A/N: I decided to redo this chapter and the next. It should be easier to read now.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of them.
On the planet Phaedos, Dulcea, one of the ninjetti masters watched as the cougar ninjetti fought with three ninjas. She was always impressed with his skill. He moved with grace and speed, but also had power and strength. Of course, with him being the son of her and Zordon, she couldn't help but be a little biased. So, she had asked Ninjor, another ninjetti master, to help her with his training.
Ninjor had been reluctant, saying the young man had too much baggage from living on the planet earth. He was insistent that the boy would have the attitudes and feelings of an earthling and no amount of training would turn him around.
Dulcea had talked him into helping and now he stood beside her, watching the young man as he fought. Ninjor turned to Dulcea and smiled at her. "Your son is the true ninjetti warrior. He will be worthy of his destiny."
Dulcea smiled. "He will be ready to make the journey to the monolith within a few days," she said. "I just wish I could have known him as he was growing up."
Ninjor put a hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You did what you had to do to protect him," he said. "If Vile had gotten him as a baby, he would now be one of our enemies, instead of the hope for all forces of good. He will fulfill his destiny and become the ultimate ninjetti warrior."
Dulcea smiled, but her mind drifted back to centuries before this day, a day her heart had nearly broken in two.
The battle with evil forces was escalating. Zordon had traveled to another planet to confront Master Vile. He had all ready defeated Rita and placed her and her minions in the space capsule. He had also banished Ivan Ooze, placing him in a time capsule for all eternity.
But Master Vile was expecting Zordon to show up and set a trap for him. He trapped Zordon in a time warp tube.
Zordon could not leave the time warp. If he did, he would start to age rapidly, and die very quickly.
Once Zordon was dealt with, Vile had headed for Phaedos, intent on killing Dulcea and taking their child to raise as his own.
But, Dulcea had been warned by Ninjor as to what had happened. With a grieving heart, she had placed her one year old son in a stasis chamber and sealed him inside, keeping him at the age of one until the day would come that she could release and raise him without any interference from Vile. She had sent the stasis chamber to Eltar, but something had gone wrong, and the chamber ended up on the planet called earth.
Thankfully, allies of theirs were on the planet when the chamber landed. They took the chamber deep into the mountains and buried it deep in a hidden cave. Then they had gone out to fight the battle. Unfortunately, they had all been killed in the battle.
No one knew where the stasis chamber was located. So, for the next ten centuries, the whereabouts of Zordon's son had remained a mystery.
Vile had cornered Dulcea on Phaedos and cast a spell on her. She should not leave the very plateau she was not standing on, or she would age and die within a few days.
Ninjor and the other ninjetti masters had come to her aid and defeated Vile's forces.
In the process, Dulcea had informed Vile that her child was dead. Seeing no sign of the child, Vile had left, believing her and pursuing him no more. Since centuries had gone by and he had never shown up, he and all others associated with him, believed that the child had indeed perished.
For ten centuries, the child had remained in the stasis chamber, hidden deep within the mountains on earth. He slept in an ageless sleep, waiting for someone to find him and awaken him. It was only seventeen years ago that he was discovered.
Zordon had established a command center on top of the very mountain that his son was buried in, not knowing what lay beneath him. When they were preparing the lower chambers of the command center, they unearthed the stasis chamber.
Seeing the symbols from Phaedos on the side of the chamber, Zordon had known immediately who was in the chamber. When Alpha, his helper, had checked the vitals and let Zordon know that the baby was still alive, Zordon had enlisted the help of a friend to get the baby away from the command center. He knew that he could not keep the child with him. There were too many ways for the forces of evil to find out about him.
He had called upon his friend, Dimitria, to take the child and find a good family for him on earth. When the time was right, he would reclaim his son and send him to Phaedos to fulfill his destiny.
Dimitria had opened the stasis chamber and awakened the child. Disguised as an earth human, she had taken the child to the nearby city of Angel Grove. With forged documents and birth certificate, she had found a childless couple who were looking to adopt. Claiming to be the baby's aunt, she had signed all of the documents and the boy was placed with a loving mother and father.
He spent the next sixteen years of his life as an earthling. Zordon had kept an eye on him and was pleased with the way his adoptive parents had raised the boy. He became a strong athlete, excelling in the martial arts, winning many tournaments. He grew tall and strong and made many friends as he was growing up. Almost everyone who knew him on earth liked him.
Although he made friends easily, he had four to whom he was especially close. These four he considered to be like the brothers and sisters he had never had. He looked after them like a big brother would and they in turn watched out for him as well. He became their unofficial leader.
Zordon had then made a decision that Dulcea was not happy with, but could do nothing about. Rita had escaped and Zordon recruited five teenagers on earth to become Power Rangers.
His son was the first red ranger and the first leader of the rangers. His four friends made up the rest of the team. His skills as a leader were all ready there, shining through when the team found themselves in tough situations. He also listened to other members of the team when they voiced their opinions on something.
When a sixth ranger had come along, it was his son who first welcomed him to the team. One of the hardest decisions that Zordon had had to make was replacing his son with another as the leader of the rangers.
But he had taken the boy aside and told him of his plans, stating that he had another destiny ahead of him. He was destined to be more than a power ranger, bur for now he had to accept and follow the leadership of another.
The boy had agreed and the white ranger had taken over the role of leader. Not long after that, Zordon had taken his son aside and told him of his true parentage. He had then explained how he was to go to Phaedos and learn the skill needed to fulfill his destiny. Although skeptical at first, his son soon came to realize that he had been told the truth.
Dulcea snapped out of her memories as she realized that Ninjor had said something to her. "I'm sorry, Ninjor," she said. "What did you say?"
Ninjor pointed to her son. "I said that something is wrong with Jason," he said.
Dulcea looked at her son and a frown crossed her face.
Jason and the ninjas had stopped fighting and Jason was staring out into space, a look of intense concentration on his face. He almost seemed to be in a trance.
Dulcea and Ninjor approached him cautiously, not wanting to startle him
Jason came out of his trance and turned to face them. "I have to go back to earth," he said. "There is trouble coming."
Dulcea put her hand on his shoulder. "What kind of trouble," she asked.
Jason looked her in the eyes. "Zordon said that Ivan Ooze's time capsule has been uncovered," he said. "He wants me there to help the rangers."
Dulcea nodded. "Just be careful," she said. "Make sure that you use your ninjetti skills wisely and do not let anyone know who your father is, not even the rangers."
Jason smiled at her and nodded. "Don't worry, mother," he said. "I'll be careful."
Ninjor clapped Jason on the shoulder. "If you need me," he said. "Just call and I'll be there."
Jason nodded. "I'd better get my things," he said. "I have to go as soon as possible." He headed towards the temple to gather his things. Half an hour later, he was saying goodbye to Dulcea and Ninjor and then he teleported to earth.