Chapter one, a.k.a. How To Save A Life

Hello, if you clicked on this then I have enticed you interest. Round one to me. Thank you for giving the fic a chance, it's an angsty sought of love tale thing. Each chapter is named after the song I was listening to at the time, try and guess where it influenced the chapter... not to hard this time


Spike backed against the brick walls, lost and delirious from the fight. He could see Angel, still fighting, still going strong. Gun was dead, it hadn't been at some dirty demon's hands though, Gun had killed himself, not wanting to be killed by a pathetic creature. Illyria, he didn't know where she was, or if she was alive. He'd lost track of her a few minutes in.

As the last creature's head hit the ground Angel dropped his sword and looked around. He could see Gun's body, but not Spike or Illyria. He stumbled around the bodies which filled the alleyway then he saw a flash of white. He turned and ran to the side of the smaller vampire. Spike was sitting on the floor, clutching his side in pain and looking out at nothing. Angle knelt in front of him and put a hand on Spike's shoulder.

"We have to get moving, we can't stay here." Angel offered a hand to help Spike stand up. Spike shook his head and looked away. "Come on, if we don't move now either the sun or more of those fuckers will get us."

"And where would we go, Angel." Spike snapped angrily, knowing where Angel intended for them to head. Angel looked around and shrugged, he was about to answer when Spike cut him off. "Sunnydale? Sunny-fucking-dale! That's what you're going to say isn't it?" Angel was about to deny the accusation, but couldn't so he just nodded. "Angel, we need to talk." Spike's voice had gotten quiet again and he looked at his fidgeting feet which were lying out in front of him in the alley. Angel sighed and went to walk away. "It's just a bloody talk, get back here." Angel turned and winced as he, for the first time, saw the full gravity of the wound on Spike's side. Angel sat on the ground in front of Spike and smiled weakly, Spike just stared at him, almost like he was staring through him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Angel kept glancing at Spike's side and fretting for the younger's life. Spike shrugged then flinched as Angel pulled Spike's hand away from his side and pulled his leather coat off. It was deep, very deep, and bleeding heavily. It was a fatal wound, or it could be if he wasn't fed and stitched up soon. "What ever it is it can wait. We are getting you to some one to fix you up." With out giving him a choice Angel hoisted Spike to his feet and started dragging him down the alley way.

"Fuck off!" Spike suddenly shouted, causing Angel to drop his grip on the blond. "Just fuck off, I know what you're doing, you want to go back to Buffy, she's not even there, Angel. She's in bloody Italy." Spike hated that moment, that moment when he realised that he was nothing more then a substitute for the slayer to his Sire, and his Sire to the slayer. Neither of them had ever cared about him, and now they weren't even trying to pretend. "Look, if you want her just fucking leave, go to Sunnydale, and find the fucking Slayer. Have a nice fucking un-life! But if you actually ever gave a bloody shit about me, then, please, Angel, stay, help me out right now 'cos if you don't then that sun is going to awfully bloody tempting." Spike was aware that his voice was quavering, but he wasn't about to back down, Angel needed to know he was serious. But it never sank in, the older vampire just couldn't realise that his childe actually meant it, he turned and left. He walked out of the alley and didn't even once turn back. Spike stood where he was for a few seconds, before sitting down on the ground once more, no longer wanting to stand, no longer wanting to even be. He could see the sky turning a light greyish-blue and he could feel him self tugging two ways inside, one towards shelter, towards shade, the other further out in to the open street. He was sure of one thing; he was going to face his destiny like the vicious beast he had been before he became love's bitch. He stood up, grimacing as he did, and walked forwards. A trail of blood dripping behind him from his side.

Bah bah baaaaahhhh

Ha ha! Sorry, but that is all for now, there is more on the way so keep a look out, poor Spike… will he live, or will he die? Only he can decide for him self! Find out in the next exciting chapter of: Keep On Running…