I've wanted to start a Bleach fic for the longest time now. This is what I came up with as the first chapter. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN EPISODES 6 and 7, please read the following...
In those episodes, Kon escapes with Ichigo's body. In a warehouse, after they lost Kon, Ichigo explains that he is really upset that Kon kissed his classmates. Rukia bluntly says that "A kiss is merely a form of greeting; I fail to see what the problem is..."

That line provided inspiration for the following...

"A Form of Greeting"

"A kiss is merely a form of greeting; I fail to see what the problem is…"

The words were bitter as they precipitated from her cool lips. They repeated, murmuring the same phrase, as coldly as the next, in his mind as he lay in his bed. He was awake again, tired, but yet, awake.

He didn't understand her logic; it perplexed him and he supposed that was the reason he was awake. Were kisses really not complex, as others called them? Were they just motions or were they really passionate?

Ichigo took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to overcome his insomnia. He never had sleeping problems before she came. Ichigo couldn't recall the last time he simply lied down and fell asleep instantly. He was tired, but his body seemed to want to stay awake. It was frustrating to stay up at night, thinking solely on nothing, but the girl that was sleeping in the closet next to him.

He didn't understand why her words had affected him so. He was almost angry about it, almost. She always made him feel that way. Ichigo was always on the brink of anger or insanity when it came to Rukia. She was a nuisance, a constant burden with her hollow missions, and yet he enjoyed every minute of her company. He was angry when she'd pester him in class and drag him away from his friends to exterminate a hollow and yet, he was worried about her when she wasn't near and when she was late to school.

But he couldn't say he was in love; that would be childish. He was a teenager, a naïve teenager, who didn't know a world outside of school. He, however, considered Rukia. He considered being with her, touching her, and kissing her. But her cold demeanor always seemed to push him away. She seemed to hate physical contact. She almost seemed to hate him and this world.

A form of greeting…

He sighed in frustration before shoving his face into his soft pillow. This would be a long night.

I fail to see what the problem is…

The words haunted her at night. She could hear them echoing off the walls in her small closet, mocking and jeering at her, poking her in the side just to torment her.

"Stupid body…" she murmured quietly, as the sneering progressed. "It…it feels too much…"

She laughed, bitterly, trying to avoid the protesting of her conscious. Everything she said seemed to contradict her mind lately. When she would poke fun at Ichigo in class, she found her mouth saying that she only did it for fun. But her mind would scream that she had merely wanted his attention. She would read romance novels and find herself thinking of Ichigo. It was insane and extremely annoying to want to be near him.

Rukia quickly turned toward the closet door and peered through her crack in consolation.

She would always do this at night. She had found it comforting some nights just to watch him sleep. She loved the sound of his relaxed breathing and watched as the sheet covers rose as he took a breath. She would watch him do this for hours at night sometimes.

She didn't know why, he was a normal boy, despite what he put on. Sometimes she would laugh at him, when he murmured or lulled in his sleep. He looked so vulnerable and Rukia adored seeing him in such a state.

She wanted to say that she would only do this for comfort; that would be what her mouth would mutter, but as usual her mind protested against her folly of excuses.

She rubbed her temples in anger. She had read that was supposed to relieve headaches, but this headache probably would never go away. Her navy eyes continued to watch the figure through the crack. He turned over, grunting slightly, probably in a dream state.

She smiled, but quickly frowned catching herself. She shook her head and lied down, turning away from the crack.

"A form of greeting…"

She closed her eyes and shoved her head into her small pillow, trying to expunge the sounds of her own voice. Sleep had better come soon.

"A kiss..." She muttered to herself, subcontiously. "A kiss..."

There will be more of this, if and only if, I get enough reviews, so please please please REVIEW!!!