As John sits near Elizabeth's desk, Elizabeth walks by him as she goes to sit down. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a little nuke, nothing really."

"The Naqaudah Generator plan was very clever," Elizabeth says with a smile, causing John to smile too. "Good work."

"Thank you." John just starts to get up from his chair. "Now, I'm going to bed."

Elizabeth doesn't even look at him, as she says, "When need to discuss what happened earlier."

John doesn't even slow down, as he turns and looks at her. "Now?"

Looking up she looks him in the eyes. "That can never happen, again."

John sighes as he goes to sit back down. "Look. I'm sorry about-"

"I understand," Elizabeth starts, cutting him off, "your expertise in military matters and I agree that I should defer to those expertise in such situations."

"Thank you," John replies, giving her a look as if there was more.

"But you are not the one that decides what is and what is not a military situation. Now both Gen. O'Neill and Col. Sumner warned me that you don't respect the proper chain of command."

"Sometimes I see a situation a little differently."

"No! Listen to me, John. You endangered yourself and the lives of many others."

"Because I thought it was the best course of action to take and by the way, I saved your ass!"

"I know you did, but you have to trust me."

John just sits there and nods his head. "I do."

"Do you?"

About that time, Carson and Rodney come walking into Elizabeth's office. "You guys have a minute?" Rodney askes. "We've been able to spend some quality time with the nanovirus sample."

"From what we can tell, they have all been incapacitated," says Carson.

"Well, that's good news," Elizabeth says.

"Yes," Rodney starts up again. "Also upon further investigation, we can rule out they were created by the Wraith." Both Elizabeth and John give Rodney a look, for him to explain more. "They're different from any Wraith technology we've come across thus far."

"If not the wraith." John says, looking over at Rodney. "Who made them?"

"I honestly don't know," Rodney says sighing. Carson clears his throat, getting Rodney's attention. "There is some bad news and one little problem."

"And that would be?" John asks.

"Dara," Rodney states.

"What did she do now?" John continues to ask.

"It's not what she did," says Rodney.

"Wait, wasn't she immune to the virus?" Elizabeth now asks.

"Yes," Rodney replies.

"How can she be immune to a Nanovirus?" John asks.

"She has some nanites in her body," Carson responds.

Elizabeth sighes, then looks at Carson. "When you were doing the blood tests, weren't you suppose to find stuff like that?"

"Aye, but they are hard to find, unless you know you're looking for them. I only found them because I asked for Rodney's help to only activate a small handful."


"Don't worry, Elizabeth. I only activate a small amount that wouldn't do any damage to anybody. Not to mention they were all contained."

"Anyways," Carson continues, "I put them into a sample of Dara's blood. I found her's because her nanites deliberately attacked the virus ones. They even reprogrammed some of the ones from the virus, into helping out."

"Doing what?"
"Doing minor things in the body. Kind of like a blood cell."

"Can her nanites cause any harm to the rest of the population?" Elizabeth asks in concern.

"No. It seems when they leave her body they lose their effectiveness. After a week or two they die out and her blood absorbs them, using them as nutrients."

"Wouldn't the EMP have knocked them out?" John now asks.

"Unfortunely hers runs on a completely different system than the nanovirus," Rodney explains. "So, if they do attack-"

"I'm sure they wouldn't!" Carson interupts Rodney.

"Yes, well if they did, they would be really hard to kill." Elizabeth just sighes and pinches the bridge of her nose. "That's not all," Rodney continues. "It seems whoever created the nanovirus, was basing it off of techonology of the nanites in Dara's blood."

"Wait! Are you saying Dara came from the past?" John asks almost jumping up from his chair.


"But you just said..."

"Yes, but her's is different. It's like I would try and build a computer off of the ideas from one of ones today, and someone would stumble across it many years down the road to find out the computer it's based off of is completely different from what it was then."

"Okay. So, what do we do with her?" Elizabeth sighes, as worried thoughts begin to swirl in her mind.

"I have an idea," John says with a smile.

Dara paced the isolation room, as thoughts swirled in her head. She didn't like the idea that she had nanites in her. Carson had told her at one point, when she demanded that he tell her what was going on. She didn't like to yell at him, but she was throughly freaked. She was probably lucky enough that Carson considered her a friend and that was the reason why he told her to begin with.

Dara stops pacing long enough to yawn. It was about that time the door swishes open and John walks in with a smile. "You really shouldn't do that."

"Yeah, well," Dara says. "I'm allowed. I've been up a long time."

"So, have I."

Dara just stares at him, easily getting past his witty charm. "What's going to happen to me?"

John just sighes. "According to Rodney and Carson, your nanites aren't putting anyone in danger, probably never will."

"Okay. So, what's going to happen to me?"

"Well, you were on probation, but in light of recent events, you are now off."

"I really don't want to lead a team!" Dara jumps in, not letting John get anything else off.

"Don't worry, you won't." He let's her have her sigh of relief, then contiues on. "You will, however, continue to do field work."

Dara just squeezes her eyes tight and rubs her forehead. "Under who?"


Dara stops and stares at John in disbelief. "You can't be serious?"

"Yes, I actually am. You've proved yourself over, not to mention we work as a pretty good team. You can handle Rodney, not to mention you are training with Ford on weapons use and I'm sure Teyla would love to have you around, so that way she's not the only female."

"Okay..." Dara just trails off as her thoughts almost overwhelm her.

"Go and get some sleep. You're going to be pretty busy now."