
xXXTime Skip BabeXXx

4 months

Wedding Day

"Oh man oh man oh man" yuri repeated over and over again as he paced, or rather waddled, back and forth in his changing quarters.

"Your majesty please relax stress isn't good for the babies" Conrad stated.

"I know I know I'm just afraid that I'm going to screw this up somehow"

Conrad laughed a little "you haven't been this nervous since we brought your parents here to tell them of yours and wolframs soon to be parenthood"

"Ugh I know don't remind me"

Flash back 3 ½ months

"Uhm hi mom, dad, shiori" yuri said nervously.

"Oh yu-chan it's so nice to see you, my I don't know if it's the Shin Mokoku air but you look absolutely radiant" miko stated as she hugged yuri "and call me mama."

"Hey son how have you and wolfram been, you haven't been getting into too much trouble I hope." Yuri's dad stated smiling at his son.

"We've been fine dad" yuri blushed.

"Hey yuri how have things been here, if I recall the last time I was here there was trouble" shiori stated suspiciously.

"Everything's good and fine shiori, there hasn't been any trouble here for a while but…" yuri chuckled nervously.

"Well, you see there was a reason why you guys were called here. Well you see uhm. Uuhhh me and wolfram uh where getting married soon, yah and I just thought it was important to tell you hehe" yuri smiled

"That's wonderful yuri!" Jennifer yuri's mother cheered.

"hahahaha wolfram finally got you to that last step in commitment" yuris' father laughed.

"Haha sort of" yuri gave another nervous laugh.

"hmmm there seems to be something else you wanted to say yuri, tell me why the sudden decision" shiori asked suspiciously.

That's when wolfram burst through the doors "sudden!! Yuri and I have been fiancés for three years there's nothing sudden about this." Wolfram screeched "and to think all it took was to knock the stupid wimp up!"

"Wolfram!!" yuri yelled then spun to see his families reaction.

"…………." Wolfram slapped his hand over his mouth

"Yu-chan!" Yuri s mother said "your pregnant?!" she asked with hopeful with stars in her eyes.

"…maybe" yuri answered

"Maybe nothing" wolfram said "will you shut up" yuri said angrily

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Jennifer squealed "I knew it I knew you looked as if you were positively glowing"

"Wow I'm going to be a grandfather" yuris' father said stunned then passed out, after all it is a shock when you find out your youngest son is going to be a mother.

Mean while shiori seemed to be in full glare mode on wolfram. "You got my little brother pregnant". Shiori stated more than asked

"Y-yes" wolfram stuttered.

Shiori sighed "well there's nothing to be done about it now. Just make sure you to take care of each other and the baby"

"W-well actually ….." wolfram started but yuri cut in.

"We'll make sure we do that" he said to shiori then whispered to wolfram "we'll keep the rest of the information a surprise". Yuri smiled then frowned. "and for that little outburst of yours and ruining our telling my family you will be keeping you're hands off me for the next few days" yuri stated "w-what that's not fair" wolfram said but yuri just retorted "you wanna make that a week and sleeping on the couch" and at that wolfram stomped out of the room leaving only a satisfied yuri and his confused family.

End flash backs

Yuri smiled a little at that memory.

"I just don't want to screw anything up you know this is going to be one of the most important days in my life" yuri said.

"Everything will be fine yuri you're surrounded by people who love you". conrad said with a warm smile on his face.

"Thanks Conrad, hmm you said my name that must be a sign of things to come; now I definitely have no problems to worry about." Yuri smiled.

At the ceremony

Every one watched as both yuri and wolfram stood before murata as there marital ritual was coming to an end, murata placed a gold coin, specially made for them, in yuris' upturn palm and wolfram placed his hand over it palm down after a moment there yuris' and wolframs hands started to glow a bright gold and when the shine receded, on the back of there left hands was the same design that was on the coin "now that the marking is complete you may kiss your mate."


Whew sorry it took so long I know I said a week but I lost my thumb drive for a while. So to say I'm sorry I shall make cookies fall from the sky and rain milk upon your heads muahahahahahah, sorry if your lactose intolerant, muahahahahaha