Hello everyone! This is the conclusion to my first ever fanfic-My Game, Your World- …thanks for supporting this story from the beginning…even if I made mistakes, got off tangent with the real plot or just plain wrong…that's normal because it's the first time I ever wrote a story and have everybody read it…I always keep my imagination to myself…I'm posting this a little earlier than expected because in just a few more days, my mind would be filled with Resident Evil: Extinction…the movie I'm very eager to watch…It's on September 26, goddammit!!! I have to wait until Saturday so I could go to the movies!!! Argghh!!! And in our field demo, we are going to dance 'Thriller'! I've mastered the steps after a week! Yehey! And then we'll also do 'We're all in this together' from High School Musical-for finale.

Yeah I know…I'm blabbering too much…It's just that I don't want to end this yet…but I have to…I already said so in my latest chapter…So before I shoot myself in the head so I could join the ranks of the zombies, I present to you, the final chapter…

BG Music: CRYING SKY by Ryoma Echizen…again and again and so on…

Chapter 21: Tomorrow is still unwritten

The next day, it was still gloomier than ever. The sun must have refused to shine. It was so quiet, so much for the day before Christmas. Yes, it was December 24, Ryoma's birthday, but nobody felt like being happy today and hold a party for him. They were all clad in black and is standing along a wooden platform in a huge lake near Ryoma's new house. The lake wasn't frozen and the water remained still. The peace is so perfect that anytime now, someone might try to ruin the perfection the lake was illuminating while their lives are far from the beauty it should have been.

There are only 10 people present at the time. The parents of the deceased had died three years ago in a fatal car crash. Only her friends went to her wake, because the others can't be contacted and because the news shouldn't spread that she is really dead. Her best friend had already stopped crying, seeing that there were no more tears left to fall. She had mourned for her enough and it's about time that they said she should let go.

A red-headed young man got into a small boat with the old woman and rowed for her until they reached the center of the lake.

There, the old woman opened the urn and reached inside, once she got some ashes in her hand, she toss it into the water. The lake accepted the ashes and let it drown in its peace. Some of it went to the air and the air gladly carried them away, as the minutes passed, there was nothing left in the pearl white urn and they rowed back to the people waiting at the wooden platform.

No one uttered a word as Eiji helped Ryuzaki-sensei out of the small boat.

"I want to go back to Kyoto now…thank you for being here." The old woman announced to all of them.

"But why? Are you alone?" Oishi asked.

"I think it's more peaceful and the sceneries are something I don't want to miss now that I'm old." The Coach replied with a smile on her face. "And I hired a maid to assist me in my needs, so don't worry about me…just inform me if you want to visit me if you have the time."

"Won't you like to wait for Ryoma to wake up?" Fuji said.

"Just tell him what he missed when he's in the hospital, and tell him I'm sorry." With that, the Coach went to her own car and told the driver that they are finished and should go home.

"I wonder what Echizen would say when he finds out that we rushed things in his sleep." Taka said.

"We're going to visit Echizen in the hospital, anyone else wanna go?" Inui told them. He, Fuji, Taka and Kaidoh are going to the hospital to see if Ryoma had woken up.

"I wanna come, nya!"

All looked at his sudden burst of energy. He had been silent that day, which could have hurt him.

"Yeah…the more the better…the nurses must be feasting on Ryoma by now." Fuji tried to lighten up the mood a bit.


1 month later…

Ryoma stepped into the terrace in his new penthouse, a few hundred feet away from the ground. He just moved in two nights ago and is still adjusting to the ambience and warmth of the house. It's particularly large for him, the only inhabitant there. Momo and the others helped him move his things yesterday so everything is in order. He was carrying a cup of coffee in his hands while looking down on the bustling city below. It was daybreak and on the table behind him, the morning newspaper was laden.

Then he heard some meowing below him and he rephrased the sentence that he's alone there. Karupin and Karin's descendants were present. There are about 5 furry little thick furred cats ranging from snow white to brown. He patted all of them before shooing them so he could have a moment alone and enjoy the breeze blowing on his face. It was so cold and refreshing.

He sipped his coffee and held it with both hands to keep them warm. Ryoma leaned on the wall and pondered how fast his life had been.

He had been out of the hospital for about three weeks now and he is doing well enough. Liquors and other kinds of alcohol were put out of his house so he won't think about using it when he had problems. Then, Ryoma doesn't depend on alcohol most of the time. Nor does he have problems worth escaping. He'll just have to stand again when he falls, no big deal. No big deal.

Then comes the news that his wife is dead.

How pathetic had he been?

How low had he stooped?

How cruel had life been to him?


He remembered how scared he had been. He was scared that she is already dead. He was scared that she'll never talk to him again. He was scared that she'll never smile at him again. He was scared that the most important person to him was lost. He was scared to lose her. But lose her he did. And there was never a chance to turn back and undo what had happened. It was so tragic.

