Author's Note:

Hi all! This is Tattoo, which is a NejiXSakura story! If you don't like, don't read! It may be a little explicit, so no kiddies allowed in the pool!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters in this story.


Tattoo Chapter 1: The Dream

Sakura shifted, her bed deemed uncomfortable. In reality, it wasn't the bed that was giving her trouble; it was that insufferable dream. The nightmare would always start the same way, bringing up the past and playing as a constant reminder of where everything went wrong. Those two days that both broke her heart and made her whole again.

The first part of the dream was of a day that had both rendered her heart broken and put a large number of her friends in danger. That damned day had changed her life, whether she'd wanted it to or not. The love of her life had left her in search of something more. Sakura had begged him to stay, to take her with him, to say something, to do anything, but it all fell on deaf ears. In the end, all she got was an expression of gratitude and a stone bench.

Thank you.

The words rang her head, like a screeching broken record. As much as she shifted, Sakura couldn't make it stop. In a fruitless attempt to drown out the words in her mind, Sakura plopped over onto her stomach and smothered her head with the pillow. Too bad dreams can't be killed by a pillow. Things would be much easier that way.

Sasuke! Don't leave me!

Sakura cracked open her eyes only to have her vision fade and be replaced by a certain genin's face. The younger countenance of Sasuke Uchiha flooded her sight. Even now, six years later, the twelve-year-old boy's face was still so fresh in her mind. The days of Team 7 were over, all the members were now jounin, but still, they would not be forgotten. It didn't matter how much she wanted to forget.

That trademark smirk of his seemed to pop up in her head so often now, that it was starting to hurt less. If that were possible.

His face disappears and the dream shifts to where she laid unconscious for god knows how many hours. This was always the end. The first part was over.

The second day was so much more painful. It reopened the six-year-old wound in her heart. That miserable day happened only six months ago and it already plagued her.

Sakura was eighteen when Sasuke finally came back, but it had seemed like decades. She didn't know what had transpired over those six long years; she didn't know what that god forsaken snake had taught him or if he had attempted to take Sasuke as his vessel. She didn't know anything. Not if Orochimaru was alive or dead. Nothing, but whatever had happened left her team member scarred and broken.

Sasuke's first day back had landed him in the hospital where he went through serious chakra therapy. His whole body was covered in chakra-laden scratches that were undoubtedly caused by one Kabuto Yakushi. Along with those were holes where a sword had once laid embedded in his skin. Many had wandered how he'd gotten back alive with all the broken bones. Sakura didn't. She figured that he fought his way away from the snake user.


Overgrown raven hair fanned over the paper covered hospital pillow as a pink-haired kunouichi pushed chakra into his body. Sakura had become a medic-nin just after she passed her jounin exam. How convenient it was that she be assigned to his case. She wasn't laughing. Her assumption was that the village wanted Sasuke up and ready for interrogation as soon as possible. It somewhat frustrated her knowing that all her work would be for nothing, reversed by that damn interrogation unit. Part of her wanted to protest and insist Sasuke stay in the hospital.

Her fingers pressed firmly against his abdomen, Sakura released green chakra into his broken rib cage. Midnight eyes cracked open to see a pink head bent down staring at his unclothed stomach and prodding him with green-hued fingers. She slowly became aware of his light chakra when he whispered in a hoarse voice, "You know that hurts, right?" She didn't jump, flinch, or flee the room. All she did was lock eyes with him. The look he gave her was hard, borderline harsh, but she had grown immune to the infamous Uchiha glare. She had grown and was no longer easily intimidated.

She continued to heal his body while speaking in a clear voice, "Welcome back, Sasuke." Sakura had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from throwing 'you bastard' onto the greeting. She paused, taking in his semi-death glare and asked a question he'd already answered: "Are you feeling any pain right now?" She applied a little more force to his ribs and took pride in seeing his face twist in pain. She pulled her hands away from the injured man, satisfied.

Sakura waited patiently for him to answer, but it seemed the only thing he could do was watch her. Sasuke's eyes lingered on her hands when she stood up and walked to the sink. She guessed his throat was dry and perhaps a glass of water would loosen his lips. The clear liquid flowed in the plastic cup and within seconds it was full. Sakura could still feel his stare on her back and, not for the first time, she wondered what was going on in that handsome head of his.

She took a shallow breath before turning back around and returning to her chair. She extended her hand, offering him the glass of water. A suspicious look played across his features and Sakura could tell it was about the water. The medic-nin couldn't help but roll her eyes as she said, "Do you honestly think a doctor, let alone an old teammate would poison you?"

The Uchiha gave the cup one last glance before putting it to his lips. He coughed as the cool liquid hit the back of his throat. Once the hacking subsided, he turned to her and with his smooth voice, answered her, "I didn't expect my brother to kill my entire family and look how that turned out."

Asshole. She thought. It felt as though he'd thrown the water in her face. Sarcasm had laced both their words and that made her feel guilty. She didn't want their first encounter to be so negative, but she would never back down. Sakura went back into business mode and repeated her first question: "Sasuke, are you in any pain?" When she tried to gauge his reaction, Sakura found nothing. Something told her that the long missing-nin didn't like the idea of her helping him. In an honest attempt to force a reaction, Sakura pushed her hand to his bicep, releasing chakra into a black and blue bruise.

Just as she expected, Sasuke's hand wrapped around her wrist, halting her chakra. "Why are you doing this, Sakura?" his harsh tone filled the room and forced little hairs to stand on the back of her neck.

"It's my job." She stated a little quickly.

"You know what I mean." His response was swift and told Sakura that he wasn't going to be patient.

