Hey! Everyone this is my first story! And its will probably be an azureshipper but if you review and give other couple suggestions it might and probably will change! After all fans come first!

Remember this is my first so please no flames just constructive criticism! Kk anyway hope you like it!!

Disclaimer: I do not ownif I did I wouldn't need to write this story!

What have I ever done!


Téa was so happy she couldn't believe she was finally turning 16! Today was Téa's birthday. She was having an amazing day so far. All her classes were fun for a change and had received wonderful presents from her aunt. As Téa was walking down the hall someone had bumped into her and almost knocked her off balance. This someone grunted.

"Watch where you are going Gardener" he snapped. Téa's heart skipped a beat at hearing her crush's deep and sexy voice, but just because he was her crush it doesn't mean she will let him trample all over her,which is why she decided to stay as cold as she could so that Seto wouldn't suspect her true feelings.

"Well excuse me, Kaiba, but YOU were the one that walked into ME!" she barked at him, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Oh feisty today aren't we Gardener?" he said with amusement in his voice. Seto Kaibausually found getting on Téa Gardener's nerves a very amusing thing to do. But today, he felt something different. He stared at her, taking in her perfect body and stunning blue eyes. Something stirred in him he wasn't sure what it was…. But it was there.

"Well that's because I have been having a good day and I don't want you to ruin it for me" she said simply.

"Oh is that so?" he asked getting a little curious about Téa's 'good day'.Not only was he curious, but he was also lured by her feisty spirit. Much to his surprise Téa was about to say something but he interrupted her. "Oh let me guess you finally convinced the mutt you call a friend to take a shower." Téa glared at the tall brunette.

"Oh shut up Kaiba! You are such a jerk you know that! And why do you always pick on Joey!? Do you like him or something! " she yelled at him causing everyone in the hallway to look at them. She was about to start yelling at him when she was interrupted.

"Mr. Kaiba, Ms. Gardener in my office right now!" came the strict voice of the principal. The principal was a tall and friendly looking lady, her sparkling green eyes showed her anger and disappointment.

The principal sat behind her desk and signaled for the two teens to sit on the two chairs facing her. "You two are two of the best students in the school!! I didn't expect you two to be yelling at each other in the halls!! And as punishment you will both have detention after school today! However it will not go on your portfolio because it was your first offence."

"What, I don't have time for stupid detention! I have a billion dollar company to run!" Seto spat trying to sound intimidating. 'Here we go again' Téa Thought to herself.

Téa just nodded at the aging principal,knowing that arguing will get her nowhere.

"Would you like to have detention for a week then!?" she asked just as intimidating if not more. Kaiba just glared at the women and walked out of her office.

That day went very well, until detention of course. Téa walked into the detention room to find Kaiba already sitting there. Téa walked in, greeted the detention supervisor and went to sit next to Kaiba since there were only two desks in the room other than the teacher's desk.

The supervisor got up and began speaking. "Alright you two, you are required to sit here for an hour. I need to do some unfinished business and I will be back in 45 minutes. I expect you two to be quiet until I get back!" As soon as the supervisor left Téa took out a book and began reading. She hadn't noticed Kaiba walking towards her until he was right beside her. She sighed "What do you want Kaiba?" she asked clearly not in the mood to talk to him.

"Gardener what are you talking about? I wasn't planning to talk to you! I need to use the bathroom." He said in his usual cold and arrogant tone. Téa flushed deep red in embarrassment. Kaiba just smirked and headed towards the bathroom. 'she looks cute when she blushes…no wait I DID not just say Yugi's cheerleader is cute!

He soon returned, went back to his seat and began typing on his laptop. The rest of detention went by quickly and the two were dismissed.

Téa walked outside and noticed that it was pouring outside. She cursed under her breath for forgetting her umbrella and started walking home in the rain. The rain was pouring heavily on her and she could feel every tiny little raindrop hit her. She shivered and continued walking while thinking about why she would like Seto Kaiba! The most arrogant man in the world.

'Why would I like him he is such a jerk I mean he is good looking and everything but his personality is a throw off! And the ass got me my first detention today! What a…huh has already stooped raining.' She stopped and turned around to see Seto Kaiba standing there holding an umbrella over their heads.

Her Oceanic Blue eyes met his metallic blue eyes. The two stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like ages, before she started walking away. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back under the umbrella.

She looked into his eyes, all the coldness that she usually saw in his eyes was gone. This time, she saw something different, something that was more like passion and care. And the touch of his hands, still firm and strong made her feel safe. At that time she knew that this was it, this was the moment she had been dreaming about for many nights.

The two kept staring into each other's eyes and began drawing closer until their lips met in a passionate kiss. Tea never wanted that moment to end but when they finally broke the kiss, Kaiba bent down a little.

"We should do this more often" he whispered seductively. Shesmiled at him and took his hands in hers. They stood there for a long time, staring at each other, not even caring about the rain pouring down on them.

For Téa, it seemed like it was the beginning of a never-ending dream.

That's it for chapter 1!! Hope you liked it!! And review!!