I'm going to try to balance to fanfics..&& ii hope it works out.
Chapter 1:
My Only Hope
Life hasn't really changed for Lily Truscott and Miley Stewart.It's been the same for 15 years, wake up,get breakfast ready,wake up the kids.Same ol' same ol'.Having a baby wasn't really different just the crying,whining,spending,you know the mom stuff.They were 32 years old with 14 year old children.Sometimes it was hard, but in the end of the day they were still happy to be alive.
''MOM!!!!'' yelled a brunette with hazel going down the stairs
''What Kiley'' yelled Miley finishing making her pancakes
''Where the heck is my blue halter top.''
''It's dirty''Miley told her
''AHHH'' Kiley yelled ''What am I going to do now!!''
''Why don't you wear that pink one Grandpa Robbie gave you'' Miley told
''Mom thats like commiting suicide'' Kiley said
''Hey be nice''
She just rolled her eyes. Then Lily came in from her morning jog.
''Good morning''
''Good morning'' Miley said
''AHHH'' Kiley yelled once more
''First day of school troubles''
Miley nodded
''Good thing I had a boy'' she chuckled
Then came in a boy with chestnut chocolate hair and brown eyes with a skateboard.
''Good Morning''
The boy kissed both of the women on the cheek.
Kiley yelled again.
''It seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.''
Kiley came downstairs.
''Oliver which one looks good on me the Orchid or the Lime Green'' she said pointing at the shirts
''The Lime Green brings out the color of your eyes'' said Oliver in the gayest voice he could make
Kiley just punched him on the arm.
''We're going to be late.'' Oliver said to Kiley ''I don't want to be late for the first day of High School''
''I know Oliver hold your horses''
Oliver just rolled his eyes he looked at his phone.
''Emily coming in ten!'' he said as he opened the door
''I'm like so stoked for high school'' said the dirty blond picking up her skateboard
''So am I.''
''How do I look'' Kiley said coming down the stairs
''Fab-u-lous'' Oliver said in another gay accent
''Aunt Lily you better watch out he may turn queer right before your eyes''
Oliver rolled his eyes.Kiley and Emily just laughed.Before they knew they left.
''It just feels like yesterday.'' Miley closed her eyes remembering her,Lily,and Oliver getting ready for the first day of school.
''Yah it does.''
Silence roamed them.
''Have work today'' Miley asked Lily
''No you''
''Oliver don't go'' Lily pleaded
''Lily let go''
''No I wont''
He looked into her blue eyes.He couldn't leave her.Not now.
''Lily you have to''
''Oliver why are you doing this to me, why drugs Oliver,why?.'' she cried ''Your not the same, I miss the old Oliver.''
He paused for a moment
''Lily I love you don't forget that.''
Lily just nodded.
''Love you too''
Next day Lily got a miss period.She was scared and in disbelief, was she really pregnant.She went to the pharmacy and got a test.She went to her bathroom and took a deep breath.She left it there for 5 minutes.She looked at the test and began to cry.She was pregnant with Oliver's child.She called him up...no answer.She called Miley..no answer.Then her phone begins to ring.
''Miley thank God'' she said
''Lily you have to get here'' she heard Miley's voice something was wrong
When she went their, there where a bunch of people at Miley's Jackson's new girlfriend,even Amber and Ashley!
''What's going on'' she asked, everyone was crying so she knew something terrible happend ''Where's Oliver I have to talk to him''
She saw Oliver's mom crying with his father.
''Lily... Oliver is dead'' Miley said
''No he can't be, he was just here-no he can't, your lying.'' Lily just said
''Lily calm down''
''He's not dead,HE'S NOT DEAD!!'' Jackson,Cooper,and Jake took Lily to Miley's room.
''He's not dead'' she kept saying and crying.
''He died in a car accident''said Jake ''They can't find his body.''
''Maybe he escaped.'' she said trying to take away the tears
''Its impossible the car exploded''
Lily just started to laugh.
''Is this some sort of joke''
''Lily are you ok.'' Copper added
''Just sw-'' she began to vomit
''Lily'' Miley said coming into her room
Jackson got a bucket.
''I think you have to leave us alone.''
The boys left.
''Miley remember how were best friends and we tell each other everything.''
''Yea'' Miley told her
''Well guess what I'm pregnant,with Oliver's baby.''
''No Lily,that's impossible.''
''Well it is.'' she said as she wiped her tears,she suddenly began to vomit.
''Lil, don't you worry im going to be the best auntie ever and were going to take care of the baby together.''
''I'm sort of happy I'm having a baby.It's the only thing I have left from Oliver.'' she said as she touched her stomach
''Lily,im worried.''
''Why'' she asked
''Jake and I had unprotected...sex'' she said ''And I haven't gotten my period.''
Lily looked at Miley.
''Miley were seniors we can't both be having babies.''
''Well I think we are Lily..we are'''
A/N:Wow everyone is pregnant.Everyone may be wondering why is every story have to do with drugs,pregnancy,etc.I just love writing about stories that can really relate to real life.That's why most of my stories seem like if they've been written by the Lifetime Channel.So im going to try to have two stories running at the same time.Keep the reviews coming:MUAH: