Chapter Eleven

Never Good at Listening

Ginny stood as stone. Her friends were safe. The card soldiers had dragged her friends from the hall and the Queen of Hearts promised to let them be.

Stone. Ginny had had to be stone and she had been. Now her friends were safe and she was ready.

"What happens now?" Ginny asked as the Queen of Hearts drifted closer.

The Queen smiled, her cards shifting in her paper face.

"I've always wanted to become human..." the Queen muttered.

Ginny stiffened. "No."

The Queen's smile widened. "But yes, Rose. You freely gave yourself over to me. You are mine, Rose."

Ginny began to back up but the card soldiers were there. There had to be a way out, she thought. There just had to be. She would not be used like Tom used her.

They had taken her sword but they had left her wand.

Ginny pulled the wand out and, fighting the forces that pulled at her. She put the wand to her throat. She didn't want to do this but it had to be done. The Queen had to be stopped.

The Queen laughed. "What do you plan to do with that, little Rose? Kill yourself and our pact ends."

"I bound it with my blood," Ginny corrected. "You can't break that pact until every drop of my blood dries up. I assure you my friends can be far, far away by the time that happens."

"I will find another, Rose. All your death does is free me of your constant threat. I will find another."

Ginny shook her head. "I will bind you with my death," she said, letting the words carry her spell and wrap around the Queen. "You will never leave this hall. You and your minions are in my thrall. I will destroy you."

The Queen was frowning. "You can't do that."

"I can," Ginny said.

Ginny pressed the wand deeper into her throat.



Ginny snapped her head around. The doors had been blown off their hinges and lay, twisted on the floor. Standing where they had stood were the four people Ginny was ready to give anything to save.

Luna and Alice were armed again, Alice with her twin swords and Luna with her bow. Luna had an arrow notched and was aiming it at the Queen of Hearts. The tip of the arrow was aflame.

"Let her go, you bitch."

The Queen snarled in rage and the card men attacked. Draco and Harry leapt into action, wands sending sparks.

Ginny stood still for a second then threw her elbow back into the chin of the card who had her sword. He dropped it and she scooped it up, laying into the cards.

Luna had shot one burning arrow into the Queen and was readying another. The Queen was screaming in rage and pain. She was burning like the cards she was.

Ginny cut one card in half then jumped up on the dias, running towards the Queen.

The Queen saw Ginny coming and turned to leave. Luna sent a fire arrow at the Queen's dress, pinning her to the dias. Alice leapt onto the dias from the other side, swords drawn, face a mask of fury.

Ginny held back, letting Alice take out her fury over the last few months on the house of cards that put her there.


Over. Luna, Ginny and Alice all had their arms linked, smiling brightly as they made their way towards the portal.

Harry glanced at Draco with a sardonic smile. "You know, Malfoy, I think this is the only time we've worked together."

"Let's not make a habit of this Potter," Draco drawled. But he smirked slightly.

"So, girls," Harry said. "I take it everything is fixed up?"

The girls turned enmasse to grin at him. "Pretty much," Luna said.

"Pretty much?" Ginny objected. "We destroyed the Queen of Hearts...well, Alice went medieval on her ass. But she's gone and we've got Alice back. What else needs to be done?"

Luna released her friends and turned to Harry. "This!" she announced and kissed Harry.

"Silly me," Alice muttered, grinning at her sister.

The End.

Continued in Go Ask Alice. GAA should be coming out in the next month. If there are any questions that I haven't answered, please let me know and I'll try to answer them in the next fic!