kat? I know you're here, I saw your car out front."
Kit took that moment to saunter into the kitchen, Ape-man! You're back! He rubbed up against Rocky's leg. Ape-man, I am the cat! He purred happily.
"Hey Kit… where's Kat? You didn't get into a fight with her did you?" He asked, picking Kit up and scratching him behind his ears.
Ahh!! I love that Ape-man, don't stop! He purred contently.
Kat chose that moment to slink out of Rocky's bedroom and head into the kitchen. She looked up at Rocky and Kit and growled, Rocky! I hate your cat!
Rocky looked down, "Kat? What… did you become a cat and beat up my cat again?" He asked with a laugh, reaching down to pet her; pulling his hand back when she snapped at him. "Hey! What the… Kat that's NOT NICE!"
Nice!! Nice!! How about what your cat did to me! She yowled at him. I've been violated!!
Kit looked down at her, you know you liked it, he said to her, purring contently.
I hate you! Kat yowled. At that moment, her ears perked up as she heard Rocky's front door open and Tommy calling for him. She darted out of the kitchen and ran right past Tommy out the front door, disappearing around the corner of the house.
Tommy looked down just as a blur ran past him, "Hey Rocky man, when did you get another cat?" He asked Rocky, who had dropped Kit and was chasing Kat.
"Not mine! It's Kat!" he said distractedly as he ran past Tommy and out the door, looking for her. "Kat? Kat! Where did you go? Umm… here kitty, kitty?" He tried, searching all around.
"Hey Rocky," Tommy came up beside him, "you mind explaining to me why exactly Kat turned INTO a cat, and why she ran out of your house?"
"As to the why, well Kit can tell she can turn into a cat, and has taken to attacking her," Rocky said as he continued to search for her, "she in return gets pissed off, transforms into a cat and beats the living shit outta him."
"Why'd she run away?" Tommy asked curiously, helping him search for her.
"I have no clue. She came into the kitchen, started yowling at me, and then as soon as the door opened, she took off. Kit was pretty content though, so I don't think she beat him up.
Tommy stood up, something dawning on him, "Hey Rock… has Kit ya know?" He made a face.
"No, I can't bring myself to take him to have it done," Rocky replied, wincing. "Wait… you don't think," they both turned to stare at Kit, who'd followed them outside and was rolling around on the grass in a patch of sunlight.
Tommy shook his head, "Naw, impossible," he said dismissing the thought entirely.
Adam walked up just then, picking up Kit and petting him, "Hey guys, what's going on?"
"Kat ran away," Rocky said with a sigh.
"Umm guys, Kat's 27 years old, I think it's legally impossible for her to run away," Adam replied, thinking to himself, they've had too much sun.
"Kat the CAT ran away," Tommy clarified.
Adam blinked a few times and stared at them in shock, "Say what?" Definitely too much sun, he thought again.
"Say nothing, and help us look for her," Rocky replied, his voice muffed from the bush he was looking.
"Whatever you guys say," he shrugged, put Kit down began helping them search for their missing friend.
Author's Note2: Weird huh? Trust me… it's just beginning.