He stood amidst the tempest like a curse, shrouded in swift, blowing sand. The gales blew everything into a loud, reedy obscurity as his red eyes stared forward. "Is this all you've got?" he said hoarsely, his throat dried and torn from the lack of moisture. Collapsing forward, his body became covered from layers of thin, gusted sand and it continued to hide him until two dark, cloaked figures lifted him from the sandy grave.

"Renji," came the soft female voice. The hazy figure cleared enough to reveal a woman, cloaked darkly in fabric that draped over her body, keeping herself secret.

"Shinigami…" he whispered through scratches. The woman ran her soft hands around the dirtied man's face, clearing its crevices of the tiny pebbles of sand.

"Well, aren't you a sorry sight." Grunted a lean figure from the back of the room. Dropping his hood, he revealed his familiar strands of bleached hair and gave a crooked grin. "Sands a bit too much for you, lieutenant?" The other man responded with a light, scornful laughter.

"Sounds like… Ichigo," he rasped. He reached and gripped onto the hooded woman's arm and held it tightly. "Are you, Rukia?" The woman nodded and the man released a relieved breath and allowed his grip to slip away. "I found it. Tell the Captain… I… found it."

"What?!" cried the woman as she desperately shook the lieutenant. "Renji! What did you say?!" She recklessly tried to call the man back to a conscious state, but failed. Her efforts were silenced by the lean man standing behind her, "Ichigo."

"Rukia, that's enough." The man slid in front of her and looked down to the unconscious lieutenant. The woman exited quietly as the bleached haired man began to speak. "What did you find, Renji?" he muttered to himself. Furrowing his brow in annoyance and tucking a finger under the lieutenant's bandanna, he tugged it off the man's sand-beaten head, unveiling the wealth of inked tattoos hidden beneath. He plucked a pair of damaged sunglasses from the man's head as well. "Moron," he spat.

Rukia stepped out of the clay shelter they had taken refuge in and left to collect amounts of water left pooling in the dessert rocks. Ichigo leaned from the shelter's window and pretended not to watch her. He heard rustling from within the back room and watched the lieutenant ascend from the stone cot he laid on, "Comfy, eh?" Ichigo scoffed. "I thought you'd like it."

The lieutenant stood to 6'2 and his stature was enough to intimidate Ichigo into silence. He lifted his head and his long, crimson strands swayed with the movement; A few escaping the knot and resting on his broad shoulders. He crossed his strong arms and smirked at Ichigo, who was now silent and blank-faced. "Idiot," he called back.

Ichigo's blood ran hot, "What'd you say?!" he challenged. The lieutenant only smiled. Resting his eyes he sat onto the floor and slipped his right shoulder out of his battered shihakusho. "Hey! Wh-What're you doing?!"

"Settle down, won't you?" Renji snarled. "I wasn't just lying in the sand all day yesterday. I work for a living."


"All I'm saying is that not everyone can just frolic around between the living and dead in the same happy-go-lucky style as you." Renji slid his other shoulder from his uniform, leaving his chest bare.

"Shut your stu-!" The colour in Ichigo's face drained slightly as his eyes fell upon the deep gash that streaked across the lieutenant's back.

"I'll never get all the sand out," he pouted to himself. Noticing Ichigo's attention, he re-examined his own condition and understood the expression, "Yeah, I know. I'm going to have to get the tattoo redone again. What a pain." He whined as he unwound some gauze.

"I-Idiot," Ichigo grumbled and spun around to refocus his attention out the window. He fidgeted and scratched the dry skin on his hand. "I hate deserts," he murmured lowly to himself, "they're so bloody dry."

"Renji!" Rukia peered down at the lieutenant with an alarmed expression on her face. Ichigo turned to see Renji frozen in an awkward position trying to reach and dress the wound on his back. "You couldn't help him dress his wound?" She asked angrily.

"Hell no," Ichigo answered smugly.

She paused. "Wait, You're wounded?!" She smacked Renji upside the head and cursed him. Renji untangled himself from the floor and grinned nervously. "Ah! You're getting blood on my floor!"

"This isn't your house, Rukia." Ichigo reminded. He glanced at Renji and noticed an ailing expression on his face. Blood trickled down the lieutenant's back more steadily and he succumbed to his own light-headedness. "Renji…?" Ichigo questioned. Rukia shot a look down at him.

"Yeah," Renji mumbled. "Just feelin' a little feverish."

Ichigo turned away, "Idiot, I didn't ask how you were."

"Oh, no?" Renji said between laboured breaths. "Guess I… just heard wrong…" Sweat formed on his brow and an agonizing pain crept up in his ribs.

"Damn right you heard wrong," Ichigo huffed as a flush of blood filled in his cheeks. He scowled and turned away from the lieutenant.

"Renji?" Rukia piped. "Are you alright? You look… kind of…"

"Yeah, just peachy," he smiled as blood pooled in his mouth and dripped down the corners of it. He coughed, "Rukia." He formed his words as quickly as his body allowed, "Give it to… your brother. To captain… Kuchiki." He swallowed hard and his face contorted with pain. Ichigo hurried and crouched by his friend's side.

