A/N: Oh my, it is done! I hope you all like the way I tied things up. Thanks to all the lovely readers who stuck with me…even when Real Life pulled me away for a few years.
Chapter 44/Epilogue
Eleven Years later
Draco watched as their babies, Cassiopeia and Thuban, raced across the platform to where Chloe was waiting for them with Dorie. "You know," he said wryly. "I don't know that Sev is going to know what to do with them."
"Too true." Blaise snickered. "He can't punish them or risk Dorie and Gin's wrath."
"Oh please," Morag said huffily, joining them as her troupe of heathens rushed off to join theirs. "He can't tell any of them 'no' let alone punish them. Besides, my wrath is almost as scary and you know my heathens are hip deep in whatever yours are up to."
Gin hurried over from where she'd been giving the older children a lecture on the rules- theirs as well as the assorted 'family' that they had gained over the years. She looked a bit haggard. "I don't know who is worse!"
Luna snickered, pulling Theo over to join them. "Our Gwen along with Morag's Dougal would be bad enough, but add in Deimos and Lyra…"
"What about mine?" Lilis asked with a light laugh.
"Or ours," Hestia and Flora chorused.
Gin glanced over to see Wren and Ares attempting to look stern as they took the children to task- for what she didn't want to know…ever. She saw that a few were missing. "Where are Aradia and Chris?"
Draco groaned. "I do not want to know!"
She leaned into him and just shook her head. In their little 'family' there were twenty six children ranging in age from twelve down to age six. To say that last year had been interesting for Severus would have been an understatement. The first wave of 'family' had hit Hogwarts with a bang that Fred and George would have been proud of and that she was certain Lee had a hand in, though he'd denied it endlessly. This year… well she had made it a concentrated effort to not think about what they would get up to. Much better for her mental health that way.
Moments later there were many hugs, kisses, and tearful good-byes before the kids rushed onto the train- with Chris and Aradia rushing in with their three at the last possible moment. When the train was gone, she turned in Draco and Blaise's embrace, tipping her head back to look up at them. She knew that this, right here, the feeling of absolute love and adoration was all that counted. She was loved and happy. "So… what do you say… another heathen to join that lot?"
Their quick grins were answer enough, as was the chorus of "Hey!" "Good idea!" "Oh I want another!" as they Apparated directly into their bedroom. She was laughing delightedly as they tossed her onto the bed and joined her moments later.
"I adore you both," she whispered.
"We adore you," they replied huskily.
Yes, Gin was absolutely certain that in the end, no matter what life threw at you, so long as you were loved nothing else mattered.