This was originally going to be part of Organization Fun, but I realized that it had the potential for multiple chapters.

It's about me and my friend Sofri infiltrating the Castle That Never Was and causing general mayhem. With Axel's help.

Explosions, screaming, pain... you get the idea. All the fun stuff. Especially the explosions... hehe...

This chapter involves us meeting up with Axel, then torturing poor Roxas.

Disclaimer: I don't own Axel, Roxas, or anything else Kingdom Hearts. I own Russa only. And the plot. Not that there is one. Sofricus (Sofri) is Sofricus Aurora Zakuro. So she belongs to herself. Oh, I don't own the "I'll make a man out of you" song from Mulan or the Wizard of Oz.

Sofricus and Russa walked along the corridor, laughing and babbling excitedly.

"I can't believe we're actually here! In the Castle That Never Was!" Russa exclaimed, bouncing up and down hyperactively. She had shining silver hair that fell to her waist, deep purple eyes, was dressed in a simple brown tunic and leggings, and had all manner of weapons strapped to her body. I won't list them all, because there were too many. Her body was lean and wiry, and she was of little-more-than-average height.

Sofricus agreed heartily. "Don't you love authoress powers? They can get you inside anywhere, even someplace that doesn't exist! HUZZAH!" She was tall, with waist-length braided copper hair and piercing silver eyes. A long rapier was strapped at her hip.

Russa stopped as something occurred to her. "You know, maybe we shouldn't have engorged ourselves on candy and poptarts before we came…"

They looked at each other, laughed, and simultaneously yelled, "NAH!" Just then, Axel came running around the corner and crashed into the two girls, bowling them over. Sitting on the floor, the three looked at each other for a moment.

The two authoresses burst out laughing. "Hi Axel!" Russa exclaimed.

Axel stared at them for a moment, then shook his head. "I'm not even gonna ask." Russa grinned happily, rocking back and forth and shouting "SQUEE! SQUEE! SQUEE! SQUEE!"

Sofri told her to be quiet and turned to Axel. "Let's prank and/or annoy all of the other Nobodies and cause general mayhem!" she suggested, grinning evilly.

Axel stared at them both for another moment before grinning widely. "Yeah! Let's do it! But first, who are you?"

"Sofricus. But you can call me Sofri."


Axel shook his head at this last exclamation and turned to Sofri, who seemed to be the less hyperactive of the two. "The name's Axel. Got it-"

"Memorized?" Russa finished. Sofri smiled sympathetically at Axel. "We know." The pyromaniac glanced around them. "Why are we still sitting on the floor?"

Russa grinned and burst into song. "Because… We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz! If ever, if ever a wiz there was, the Wizard of Oz is one because, because, because, because, because, becaaaaauuuuuussee! Because of the wonderful things he does! We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Ooooooooooozz!"

Axel and Sofri ignored her for the moment. They got up and headed off down the hall, having decided to start with Roxas and work their way up. Russa followed behind, singing something different now: "Let's get down to business; to defeat the Huns. Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met, but you can bet before we're through; Mister, I'll make a man out of you! Tranquil as the forest, but on fire within. Once you find your center, you are sure to win! You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot, and you haven't got a clue! Somehow I'll make a man out of yooouuu!"

They headed in to Roxas' room. Axel decided to hang back and watch this one. He didn't want Roxas mad at him later.

The two girls saw Roxas at the exact same time. The poor Nobody never stood a chance.

"ROXAS!" They yelled, and tackled him. Roxas squirmed away and backed off into the corner.

Sofri and Russa traded a glance. Evil grins spread over their faces. Sofri began to recite: "Roxas. Number thirteen in the Organization. Nickname: The Key of Destiny. Element: Light. Weapon: Double Keyblades…" Russa laughed at the dumbfounded expression on the younger Nobody's face. She bounded forwards, levitated magically, and hung in the air above Roxas' head, upside-down.

She started tugging on his hair in random spots. Roxas slapped at her hands. "What are you doing?" Russa grinned. "I'm looking for your horns." He frowned. "What?"

Russa flipped rightside-up and mock glared at him. "Don't act all innocent. We both know you're really a goat!" (Inside joke)

Roxas just stared. Both girls suddenly stopped talking, waved, and disappeared.

Poking their heads around the doorframe, the three pranksters (Axel had been laughing hysterically the entire time) laughed even harder to see Roxas rocking back and forth on the floor moaning in terror.

Russa spun away and proclaimed, "On to Larxene! AWAAAYYY!" The others followed in her headlong dash down the hallway.

I love randomly breaking out into song. Could you tell? More to come! From now on, there will be one or two Org members tortured per chapter. We'll have to see how long each one takes. Kudos to Sofri for the idea!

I need help thinking of how to torture the rest of them! I have an idea for Vexen, but any other suggestions would be appreciated!