Title: Wardrobe for a Wizard
Author: Grayswandir
Fandom: Harry Potter
A/N: *points down* Look! A new chapter! Isn't it brilliant? Sorry for the lateness of this chapter, inspiration just was not coming. Stupid muse kept straying to other fics. Crossovers mainly, including at least two that I have not yet posted. And a rewrite that keeps nudging its way to the front of the queue! *frowns at OLTD*
~ HP LM ~
Chapter Four: Shave and a Haircut
Harry hated to see the meal ending, as he knew what the end of the feasting noted, the beginning of a shopping trip he dreaded from the tips of his toes to the ends of his hair follicles. His eyes still burned slightly, unused to the brightness of a world without an eyeglass barrier. Diligently, he tried to garner every last drop of the sweet drink the twins had ordered earlier, hoping that lingering long enough at the restaurant would save him from clothing torture for the day at least.
"Well, are we feeling better now, Harry?" Parvati asked, the sounds of a straw sucking naught but air coming from his direction.
Green eyes peered up from the emptied glass to spy dark eyes glinting in amusement. She knows. Groaning internally, as he knew further delay was not possible, Harry nodded miserably.
Padma clasped her hands together, clapping once. "First stop: the salon. The hair must be fixed in order for a style to be born." The twins stood from the table, ready to continue their private mission. Harry didn't budge. Exchanging glances, both girls walked behind Harry's seat, and pulled.
"Oof!" Harry rubbed his bum following the indignant fall to the floor, his chair nearly three feet behind him.
"Time to go, Harry." Parvati smiled, reaching her hand out to assist his assent to standing.
Seeing the hand stretched before him, Harry grasped it, using his other hand to brace himself against the floor. Resigning himself to his fate, he nodded in acceptance. "Fine. Let's get this over with." Padma strode out first, Parvati took the rear, both twins carefully keeping the boy savior ensconced between them.
The three person group never noticed the stormy grey eyes that followed the procession's progress out of the restaurant.
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Harry gaped incredulously at the storefront.
The signboard appeared the most singularly sedate item of the entire place. It read Snip Stick Clip. Two wands crossed over each other, filling in the minute spaces left between the words. Each letter of the name was in a different neon bright color with heavy black edging in a very sharp font style. Harry may have falsely thought that it was a muggle-inspired, or even operated, establishment if not for the rest of the outwardly visible shop front.
In mismatched mint green, mandarin orange, and mauve, floating manikin heads whizzed about in the window displays showing off different hairstyles. One of the minty busts showed a heavy looking wig, twisted tall with a birdcage trapped inside, a chirping blue jay sitting inside the golden tress-covered cage. A mandarin orange bust floated sedately by, a very long, tall ponytail grew out the mid-back of the head in a blood red color that bled to black.
A singular white wig on a black bust showed a mullet. Never gonna happen. Harry laughed internally. At least not all of the hairstyles were outrageous or outrageously outdated. Still want to see some that have seen the muggle news in the past three years.
One mauve bust zoomed by, prominently displaying a dark blue wig with an intricate weave about the circumference of the head, the hair ending in a plaited bun. It looked ordinary, save for the inky purple tentacles that hung down the front, waving about and revealing the paler suction cups on the undersides. Oh sweet Merlin, no! Harry knew that if not for the presence of the twins, he would have apparated himself to Wales and be done with the lunacy of the place before he had even entered.
"Enough window shopping, Harry." Padma admonished lightly, grabbing his hand in sync with her sister, dragging him into the dreaded shop.
Harry whimpered pitifully, scrunching his eyes shut and resisting once more to click his heels together.
P.S. A/N: Of course, then the chapter decides to stay short! Grr! Don't forget to feed the author. C&C Welcome.