Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach…T.T

If you don't think this story is good, feel free to flame because I wrote this at around 10:30 and couldn't sleep until I finish. Enjoy.


Cold rain drenched the blood soaked earth. All around, you could hear the clashing of metal against metal and the cries of pain in which no one was spared. In the middle of the battlefield, a young Hinamori Momo stared up in horror as a short white haired boy fell backwards, slowly sliding out of the blade that was thrust through him. His wide jade green eyes slowly closed as he descended.


She quickly caught him before he landed. Tears mixed with rain, dirt, and blood rolled down her cheeks and on to his face.

"Shirou-chan! Shirou-chan! Please wake up," sobbed the young lieutenant as lightning flashed and it began raining harder. "Gomen, Shirou-chan. I'm so sorry I believed him instead of you."


She gasped softly as his eyes fluttered open. His body and arms were covered in many cuts and bruises. The shinigami robes and captain haori he was wearing were tattered and ripped. Everything, including his hair, was soaked in a deep crimson. Beside him, Hyourinmaru, his zanpakutou, lay broken in many pieces. His breaths were ragged as he tried to stay conscious.

"Baka…I…told you…to stay b…back," he coughed up more blood as his eyes became duller, "so…you…wouldn't…see…y-your…precious Ai…zen…d-die."

Hearing this, more tears streamed down her face as she hugged him.


His body became limp and cold as the last of his life and warmth left. Clutching his body tightly, she cried into his once snowy white hair. His eyes were dull and lifeless and his mouth hung open a little while blood slowly dripped down from his chin.

"Sayounara, Shirou-chan. Gomen and thank you for everything," whispered Hinamori as a sword thrust through her chest and she toppled over Hitsugaya's body.

"No. Sayounara, Hinamori-kun," chuckled Aizen as he walked away from the dead couple to rejoin the war.

Little did he know, Hinamori smiled a small smile using the last of her energy.

Wait for me, Shirou-chan. I'm coming with you.

She slowly drifted off to eternal slumber as the harsh rain turned into gentle snow. It blanketed the two young shinigami as if protecting them from the war, and also, the world. It proves that not even death could keep those two apart.



Well that's over. Plz review and tell me what you think about this story, 'kay?

Raiko: I can't believe you killed Shirou-chan. Now you made me all depressed.

Me: Sorry, here's a cookie.

Raiko: Yay!

(Raiko is a character made by my friend. There will be a story with her and my character, Ookami, later.)