Finally! It has been re-written and re-submitted (fourth time now)! Not much else to say. Different cast, cause I'm pretty sure any OCs that were pledged to the old version of this fic are officially expired. Sooo, instead I will use Kain (you may know him from Roomies Insert Cheap Advertisement Here ) and I dunno. Someone else. I'll figure it out when the time comes. My writing style has definitely changed (whether for the better or worse I have no idea). So anyway, mostly same characters, same plot but different content.

DISCLAIMER: Yeah been there, done that. I'm sure you've heard the disclaimer 100 million times so I'll make it quick "I DO NOT OWN SONIC OR CREW!!!".

Chapter 1: The Madness Begins

Peaceful hedgehog, sleep on and let nothing disturb thy slumber. That's what Sonic was thinking bitterly as he sipped coffee sleepily, at the kitchen table. Ten minutes ago, the cheerful chattering of the birds had woke him up. Since he couldn't get back to sleep, he performed his morning rituals cursing the idiot who had invented birds. To deepen his irritation, the biggest faker ever, Shadow was sneering mockingly at him. To top that, Amy was cooking. Insert grimace of disgust here.

"OI! Cooking slave! Where's my food?" Amy spun around glaring. Tails sat waiting his fork and knife clutched in both fists. Sonic had fallen asleep on the table. Shadow had turned his sneer to Cream, who was staring a Tails.

"Morning guys!" Knuckles yelled loudly as he entered the kitchen. Sonic sat up with a start.

"Why is the rum gone??!!" Everyone stared blankly at him, except Shadow. Shadow once again was sneering at him.

"There is no rum idiot." Shadow said, sneer still on his face.

"Why's Sonic up so early anyway?" Knuckles asked. Sonic's face darkened.

"Those damn birds! They woke me up. Hey Knuckles, where's your twelve-gauge at? I'm going to shoot them down, and then make bird fillet." Knuckles shrugged.

"I think I lent it to Biggs. He was saying something about being recruited for that Resident Evil series."

"Are you serious?! Who am I gonna buy my hash from now?" Tails groaned holding his head in his hands.

"Breakfast is ready!" Amy trilled. Tails instantly brightened up. Knuckles pretended to throw up. Shadow snorted. Sonic covered his ears.

"Not so loud!" Sonic said letting his head thud onto the table.

"Jeez man, are you hung over? What did you two do last night?" Knuckles asked. Shadow grinned. Sonic looked thoughtful.


"Yeah bitches! SMACK MY BLUE ASS!!" Sonic shouted at some good-looking echidna girls. They gave him appraising looks, but turned away.

"Sonic, as funny as this is I think it's time we go home." Shadow said smirking.

"Mutiny on my ship?! I'll have you walk the PLANK!" Sonic growled staggering towards Shadow, his bottle of rum raised high. Shadow snatched the rum and handed it to some underage kid.

"Thanks mister!" The kid started chugging it and the he passed it around to his friends. Sonic stared at his empty hand.

"Not good! Not good!" Shadow grabbed his arm and started pulling him to the exit.

"Sha…Shag…Shad…SHADOW! That's the name! Where's my rum?" Shadow sighed.

"The rum's gone."

"But w…why's the rum gone?" Sonic asked before promptly passing out.

"You owe me one faker." Shadow muttered before slinging the passed out Sonic over his shoulder with minimal difficulty.

End Flashback

"Nothing." They chorused. Knuckles raised his eyebrow. Just at that moment, Amy dumped a plate full of waffles in front of Tails.

"Yay! Waffles!" Tails cut it up in a matter of seconds and put a portion in his mouth. "It's good." He said chew thoughtfully. Shadow, Knuckles and Sonic looked at each other.

"Wait for it…" Sonic said with a smirk worthy of Shadow. Tails suddenly choked.

"Ugh! That's fricking nasty! What did you put in this?" Amy frowned.

"Nothing. It's a tofu waffle." Tails spat it out.

"Tofu is nasty. Make real food for once!" A vein popped up in Amy's head. Pulling out her hammer she punted him with it. He flew from his chair, through the open door leading to the basement and rolled down the stairs, with a big thump.

"Don't insult my cooking!" Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at?!" Amy growled menacingly. They instantly stifled their laughter.

"I don't feel hungry." Sonic commented before quickly shooting into the living room, firing up the Playstation 2.

"Um…I forgot, I need to go wake up Rouge." Knuckles said shiftily before speeding into the living room after Sonic.

"I'll go help." Shadow said, following. Amy stared after the three. She turned to Cream.

"Rouge's room isn't that way…" Cream shrugged going down into the basement, probably to help Tails. Rouge emerged from the entrance to the kitchen, yawning.

"What did I miss?"


Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow were gathered around the Playstation 2, mashing buttons and playing Soul Calibur III on Sonic's widescreen plasma T.V. Hey, being the hero has benefits you know.

"Oh baby! Twenty hit combo! Man you suck at this game Shadow." Knuckles laughed.

"Shut up. It's cause Sonic keeps picking pansy ass characters for me like that damn Talim chick." Shadow growled.

"Shut up! She's just misunderstood!" Sonic wailed.

"Fine! YOU use her." Shadow snarled thrusting the controller at him.

Few moments later…

"I can't believe it." Knuckles said, staring wide eyed at the screen. Shadow was gaping at the screen.

"Alright!! Go Talim, Go Talim! It's ya birthday!" Sonic cheered.

"You just got a two hundred hit combo…" Shadow trailed off.

"Three times in a row…" Knuckles added in shaking his head. Tail limped into the room, and fell heavily on the couch beside Sonic.

"You know, I hate it when Amy cooks." He commented rubbing his head.

"Me too." Sonic said.

"What was that?!" Amy called coming from the kitchen.

"Shittake mushrooms!" Tails dove under the couch. The four smiled innocently. She gave them a suspicious look before going passing through to go upstairs. They all sighed in relief.

"That was one close monkey humper." Tails commented. The other three inched away from him. "What?"

"Nothing." Sonic muttered. Just then, Rouge swept in yawning some more. Sweeping herself past Tails, Sonic, and Shadow she casually sat in Knuckles' lap.

"Morning Knucklehead." She cooed. Knuckles flushed, as the other three present laughed. Tails got up.

"Gotta go locate a knew hash dealer. I heard Froggy has some mean stuff." Sonic got the hint too.

"Well, I guess you and Rouge can play. Try not to let her whoop your ass too many times." Knuckles glared at Sonic. Shadow grinned and got up to leave. Sonic followed suit.

"Hey Shadow wanna go to Mario's place and steal their pizzas?" Sonic asked.

"You need to ask? That fucker and his brother have it coming." Shadow said smirking. Knuckles gulped as Rouge pounced on him.

"Now where did we leave off last night?" She asked seductively. Just then Cream came in.

"Ew gross! Do that in your room!" Cream cried covering her eyes and dashing for the stairs. Rouge sweatdropped.

DA Sly: Well that ends the first episode of The WSF. Tune in next time and be sure to review!

Mario: It's a me Mario