"What the hell Renji?" He demanded.

Rukia's eyes grew dark, "Where? Where is it Renji? Where did you put it?" Renji's eyes widened. Where?! Where had he put it?! He searched his mind frantically. He couldn't remember. Rukia read the expression on his face and turned away.

"You idiot," she grumbled. "How could you have lost it?!" Ichigo propped Renji up from the floor.

"It was the last… thing, I…" He swallowed the blood in his mouth to speak. "…Remember before… I… fell," he huffed. "In the desert… in the sand." His body surged with pain and he clenched his teeth to keep from yelling.

"You dropped it where we found you." She said to him. She hid the quivering in her voice and turned her back to Renji to hide her welling eyes, "It stung you, didn't it?" Renji nodded and swallowed hard. Rukia turned, a tear sliding down her cheek, "Don't you die, you hear? Ichigo, stay here! I'm going to retrieve it."

"What's going on? Hey! Wait! I'll-!" Ichigo argued.

"You'll stay here," Rukia said coldly and left.

"Ichigo!" Renji cooed in the cold silence. It was dusk and the clay shelter had turned dark and chilly.

"Moron," Ichigo answered. "Seems like you've 'recovered' once any command to work has dissolved. If I didn't know better, I'd say you faked it to get out of getting whatever it was you dropped back there! Now, Rukia is out there alone, who knows what kind of trouble she'll get herself mixed up in."

"Then go to her. I feel fine," Renji lied.

"I would have hours ago, but you saw her face," Ichigo scowled. "I'll get beaten to a bloody pulp if I chase after her." Ichigo shivered at the thought. Renji did too. "What stung you?" Ichigo sighed.

Renji grinned, "Concerned?"


"Nothing you need to worry about, kid."

"Kid?! Did you just-? How dare you! I'm stronger than you are so how can you call-!"

Renji gripped Ichigo's collar, "Because you're just a brat after all." There was a murderous glint in his eyes. It was something Ichigo had never seen in Renji before. It was hate. Ichigo's heart quickened. A crooked smile crept onto Renji's face. "You're afraid," he hissed. "I can hear it beating, your heart."

Rukia caught her breath momentarily. Running in the sand was more difficult than she imagined. Maybe she should have sent Ichigo instead, but he always takes too much time. He gets too distracted, she reasoned, and there was not enough time for distractions. If she was correct, than what had 'stung' Renji was a hollow known to this territory, and that hollow's sting had the ability to poison and delude any individual with strong spiritual energy.

Renji released the grip on Ichigo's uniform and laughed casually. "You know, Ichigo," he teased. "You may have a whole whack of frightening spiritual power, but when it comes to physical strength…" Renji paused and thought to himself. Ichigo breathed slowly. What had happened? He'd thought that Renji had snapped only a moment ago, but now he appeared stable. Renji's large hand appeared in front of Ichigo's face and his expression grew serious.


"Arm-wrestle me."


"Come on," Renji grinned. "I challenge you, Ichigo Kurousaki, to an arm wrestling match."

Ichigo clasped Reji's outward hand, "Bring it, you bastard."

She barged through the door panting and gasping for air. Rukia had returned. "Gee, Rukia, that was fast," Ichigo commented.

"Where's," she huffed. "Where's Renji?"

"How would I know?" Ichigo scoffed. "I don't keep tabs on that moron."

Rukia clenched her fist, "But I told you to keep tabs on him." Her voice carried a frightening tone. "So," she scolded, "Where is he?"

"He's in the back room," Ichigo surrendered. Her eyes brightened and a cheery expression reclaimed her face. She's a monster, Ichigo concluded.

She was overcome with a feeling of warmth as she entered the dark room. The winds outside had calmed and brushed gently against the clay exterior. The noise engendered in a comforting hum, adding life to dark walls of jet. The night was starless. Only the moon had drifted and it's soft glow highlighted the edges of the man she sought.

He was not lying down as she had expected. Instead he stood against the wall of the furthest corner with his arms folded. Feeling her presence, he rested his red eyes on her. It startled her. The lighting had made her old friend seem unearthly. "Renji?" She gasped.

His eyes drifted to the floor and he looked away, not saying a word. Concerned, Rukia stepped towards him. "My brother well be pleased that you've recovered what he asked." She spoke quietly and gently. Renji said nothing. "Renji? You shouldn't be standing." Rukia stepped in front of him. "You should-!"

He reached out, grabbing her and pulling her closer. "Gotcha," he said as colour rose into her cheeks. He grinned and laughed at her. Feeling embarrassed, she torn herself away from him. She crossed her arms protectively.

"Seems like you're feeling okay," she grumbled.

"Yeah," he answered lowly. "Guess that poison wasn't all it was made to be." Of course, Renji had known that wasn't true. He could feel its venom coursing throughout his body; it's presence making it hard for him to concentrate.

"I'm glad," Rukia sighed. She watched Renji's mouth part slightly; she was still close enough to feel the hotness of his breath. It made her anxious. His arm grazed hers, sending shivers through her small body. She thought it had looked as if he had wanted to speak.

