Title: Sesshoumaru is really a...
Author: Tsubasa Kya
Disclaimer: I do not own "Inuyasha" or its subsequent universe.

Inuyasha's Sister

Three weeks were spent 'recovering' from the shock of finding out that Sesshoumaru (Sesshou?) was actually a lesbian, and a woman. That mostly meant that Kagome spent three weeks in her time hanging out at the mall with her friends, bathing for unnatural lengths of time, and reading romance novels—the equivalent of porn only in words instead of pictures.

She still couldn't believe he was a girl, or rather, she was a girl. And her lips still felt the touch of Sesshoumaru's lips even though she'd washed many times. It was completely disturbing. She'd tried a lot of things to remove the sensation from her flesh. Kissing her arm, kissing a pillow, kissing her math book, even planting a wet smooch on her little brother's cheek! Nothing worked.

But it was worse on her because Sesshoumaru had said he would be meeting her alone again and he didn't know what he'd do to her because he was attracted to females. Correction, she was attracted to females. So, Kagome blatantly refused to return to the feudal era, and Inuyasha came daily to try to convince her to return.

It was a good thing grandpa was around twenty-four hours a day, she thought. Inuyasha was more afraid of grandpa's glue papers than any real sutras or ofudas. If grandpa hadn't been around, Kagome would have been kidnapped—literally—and dragged forcibly through the well.

But, as all things are apt to do eventually, Inuyasha's patience ran short. He was finding it tougher to locate shards without Kagome's help. So, dressed rather inconspicuously in what would have been a discrete disguise if he were in his time, he followed Kagome to school, fully intent on stealing her away.

Unfortunately, he misjudged Kagome's intelligence and she found him within five minutes of the shrine. "Inu-ya-sha," she said warningly, sending him a glare that would have petrified him if it weren't so comical.

"Ka-go-me?" he said, mimicking her tone. That appeared to be the wrong thing to do.

"Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit," she said. She turned to walk away, shouting 'sit' with each step she took, leaving him in an unnatural man-shaped hole in the ground.

Once he had recovered, however, he managed to sniff her out and decided he needed a new plan of action. Somehow he would have to render her unconscious or make it so she couldn't speak at least. He recalled the bandana she had him wear and decided to make it a gag.

He caught her in the middle of 'gym' class (a silly activity where a bunch of kids ran around uselessly on a round paved path). She was just about to yell the subjugation command, so he shoved the bandana in her mouth. That also did not work as well as he'd expected it would, since she just spat it out.

So he went right to his last resort: he kissed her. He'd rather kiss her than be subjugated. Of course, this sent her into tears and he had to run away before her friends noticed him.

As he left her, she was crying, 'No one respects the kiss anymore!' And she said a few things about 'special' and 'the one'. Whatever all that meant. But Inuyasha simply had to get her back. So he set about devising a clever way to get Kagome through the well. It involved several pounds of mutilated cow, swamp water, three man-eating swamp-fish, and her bathtub, but once she got home from school she was all too willing to go with him.

He grinned at his genius as he took her through the well.

Kagome, on the other hand, was furious. Someone had messed with her bathtub. They would pay for that offense. Of course, she was still rather frustrated with Inuyasha just randomly kissing her, but it was a minor offense compared to her bath.

Inuyasha had said some demon came from the other side of the well and did it while Kagome's mom and grandpa were out grocery shopping. She thanked the heavens and anyone who would listen to her that Bouyou was still alive. But she had every intention on making that demon pay.

Out of curiosity, she asked Inuyasha, "Did you get a good look at the guy?"

Inuyasha nodded sagely. "Of course! It was Sesshoumaru!" he said.

This sent Kagome into a furious rage. "Sesshoumaru!" she shouted in annoyance. Half of Kaede's village shifted uncomfortably. Inuyasha wondered if he should have picked some other random name to point the finger at.

But by the time she was done dwelling on her outrage, he was able to suggest leaving the village and finding more shards. At that time, she began searching frantically on her body for something—two guesses was all he needed. "You lost the shards?!" he demanded.

"I-I had them! I did!" Kagome yelled in panic.

Then for some very awkward reason, her lips remembered the feel of Sesshoumaru's…and her hand remembered feeling something being sneakily tugged out of it. 'Sesshoumaru freaking stole them from me!' she berated herself mentally. 'When he—SHE—kissed me.'

"Yeah, you had them and lost them!" Inuyasha scowled. "Next time, I'll hang on to them!" He left her behind in the village and she raced after him, apologizing for losing the shards. She wasn't about to tell him that Sesshoumaru had them, because of the small fact that the bathtub incident made Kagome want to kill Sesshoumaru herself.

So they spent the next week searching for shards and managed to get a hold of one from some insane, power hungry demon. Inuyasha held good to his promise of hanging onto the shards after that. And a few days later, they met a young fox-demon who (coincidentally or not) stole the shard from Inuyasha and thus began a two-day chase that ended with achieving several more shards from two dead thunder brothers and a new companion named Shippou, who Inuyasha constantly argued with.

It wasn't long after that when Kagome was bathing in a hot spring, pondering the things that had happened to her in just a few short weeks. There she was, a fifteen year old who time traveled. It seemed so weird.

Because she was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the arrival of a certain tall, silver haired character, or notice as that very character carefully took off their clothes and entered the hot spring.

As Sesshou watched the young miko, she couldn't keep back a grin. Inuyasha was currently napping, and completely unaware that Sesshou was so dangerously close to Kagome. The fox-boy was in Inuyasha's campsite, doodling on Inuyasha's face—proving that Inuyasha was a heavy sleeper.

