Spring Break- Boys vs. Girls

by RabbitDork 101

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!


When everyone got home, they all decided to go off and do their own thing. Zeke and Sharpay decided that they should probably tell their parents that the got married, so they headed over to the Evans Mansion. Both were extremely nervous.

Ryan and Kelsi decided to hang out at her house and just watch movies, because they were throughly exhusted.

Chad and Taylor decided to do the same at Chad's house, and maybe a little kissing would happen, who knows?

Troy and Gabriella headed over to the Montez residence to hang out as well.


Sharpay and Zeke sat in front of their parents and both were extremely nervous. "Mom, Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, um, there is a reason why we called you here." Sharpay said.

Zeke started off where she left off, "In Hawaii, we kind of eloped."

Mr. Evans was furious. "What do you mean kind of eloped?"

"Well, Daddy, we said our vows, and said 'I do' and bada boom bada bing, I'm Mrs Sharpay Baylor."

Zeke grinned when she said that. "Yeah, um, we felt that we could have a more formal wedding when we got home, you know for family and friends. If that is alright with you guys. We're sorry we didn't tell you guys before, but we wanted to get married so badly, that we didn't think we could wait."

Mrs. Evans spoke up now, "That's very sweet. Yes, we could have a more formal and two are 18, so you are old enough to make your own decisions. What do you thing, dear?" she asked, directing the question to her husband.

"I think it is unexceptable! Sharpay, you know you can't marry him, you're engaged to Steve Trappings. A nice boy, from a suitable. This boy is definately not suitable for you." Mr. Evans said, and when he said 'this boy', he said it with utter disgust.

"How, Daddy? How is Zeke not suitable for me? Is it because he's black? Or is it because he might not be as rich as you? What is it Dad? Don't you care about my happiness? I don't want to marry Steve. He is an arrogant pig and I never want to see him ever again. Zeke is sweet, loving, and he looks out for me!!" Sharpay said, storming out of the room.

Zeke was quick to follow her, and left the parents to themselves.

"Shar, it's going to be ok. We are adults, we can make our own decisions, and I'm sure my parents will support us. They are always talking about how sweet you are." He said, wiping the tears out of her face.

"Ok, let's go back in."

When they walked back into the room they had been sitting in, all the parents looked up at the two. Their hands were clasped tightlyi in the other's hand.

"Sharpay, I will support your decision, but as long as you are married to this...this thing, you will no longer be living in my house." Mr. Evans said, hoping to convince his daughter to divorce Zeke.

"Fine," She said, almost monotoneous.

"Mom, Dad? What do you think?" Zeke asked.

"I think it's wonderful that you two are married, and since Mr. Evan won't allow Sharpay live here, you to can live at our house. I think it's so sweet you two found each other so young in life." Mrs. Baylor said. "What do you think Mike?"

Mr. Baylor said, "I agree, Sharpay, you are always welcomed in our home."

"Thank you." Sharpay replied.


"Well, Daddy, looks like I am. Oh and it's Sharpay Lorain Baylor now. Zeke? Can we leave?" Sharpy asked.

"Yeah, let's go baby. Mom, Dad, we'll see you at home." Zeke said, and then the two left.

Mr. Evans stormed over to his study, and Mrs. Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Baylor began to talk about the wedding.


Chad and Taylor were sitting on Chad's bed, in his messy room, watching the 'Lake House'. Every now and then, Taylor would look up at Chad, and give him a quick kiss. About half way through the movie, Taylor had fallen and asleep, and Chad had lost all interest in the movie, and stared contently at Taylor. She was like a sleeping angle, he thought. He lightly kissed her forehead, and fell asleep himself.

A few hours later they woke up, and Chad looked down and Taylor, who smiled up at Chad, and they leaned in and kissed. The kiss was chaste, but the love they had for each other was poured into it, and that made it all the more special. When the broke apart, they rested their foreheads together.

"I love you, Taylor McKessie." Chad said sincerely.

"And I love you, too, Chad Danforth." and they leaned into kiss one more time.


"Thanks for making this the best spring break ever Ryan." Kelsi said, as Ryan was getting ready to leave.

"It was nothing, you made mine one of the best too." Ryan said sincerely. They leaned in and kissed.

"Wait, um Kels, I need to tell you something. I- I love you." Ryan said.

"Oh, I -- I love you too."

"Really?" Ryan asked thrilled.

"Yeah." Kelsi said timidly.

Ryan kissed her with all the passion he had, and kissed back with as much.

"I think I'm going to like going to school now." Kelsi said, making Ryan smile.


Troy and Gabriella were on Gabriella's bed, in a heavy make out session. Troy's shirt was thrown off, and Gabriella was left in just her bra. They heard footsteps coming up the stairs and toward her bedroom, and they immediately stopped. They scrambled to get their shirts on, and Troy dove into the closet. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Gabriella said, as calmly as she could.

Ms. Montez poked her head in and saw Gabriella sitting on her bed, and looking quite flustered. She knew Troy was in the closet, so she would see how long it would take for him to come out.

"Hi honey, how was Hawaii?"

"It was great we had a blast, we slept on the beach one night, and Sharpay and Zeke eloped, so we didn't see much of them. And we had a Boys vs. Girls competition and the girls one. I died Troy's hair pink, it was hilarious, it still won't come all the way." Gabriella said.

"Really, I can't wait to see Troy. What is he up to today. Playing basketball?"

"I'm not sure, but that's probably what he's doing."

"Ok, well, I need to head over to the store. I'll be back in a few."

"K, bye." Gabriella said, ready to get back to her make out session.

"Oh, and Troy?" Ms. Montez said.

Gabriella's face dropped, and Troy came out of his hiding place.

"Yes, Ms. Montez?"

"That lipgloss isn't your shade. And I love the hair." And then she left.

Gabriella burst out laughing and Troy just stood there.

4 Years Later

"Come on guys, its our Sr. Year in college. Let's make this Spring Break count." Chad said to the group sitting around a table in a cafeteria.

"Wow, deja vu." Gabriella said.


So what do you think? I'm not so sure I liked the ending, but watever. Its finished. YAY! Thanks for the review.

