Chapter 3

"Be careful," Taylor warned as we filed into homeroom, "I heard Sharpay wants to rip your entrails out and feed you to the dogs."

I snorted.

Right, Sharpay Evans.

I had totally forgotten that she and Troy had a fling a few months back. As usually, she didn't last more than two weeks. But, she was persistent and Troy could never seem to get rid of her for good.

"I heard Rachel Stewart is out to get you as well." Jessica piped up.

"Please, name someone who isn't out to get me."

As we walked towards our seats, I could feel all eyes on me. "We aren't." Taylor teased and stuck her tongue out playfully. Suddenly, the level of the whispers elevated and excitement in people's voices were evident.

That could only mean one thing.

The devil had arrived.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, I felt a strong arm lay across my shoulders. "Hello ladies." It drawled, greeting the three of us simultaneously.

Jessica drooled.

Taylor rolled her eyes.

And I tried to shove Troy off of me. "What do you want?" I hissed.

"Just saying hi." Stupid ass had enough guts to wink outrageously at me.

I contorted my face into a look of pure disgust and made sure he was aware. Troy only chuckled and shook his head in amusement as he sank into his seat at the front of the room.

"Gabriella." An icy voice floated from the side, and instantly braced myself knowing full well who it was. Inhaling deeply, I turned to face Sharpay.

"Sharpay." I nodded and she narrowed her eyes, until they were thin slits.

The blonde girl opened mouth to reply but was fortunately (for me) cut off by Ms. Darbus' loud, booming, dramatic voice.

She began with the usual, announcements and what nots, but I learned to tune her out after the first ten seconds. The only though that was running through my mind at the current moment was, how in the world did I expect to get through the next four months? I had only step inside the school for a maximum of ten minutes or less and already the gossip was getting to me.

Not to mention that this was only the beginning layer of all the hell that I was bound to experience. I fully expected to be beating off hormonal, infatuated girls whose number one goal was to murder me in the cruelest way possible.

As I approached biology class, I could literary feel the vibes of hatred emitting from the blonde lingering in the doorway. She eyed me coolly as I walked closer, and I resisted an extremely strong urge to roll my eyes at her.

"Bitch." She spat revoltingly.

Before I knew it, my eyes found their way up towards the ceiling and back down again. What can I say? Temptation was just too hard to resist. She had an appalled look on her face as if someone like me had even dared to roll my eyes at someone like her.


"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." I commented wryly. However, my big mouth just couldn't jump at the opportunity to insult her some more. "Or was it the fact that you woke up alone that's got you in a pissy mood?" I smiled sweetly at her. That was mean, I know, but seriously, do you know how many times I've been called a bitch today?


Yea, that's right, I've been counting.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Are you implying something?"

I stared. And then blinked.

"No." I answered, with as much sarcasm as I could muster. "Now if you excuse me, I have a class to get to." I snapped.

"Whatever, you won't like, last like, a week."

"Oh, was that how long you lasted?"

This time the insult was crystal clear even to her. I saw her nostrils flared and she raised her purse, no doubt to hit me. Fortunately for me, Taylor yanked me out of the way and dragged me into class.

"You are crazy you know that?" She commented.

"I know." I grinned mischievously.

"Yea, well thank the lord that you'll never be as crazy as half the female population here. There were six girls out in the south parking lot, crying their eyes out this morning."

Ok. People, really needed to get a life.

Free period had just begun, and I weaved through the crowded hallways rolling my eyes and matching death glares at a rate of a hundred per minute. It was only eleven o'clock in the morning and I already wanted to strangle someone. Particularly Troy Bolton.

I wretched my locker open and threw my books in. And then, he appeared, leaning beside my locker in all his freaking glory.


I ignored him.

"Aw, come on Gabi, talk to me." He cajoled unsuccessfully.

I zipped open my backpack to make sure I had my history binder with me and then slammed my locker shut in silence. The whole time, I could feel his eyes on me, glinting with amusement.

Turning on my heels, I walked in the opposite direction without sparing him a glance. Unfortunately, as I've learned last night, he isn't the easiest person to get rid of.

"You know, I walked past a group of girls who were making a voodoo doll of you." He teased.

I spun around so abruptly he almost crashed into me. Of course being the awesome jock he is (roll eyes and note the sarcasm), it was a collision evaded. "You know, I think I walked past the same group of girls twice today too." I snapped. "This is really fueling your ego isn't it?"

"Obviously." Troy assured and winked at me.

"Go away, your presence is not wanted." I hissed and turned around to continue walking.

"Babe, everyone wants my presence."

I opened my mouth to throw out a nasty comment, but he beat me, cutting swiftly to the point.

"So there's this party on Friday…"

"No!" I snapped and walked away hastily.

"But you haven't even heard what I was going to say." Troy protested and quickened his pace to match mine.

"Doesn't matter, the answer's still no."

"Aw come on Gabi, it's not like you have anything better to do."

I seethed.

How typical for him to assume that the school's "freaky genius girl" has nothing better to do on a Friday. I have a life outside of books and school too you know, you flipping retard.

"As a matter of fact Troy, I do have something to do on Friday." I informed him, with my fingers crossed tightly behind my back.

Shut up, I do so have a life.

Troy quirked an eyebrow, skeptical. "Really?"

I nodded.

"What?" He prodded. "And you're Fridays with Taylor don't count."

"I-I-I have a date!" I sputtered


"I need a date." I wailed to Taylor as I dropped myself into the seat next to her at the lunch table.

She looked up from her chemistry book and gave me an odd, questioning look. "So go bug Troy about that." She finally stated slowly as if I were a two year old. I groaned and started to explain my dilemma to her. When I finished she let out an exasperated sigh.

"So, now I need a date." I whined and reached over to steal one of Taylor's carrot sticks.

"Gabriella, do you know what kind of hole you've dug yourself into?" Taylor reprimanded me and I could only stare at her for a loss of words.

"Explain, please." I demanded.

Again my best friend sighed and closed her textbook, pushing it to the side. "No guy in this school will date you." She stated simply.

My jaw fell open.

What is this? National Insult Gabriella Montez Day? Who ever invented democracy should eat a plate full of spinach.

"Hey!" I protested. "I'm not that repulsive!"

My best friend quirked her eyebrow. "You threatened to de-jewel Bobby Lindstrom with a rusty butter knife when he asked you out."

"That was different." I snitched. "He was a player."

"And yet somehow you're "dating" Bolton? The God of all players?"

"Well, if it wasn't for a certain someone, I wouldn't be!" I snapped.

Taylor blushed sheepishly. "So, um, moving on…what I meant to say was that no one at East High will date you."

I opened my mouth to object, but Taylor held up next to my face to silence me.

"Let me finish! No guy at East High will date you because you're already dating Troy."

"I'm not dating Troy, everyone knows it's just a stupid bet."

She shrugged in reply. "Doesn't matter, he's the golden boy, captain of the basketball team, he owns these halls, nobody wants to get on his bad side. Dating you, when Troy's suppose to be "wooing" you would qualify on getting his bad side."

I wailed and my head hit the table with a huge thud. "I'm screwed!"

"Calm down, all you need to do is find a guy that doesn't go to East High."

I glared at her. "And how am I suppose to do that?"

"Just leave all the arrangements to me."

AN: So I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's reviewed so far and everybody who's stuck with this story :) It makes me so happy that I could just sing lalalala :P Anyway, I'm sorry that it's taken forever for me to update.