After losing his hope that she is alive, he went inside the house to find any evidence as to who did that to her, but finding nothing, frustration engulfed him and all he could do is cry for what he had lost.

He woke up one week later in the hospital, cords attached to him and he felt so hopeless.

Now here he is, three weeks later. In a new home, away from that white villa that seemed to be filled with the memories of Sakuno, it was also filled with the horror that happened there, so he decided to leave.

And to think that he wasn't sober enough at her wake is saddening him the most. He did not even see her one last time, or even said sorry. How hateful must he been in her eyes now wherever she is.

Ryoma smiled.

Be happy.

That was all she said when he was frowning when they are together.

Looking down on the city and the height he is in, he was tempted to jump and fall to his death. Would that suffice for the wrong he blames himself he had done? But then, the wind blew on his face, along with it the memory of that walk from six years ago.

"If I die, what would you do?"

"If you die, what would I do? What do you want me to do?" he asked, confused. Why is she so interested in death anyway? "I'll live for the both of us."

Sakuno adjusted her position on his back so she could she his face. "How could you live for the both of us, Ryoma-kun? Would you still love me by then?"

"Hn." He just smirked at her.

"Ne, what kind of answer was that? I wanna know."

"No…because you're not going anywhere…and why are you asking things like you're going to die?"

"I don't know, Ryoma-kun…I just want to know how you'll feel…"

"And about that last part…what makes you think I won't love you by then?

"Anou…because I'm dead?"

And what is he doing now? He was very eager to follow her to the dead. What a shameful way to react.

"I'll live for the both of us."

What was he thinking when he said that? He can't even understand how the hell he'll do that. And now what? Should he continue to love her, even though she's dead?

Standing by his words by then is very hard now. It would be tested if he just lied and just want to appear cool. He'll have keep his promise and live for them both, and jumping from a 40 storey building is not a choice.

"O'chibi!" came a voice from inside his house.

"Eiji-sempai." He whispered then went back inside his house.

"Yosh!" Momo greeted him once he had entered. Eiji, Momo and Fuji were in the house.

"What is it you want this early in the morning?" Ryoma asked them, sitting on the couch.

"Well, wanna play tennis today?" Momo said.

"I'm in no mood to play yet."

"But you haven't played for a long time, nya! Just a match!" Eiji tried to persuade him.

"Can't you just let me sleep all day?" Ryoma asked.

"You've been cooped up here for about a two days now…you should get out…get some fresh air…" Momo said.


"Neh, Ryoma, what are you going to do now?" Fuji asked out of the blue.

Ryoma fell silent for a second. He stared at them, his friends, and they were silent too, anticipating his answer.

"I don't want to do anything else now…I'm sworn forever…I'll never think of forgetting her again."

"I see…I hope you won't tire down…" Fuji said.

"I hope so too…"

After a few minutes the three left, leaving Ryoma alone in his house again. He then basked in the cold silence it gave him and he felt dizzy and soon he let sleep consume him.


Ryoma was walking in an unknown place. The walls were of pure white and there was nobody in the halls. It felt scary because it looked like one of those corridors in the horror films. He walked in the fairly lit hallway and looked at the various doors that seemed to be hundreds.

He then stopped when he saw a familiar figure come out of a room. It was Coach Ryuzaki and she looked as if she was about to cry. He approached her but when he touched her she wouldn't even acknowledge his presence, as if he wasn't there.

"What are you doing here, Coach?" he still called her Coach even if she wasn't his mentor ever since he graduated from Seigaku.

She did not answer him so he just looked at the door through which she came out.

Ryuzaki Sakuno.

Yes, it was clearly written in the sign on the door in bold black letters.

What again?

His lips formed a frown and he turned the doorknob. Is this for real? Was she in a hospital?

He opened it and peered inside. It was white. There was a small wooden table and a couch as well as a phone. In the side of the room near the window was a bed and someone was occupying it.

"Sakuno?" Ryoma felt his eyes start to water when he saw her sleeping figure in the bed.

He sat on the seat that was next to the bed. He took hold of her warm hand and held it to his face. She seemed to be asleep, since there are no life support systems attached to her so she couldn't be in a coma, could she?

"Sakuno, wake up…I'm here…" he said to her.

Still no answer came to him, nor did she show any sign that she'll wake up soon. She just lay still, breathing the only movement in her body.

Then a strong wind blew from the open windows and he closed his eyes.

Ryoma woke up with a start. He was sweating profusely and his bed was tossed around his pillows and blanket littered the floor.

"Sakuno…" he whispered then tried to reminisce his dream again and again and again.


"Isn't she beautiful?"

And then she opened her eyes and life came back to the world and the game would come into play again, for those who suffered will rise once again.



Wait for My Game, Your World 2: Rematch!!!!!

Thanks again…

BG MUSIC: "Another Story" by Ryoma Echizen