"Nevermind," he said, the corners of his mouth twitching. She felt his large hand on her back as he tugged her arm with his other hand, dragging her close. He released her arm and brought the free hand around her neck.

"Renji…?" She whispered, still stunned. She could feel the strength of his spiritual pressure bearing down on her. He was powerful, she realized and it unnerved her. But there was wildness about his spirit, a bestiality and feral natural that she had only sensed in him. A quality differing from Ichigo's power, although he possessed a reckless temper it was not the same as the fierce flavouring in Renji's soul. And this is what she feared in Renji, his ruthlessness. "Don't…" she whimpered.

"I'm not doing anything," he said with a grin. His eyes flashed with a familiar cruelty. Rukia trembled; she'd seen this side of him in battle many times but never outside it, and never with her.

"Why are you…? What are you doing, Renji?" She managed weakly. He'd never done this before. He'd never held her this way and she wasn't sure if she wanted him to.

"Am I making you nervous?"

Her heart began to beat faster and harder as he leaned into her. Her body weakened, she felt herself submitting under him. It was too fast, it was happening too fast! Her mind raced. It told her to run but she stood. His hand guided her lips towards his. He paused just in front of her. She felt his breath on her lips and her feelings of fear mixed with desire. "God, your so damn short," he laughed and pulled away from her.

Rukia felt a rush of cold air replace Renji's presence as he leaned against the wall and away from her, grinning. She felt a flush of annoyance. She knew she appeared stunted next to the tall lieutenant, but she didn't like to hear it. He brushed past her and began to walk to the door. She didn't want him to leave. She was angry. Did he think he could just rile her up and leave? Was he toying with her?

Renji felt his balance shift as Rukia leapt up behind him. The sudden attack caused him to lose his footing and crash to the ground. He landed on his wound and winced. Rukia landed beside him with a thud.

What the hell is going on in there? Ichigo thought, slightly annoyed with all the noise. Distracted by his dry hand again, he began to itch it furiously.

"Hah! Some lieutenant," Rukia mocked. "You're pathetic!" Renji sat up with difficulty. His wound began to throb again.

Releasing a sigh, he spoke. "That was a cheap shot, Rukia." He was relieved that his wound hadn't reopened. She lifted herself from the floor and onto her knees. She was surprised by his serious tone. It made her angrier with him.

"Well, you-!" She accused. She stopped herself when she noticed Renji's pained expression. He tightened his fists to stop them from shaking, but his muscles quivered from the shocks of pain regardless of his restraint. It was then that she realized her own foolishness. She was about to apologize when Renji spoke.

"Serves me right, I guess," he laughed. "For letting my guard down around you. Who would have known you were such a prude." Anger rose in her again. She nailed him in the shoulder with her fist, protesting and cursing him. Caught in a moment, she pressed her lips hard against his and pulled away quickly. She sported a triumphant look, she wasn't a prude after all, she thought!

"Ow," he whined. "Was that a kiss or a head but?" He brought his hand to his face and rubbed his mouth. Rukia grew angrier.

"You're saying it was bad?" she growled.

"Yeah," he grinned. "That's exactly what I'm saying." Rukia snarled. She brought her lips onto his again, pressing softer and then pulling away. She glared at Renji and waited for his response. He sighed and shut his eyes, bringing his hands behind his head and lying down on his sore back. "I'm bored," he teased, opening an eye.

"What?!" Rukia fumed. She leaned toward him to curse him some more but he grabbed her and pulled her onto him. Meeting her lips and embracing her in a short, rough kiss. She blushed and Renji burst out laughing.

He lifted himself toward her and whispered, "Be careful what you start, Rukia." He was amused at her reaction and continued to laugh at her. Annoyed, she pressed down on his chest with her hands, pushing his back against the floor. His laughter ended with a series of short gasps.

Renji was laughing at her, she thought. At her! Pride welled up in her and she wanted more than anything to prove herself. Renji was wrong about her, he'll see! But before she could act, Renji's mouth occupied her's once again. He slid his tongue between her lips, demanding entrance. She opened her mouth wider and he took the opportunity. Rukia felt a low, burning sensation that crawled up her spine. Instinctively, she pressed her hips hard against his. She couldn't deny that Renji was a great kisser and she felt excitement stir in her. She began running her hands frantically over him, unsure of what to do with them.

She felt Renji's low laughter in her mouth, "Oh, you're not very good at this, are you?" He grinned and using the power of his body, flipped Rukia underneath him and took control. She looked up at him. If she had any initial doubt in her mind, it had melted away by the feeling of Renji's hand sneaking into her clothing. He roamed over her stomach and slipped her out of her shihakusho. His palms were warm, but the tips of his fingers were cold and they were running down her thighs.

She began to breath harder. Gasping when his cold fingers slid between her legs. "You're heating all up, eh?" He whispered smugly into her ear.

"Shut-up," she quipped. His grin widened and he began to skilfully kiss her neck, concentrating on the most sensitive area. She buried her face into his broad shoulders, hugging him tightly. His mouth trailed lower and he twirled his tongue around her hardened nipple. Her body tensed as his hand made quick work of removing the rest of her uniform and she bit her lip, nervous of what was coming next.