She knew exactly what he meant. He wanted to know why she would help him when he'd broken her heart. She knew this, but feigned ignorance nonetheless. Sakura gave him a questioning look that he could obviously see through.

"Normal people don't heal someone who breaks their heart, disappears, and leaves them unconscious with nothing but a cold bench as company." The voice Sakura had missed for so long cut through the air like a knife.

Sakura laughed to herself and then smiled, staring at the ceiling. The smile faded only to be replaced by a serious look and downcast eyes. "Is that what this is? Can't you use that bloodline limit of yours for anything besides murder? Sasuke, you're so blind."

The medical bed shifted and before she even realized it, the injured man had her pinned to the wall. His body wedged against hers, one thigh pressed between her legs. Sakura barely managed to stay grounded as his knee bent. She growled as her back became aware of the rough textured wall behind her. It was hard on her back and part of Sakura thought that he would enjoy knowing that. Despite her discomfort, she did not show him weakness and let her eyes lock with his blood red sharingan.

Hot and clammy breath splayed across her face. "Blind to what, Sakura? You?" the smooth voice near her ear made her shiver. Damn bodily functions. She could hear the amusement in his voice and she was instantly disgusted. Her teeth clenched and she pressed her body hard against him. Her main goal was to get as far away from him as possible but for an injured man, he was still strong. The knee wedged between her thighs grinded up a little higher and a frustrated grunt escaped her lips.

"Sasuke, I swear to whatever sinister god you believe in that if you don't remove your ahhh,…" the knee pressed even higher, lifting her off the ground completely.

"Yes?" he teased her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"If you don't remove your leg, I will make sure that you never and I mean never restore your clan." She growled out between clenched teeth. His left hand inched up towards her face and she made an attempt to bite him when his thumb ran over her bottom lip. A malicious smile spread across his face when his other hand slid down to run a finger between her breasts. She shook and writhed against the wall and her arms that were pressed behind her back.

That damned left hand gripped her chin and forced her eyes to meet his once more. With another evil smile, Sasuke whispered, "Now Sakura, you know better than to make threats you can't back up." His lips crashed against hers and she thrashed as one of his hands brushed her inner thigh. As soon as Sasuke forced his tongue into her mouth, she bit it. She didn't let go until the taste of blood filled her mouth. If it weren't for that damned satisfied smirk on his face, she would have been happy, but smirk he did. She glared at him and their eyes met for a second.

"You know I can do so much more that murder with these eyes, Sakura." He whispered as the tomoe spun, enchanting her. Damn you, Sasuke.

Red and black haze filled the room and Sakura found herself pressed firmly to the ground. A pale body lay above her and hot lips pressed open mouth kisses along her clavicle. She shook but it didn't matter. Sasuke thrust violently into her defenseless body and for some reason, she moaned and bucked against him. Her nails dug into his shoulders as he drove into her and Sakura relished in the feel of blood against her fingers. His hands explored her body, pinching and caressing every inch of her.

Against her will, she peaked and cried out his name. Against her will, she let him fill her with his cum. Against her will, she begged him to never stop. He wouldn't stop for another seventy-two hours. He would force her to climax over and over again, to scream his name until her throat hurt, and to writhe beneath him hour after hour.

Sasuke, I don't love you anymore and I never will again. You sick fuck.

End Flashback…


It had been hours later when the night nurse finally stumbled in to find both Sasuke and herself unconscious. Sasuke overexerted himself using so much strength and the sharingan while Sakura lay in a temporary coma. That was when the dreams first occurred. It all started with that damn coma.

Instead of her usual reason to climb out of bed, this morning Sakura got up to avoid the reoccurring night terror. She was over Sasuke Uchiha, that much she was sure of, but even if only a dream, the idea of herself being smashed beneath Sasuke's body just wasn't welcome.

Sakura left her hands rest on the tile, while the steaming hot water poured over her head, shoulders, and back. One hand moved to pinch the bridge of her nose and wipe the water from her eyes. It was fruitless; a new layer formed a second later. Her mind had been all over the place since she'd woken up and her whole body felt frustrated. The dream had been so much more vivid last night. When she shook in her dream, she knew she shook in her sleep too. Last night, the image of herself being fucked by Sasuke, had been more graphic than necessary.

Are you happy now, Sasuke? Was this what you wanted all along? To have power, any power over me? To be constantly in the back of mind? For me to gag at the idea of us together? This is what you wanted: to break me.

The shower offered her time to relax and to sort through her thoughts. Sasuke was no longer a love interest or a threat. The first had been slashed three years after he disappeared to the Hidden Village of Sound. The other, just after his interrogation and probation. She should be free, but instead, Sakura was haunted by her own dreams. Everything was over. Why couldn't they be too?

Something needed to change and something needed to change fast. Soapsuds ran down the drain slowly and just as her mind began to clear and her body began to relax, a loud knocking interrupted her. The sound of the shower slowly drifted to silence and Sakura wrapped her white cotton robe around her body.

The front door opened and closed. A feminine voice she recognized as Shizune's called out in search for the pink haired kunouichi, "Sakura!"

The bathroom door opened and a dripping Sakura emerged responding to the Hokage's assistant, "Yes, Shizune-san?"

"The Hokage would like to see you in her office at four o'clock for a mission briefing." The short woman waiting for the younger one to nod before continuing: "See you then." Shizune was a woman of few words. Sakura watched as Shizune walked silently out her front door and then resumed her morning activities.

Maybe a mission is just what I need?


Ending Note:

That's it for chapter one! For those NejiSakura fans out there (like me) don't fret. This is NOT, I repeat NOT, a SasukeSakura story. Neji will come into play in the next chapter! No worries!

If you review, I'll update faster!