And the miko herself, naked on the other side of the hot spring (and not a half-bad sight for a mere human, Sesshou admitted), was still miraculously unaware that Sesshou was slowly moving toward her in the water, like a predator circling its prey. And then Sesshou was in front of Kagome, and the human's eyes went wide with recognition. She opened her mouth to scream but Sesshou was prepared.

She fisted her hand in Kagome's hair and pressed her lips to the other woman's. Kagome's scream came out muffled and she struggled to get away, but Sesshou pressed the woman against the bank, kissing her until her eyes became lidded with a look of submission. Sesshou knew it had only been a matter of time. She was a master at such things… she'd had more practice at it than high-class whores. She could bend any woman to her will.

That was half of the problem… Sesshou had no interest in men. The other half was simply due to that small fact that Sesshou had fooled an entire kingdom into believing she was male so that her bastard brother would not take the throne. Since no one had ever been aware of Sesshou's gender problem except her mother and father, it worked rather well considering both parties were dead, and Sesshou's mother had killed the nurse-maids who gave birth to Sesshou.

Only when she was sure Kagome would not scream again did Sesshou back away. She remained with her body pressed flush against Kagome's, her unbound breasts touching Kagome's. She should have killed Kagome weeks ago when she first found out, even though it was an accident, but she'd been bored of Jaken and Kagome seemed interesting at least a little.

So, Kagome was to be Sesshou's new source of amusement.

Kagome was finally able to shake her daze and her lips flapped uselessly as she tried to figure out what to say to Sesshoumaru first. The demon(ess)'s body was pressed against her own, making Kagome a little uncomfortable. Okay, more than uncomfortable. But it was more situation-related, she supposed. If it had been a boy, she would have been flustered, but probably not too bothered.

At last Kagome managed to squeak her dismay, "Eep! Let me go," she breathed, barely loud enough for even Sesshoumaru's advanced hearing. Still, he did hear it, and… SHE heard it, and SHE laughed quietly over Kagome's situation.

"But you liked it," Sesshou pointed out, her voice still strangely masculine. That voice seemed only to serve the purpose of confusing Kagome even more because how could someone with such a feminine body sound so male? To prove his point, he—she—kissed Kagome again and unfortunately for the fifteen year old human girl, her body reacted against her mind's will.

'Stop reacting!' she demanded of herself, her face flushed as Sesshoumaru backed off in the water, clearly to begin washing him…herself. "Why the hell do you keep kissing me?!" she demanded of the other female.

Sesshoumaru chuckled, tilting his head back in the water to wet it. As he surfaced, water slid down…As she, he was a she! And she had to remember that, surfaced, water slid down her body, glistening by the light of the sunset.

"I told you already," Sesshou said. "I'm attracted to females, and you're quite honestly the best looking one I've seen in about three years. I'd love to do far more, but Inuyasha is too close and I can't risk him finding out I'm a girl."

The answer generated only more questions in Kagome's mind and she desired to know more about the creature before her, but his answer also made Kagome hesitant to even speak to the other female. 'What kind of things?' she wondered. Of course, right after that, she wanted to know, "Why can't Inuyasha know?"

Sesshou grinned predatorily, "I did say I would answer one question of yours, did I not?" Kagome nodded, expecting an answer to her question. "And did I not tell you why I kiss you?" Kagome blanched. She had wasted her one question. Damn! "Now, tell me how you met Inuyasha, or I will kill you."

'Stupid, arrogant bastard probably could do it too, before I can scream for Inuyasha. Dang it, that guy's a heavy sleeper!' Kagome thought. She'd found that out two days earlier when Shippou had colored on Inuyasha's sleeping face and the hanyou had not noticed.

So she did as she was told, preferring life over death. Sesshoumaru did seem a man…woman of her word. Of course, she managed to get in a few grumbled comments that were rather negative in her narrative, and those comments were directed at Sesshoumaru, but the other female didn't rise to them.

After Kagome had told Sesshoumaru about finding Inuyasha pinned to the tree—she did leave out the fact that she'd time-traveled to find the tree—and then told Sesshoumaru about how Inuyasha killed the centipede demon, then proceeded to try to kill Kagome (at which point she couldn't resist telling all about the subjugation necklace and that got Sesshoumaru laughing quietly), the two of them had finished bathing. Kagome dressed herself again and left Sesshoumaru to struggle one-handed with his breast-band.

She was surprised Sesshoumaru let her go, but of course by the time she got back to their camp, she remembered Sesshoumaru had her jewel shards and had destroyed her bath, and her angry aura was enough to wake even Inuyasha.

"SESSHOUMARUUUU!" she screamed, startling both the hanyou and the kitsune. She went racing back to the hot spring, but he was gone. 'I'll get those back from you,' she promised silently. 'Next time, I'm going to get those back, I don't care what I have to do! I'll get those back, and have revenge for my tub!'

Sesshou, on the other hand, had barely managed to leave the clearing before Kagome came rushing back. She grinned as Kagome screamed her name, and a great deal of perverted thoughts came rushing through Sesshou's mind involving Kagome and Sesshou's name.

The demoness could hardly wait for their next encounter, but knew it couldn't be too soon especially since Inuyasha was sniffing Kagome and demanding (in a very loud voice that Sesshou could hear) why the miko smelled like his 'brother'. Of course Inuyasha would be dense enough not to realize the miko smelled like Sesshou due to the fact that Sesshou had just been rubbing herself against the girl.

Oh, yes, Sesshou had chosen a very amusing toy this time. Too bad she always ended up killing her toys, because they always got it in their heads that they could blackmail her into a more 'permanent' position by Sesshou's side.

ONLY TK HAS THE GUTS TO CHALLENGE THE MASSES OF WORLD-WIDE SESSHOUMARU FAN-DOM (to which she consequentially belongs). WAHAHA! (please do not attempt this at home as it may result in severe injury or death)