Be My Hero

Tifa's party was, of course, a success. The school continued to talk about for days afterwards and random people that Aerith hardly knew would come running up to Tifa during break, asking if there would be another party soon. Tifa would just smile, giggle a little and politely explain that there wouldn't be another party for a long time.

But one person who hadnt spoken to Tifa or Aerith since then, was Cloud. He hadn't been in chemistry for the past few days and Aerith was getting a little fed up of Tifa's eyes constantly searching the lunch hall for the unique spiky blond hair.

As she walked to her class, Aerith unconsciously pressed her folder to her stomach and turned the corner. She looked up, her eyes meeting with Sephiroth's and she felt her blood freeze. He stared at her, forcing her to break her gaze. The one good thing was that he didn't have his gang with him, she would only have to put up with his sneering. She moved to walk past him when he suddenly slammed the locker door, causing her to flinch and let out a squeak. He advanced upon her and she took a step back with each one he took forward.

"Scarlet overheard something interesting in the girl's toilet's today," he commented. Aerith gulped slightly and instictively glanced around her. "Can you guess what?" he continued.

She looked back at him and slowly shook her head. His lips curved into a cruel smirk and he snatched the folder from her arms. She gasped and made to grab it back but he tossed it away, causing her notes to scatter everywhere. As she took a step forward, he shoved her back into the lockers, gripping her shoulders in a death grip.

"You're pregnant!" he hissed. Aerith's mouth dropped in shock as she struggled to respond.

"I...I'm not!" she protested, turning her head in an attempt to block him out.

"Liar!" he snarled, raising his hand. Aerith turned her head instinctively and waited for the blow.


Both turned to see Cloud standing at the end of the corridor with a furious look on his face. Sephiroth looked him up and down and let out an amused snort but he let Aerith go. The sudden loss of the grip caused her to stumble on her feet slightly but Sephiroh didn't seem to care. He stepped up to Cloud, who raised his head defiantly.

"You didn't see anything!" the older teen warned coldly. Cloud's eyes narrowed.

"Says who?"

Sephiroth raised a fist and punched the locker right next to Cloud's head. Aerith made a frightened noise in the back of her throat but Cloud didn't even flinch, just continued to stare coldly at the older teen. Eventually, the silver-haired male sneered and turned away. He gave a lingering look towards Aerith as he walked past her before disappearing around the corner. Immediately, Cloud turned to her.

"Are you alright?"

She shrugged since she truly had no other response. She picked up her folder and stared miserably at the sheets that lay scattered across the corridor before beginning to pick them up. She jumped as Cloud knelt beside her and handed her a couple that he had picked up himself. She sighed and took them, giving him a half-attempted smile.

"Thanks Cloud but I'm fine. You can go now."

"But I..."

"Please!" she whispered, her shoulders starting to shake as she attempted to hold in her tears. "Please just leave me alone!"

Cloud stood up, looking at her in bewilderment. He ran a hand through his hair as he glaned up and down the corridor before settling on her again.

"I..I'll see you later then," he muttered before walking away.

As she listened to his footsteps echoing away she finally succumbed and let her tears fall. She abandoned her folder and sat against the lockers, sobbing hopelessly for what felt like an eternity. It wasn't until she heard a different set of footsteps that she suddenly sat up straight, roughly wiped her face and gathered her things.


She looked up to see Tifa standing at the opposite end of the hallway. At seeing her friend's face, Tifa's expression turned from curious to horror and she sprinted to Aerith's side, placing her hands on her shoulders.

"What's happened?" she demanded, scanning the brunette for any injuries. Aerith shook her head and slowly stood, the movement causing Tifa's hands to slip off her shoulders. She took a step back and studied her friend carefully, waiting for an explanation.

"I'm alright," Aerith muttered. Tifa's eyes narrowed.

"Don't lie to me!" she said harshly but just as quickly as her anger came, her features softened and she gave a small sigh. "Aerith, I can't help you unless you tell me when stuff like this happens! Now, what did Sephiroth do to you this time?"

"He just spoke to me," she replied as she met her friend's stern gaze. "I promise." Tifa continued to stare her down until she shook her head.

"If you say so," she responded though her tone showed how much she believed her. However, not wanting to cause her friend anymore stress she quickly changed the subject. "What have you got next?"

"History," Aerith replied.

"I've got Geography. I'll meet you outside your History class for lunch okay?"

Aerith nodded and with reluctant steps, Tifa moved off to her class. For a moment, Aerith stood where she was, feeling hot tears spill down her cheeks. Harshly, she wiped them away and took a deep breath. Why was she crying all the time nowadays? she thought bitterly before moving down the halls.

She decided against going to History since she was already twenty minutes late anyway and with her grades slumping due to all the distractions in her life, she doubted that the teacher would be very sympathetic.

As if on auto-pilot, she found herself drifting out of the doors onto the playing fields where she proceeded to flop down beneath the large oak tree in the middle of the field. About twenty metres away, she could see the gym class preparing to run around the track and she quickly opened her folders to pretend that she was studying. Being in one of the senior years of the school meant that she had the privelage of free periods, though they weren't exactly free since the students were meant to study in them, but they could do so wherever they wished.

"Skipping class now are we?"

Aerith jumped and a small scream escaped her lips as she looked up into the smirking face of Cloud. She took a moment to recover her breath, her hand still firmly on her heart as she scowled at him.

"That's not funny!"

"I thought it was," he replied but his smirk disappeared as she continued to glare. Flopping down beside her, she felt him study her intently.

"Did I say I wanted you to join me?"

"No," he said with a shrug. "But I'm going to stay until you tell me what happened in the corridor."

"It was nothing."

"Right, hmm. So here it's perfectly normal for guys to pin girls against the lockers and threaten them. I'll remember that the next time Tifa keeps my pen."

"She'd kick your ass if you even tried," Aerith replied, surprised at the joking response herself. Cloud grinned.

"Yeah, you're right she'd have me pinned against the lockers in seconds!"

Aerith shook her head as she tried to get the image of Tifa pinning Cloud out of her mind. The fact her friend was crazy for the blond meant that those images were fast becoming R rated - something Aerith would rather not think about.

"Look, Cloud, I'm thankful that you're concerned but it's really no problem okay? It's best you don't get involved."

Cloud raised his hands in defeat and muttered his compliance. Aerith nodded in appreciation before getting back to her studying. Cloud remained silent for a few moments before the sound of jingling keys could be heard. Frowning at the distraction, Aerith looked at him. He met her gaze.

"Fancy a ride?" he asked.

A.N: Sorry for the late update folks. Now before you say "Cloud's OOC" well yes and no. Yes he's out of his AC character but not his character at the start of the game. You know, when he's got his cocky Zack phase going on? That's what he's like just now. However, just like his game character, his true personality will be revealed.

Review replies:

Lollypop - What's this? Cloud/Tifa? NEVER:P

Nox-Wicked - Hey! Been a while since I've heard from you:P Thank you and sorry the update wasn't as quick as you may have thought.

Roxas-kh - Of course it's Clorith lol. Thank you

kyos-girl101 - Aww thanks :)

Aeris1172 - More more more lol. Thank you!

Lydia-aerithlove - well sorry it wasnt a very quick update but hopefully you still like :)

Glimmerous - Um I take it you've died in this long time of no update then lol

kez92p9 - Lol yes he is but he was charming at first and Aerith fell for it :(

Thanks again guys. And also thanks to everyone who reads every chapter but doesn't review.