AN: Hi, everyone, this is going to be a short two-short and my first Ouran fic. I hope you enjoy. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! () (On a short side note, I am a Kyouya-Haruhi fan although I have nothing against other pairings. They just fit for me. This fic was inspired by a comment I saw as I watched Ouran on Youtube. In that one episode, Hunni reveals that all the Host Club members pretty much have feelings for Haruhi. However, someone commented that in the end, the two biggest contenders will be Hikaru and Tamaki because Kaoru will back off for his brother, and Kyouya, most likely, for Tamaki. I personally believe that if you rely on the anime... Tamaki will ultimately win.) Sorry about the long AN.

Disclaimer: I do not Ouran and its characters. They belong solely to Hatori.


Part I

It was painful for Kyouya to watch, although he would never admit it. The icy exterior he kept was meant to keep everyone out; anyone that would notice that is. Those two had been the only ones to have ever reached in, to see inside, to hold him, both figuratively and literally. They were the two most precious persons in this life of his, in a world devoid of any true feeling except for that bottomless pit that hungered for riches and power.

However, it didn't change the fact that the only two people he truly cared for, one, his idiotic best friend, and the other, the only girl he will ever love, were finally together despite their seemingly oblivious natures to these things… Well, Tamaki was oblivious to almost everything when he wasn't being annoyingly perceptive.

He hated himself for feeling this pain, the slight bitterness that came with their happiness. It was better to pretend to be an egoist, that he loved no one except himself. It was too bad that it wasn't necessarily true. So it was for their happiness that he would sacrifice anything and everything. He would protect them from the shadows, and woe to those who ever tried to harm them. In this, he wasn't alone, he knew that, but he believed in the strength of his feelings. He was and will be their guardian, even if neither knew it. He would always be there, their guardian in the shadows, just as he had ruled the host club as the Shadow King.