Just another SoraxRiku drabble fanfic. Yes, SoraxRiku, just like my IT'S IN YOUR SIZE fic. Hehe...


Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.

"SOOO? What do you think?" Riku asked, smiling and tossing his hair as if he got a new haircut, when really he'd just gotten his hair dyed black (A/N: Hmm... Riku with black hair... XD).

Sora stared at him with big eyes. Yeah, Sora's eyes were big and shined brightly and made him even cuter and made you want to jump off a cliff when the puppy dog look was plastered on his face, but his eyes now where scary and zombie-looking.

Riku stopped smiling, cringing inwardly at the strange stare his boyfriend was giving him. "Is it that bad?"

Sora continued to stare.

Riku cringed even more. He threw a balled-up piece of paper at Sora, and it landed in his gravity-defying hair and, uh, kinda disappeared. Sora pouted, shook his head furiously until it fell out, then resumed staring at him.

"... Say something, Sora. You're making me nervous."

Sora swallowed hard. "I don't think I've ever seen you with black hair."

Riku looked at him like he was...well, even more of an idiot than usual. "Of course you haven't. I've never dyed my hair, Sora." Riku threw another paper ball, making sure that it was aimed at his face so that it wouldn't get lost in his hair again. "But is that good or bad? Everyone told me it looked good when I got it done, but I think they've been paid to." He brushed his bangs back.

"It's... good," Sora told him, still staring.

Silence lingered in the air before Riku demanded, "What was that pause for? And why did your eyes get all shifty?"

Sora smiled apologetically and chirped, "Sorry, let me try again." Then Sora stood up from his seat and leaned forward and whispered in Riku's ear. Riku shivered because the younger male's usual peppy, innocent, happy tone was replaced with a low, sexy bedroom voice and Sora's fingers combed through his hair. "It's really fucking hot and if we weren't in public, I'd have to jump you right now and screw your brains out."

Then he sat back down, but his hand didn't leave Riku's hair.

Now it was Riku's turn to stare. "... It must be VERY good then."

Sora laughed (still staring) and tugged at the strands of Riku's hair tangled in his fingers. "Yes. VERY."

Reviews are appreciated. : )