So...just so you know while reading this story...I have no problem mixing westernism with Japanese tradition. That just how a want to write it. Yes, there are castles and King/Queens and plenty of things like that. But there's also kimonos, japanese references not to metion names and such. So don't be confused....I'm just basically mixing together two worlds in my head and coming out with.....this. Haha...enjoy.

Disclaimer::: I don't own any of Ramiko Takahashi's characters. She is brilliant and I take non of that credit.

Chapter One

"Princess Kagome"

Kagome sat in the top of the watchmen tower, contemplating the sunrise.

Her night robes folded around her as she sat against the stone window opening, her chin resting on her crossed arms.

She sighed and listened to the birds beging to chirp.

'Another day.....' she sighed ' least I can steal these few moments to myself.'

As princess of the Eastern lands, Kagome's life was really not her own in most ways. It belonged to her Kingdom, and her mother and father.

She had many responsibilities to see to when she was of age, and had been spending all of her life preparing for them.

These few moments when she could steal away to watch her favorite time of day were the only moments she had to herself.

Otherwise, she had no control over what she did or where she was going or how she could live her life.

The crisp air tickled her face and breezed through her dark shoulder length hair as it made its way up to the top of the tower.

Kagome sighed.

"Obedience, duty, honor, and responsibility, my dear. Always remember that." her mother would often tell her. "Be strong, but never stray from this path. It's your birthright."

"Yes, mother" was always Kagome's bland reply

Her mother and father placed this philosophy above everything.

…even above her.

If they saw her more as the future ruler in training then they did their adventurous, clever, imaginative seventeen year old daughter…then that just couldn't be helped.

Kagome had known this for a long time.

'Big sigh'

Kagome loved her mother and father very much...but, for as much as she loved them, she had to respect them even more.

For there could be no better rulers of the Eastern lands then that of King and Queen Higurashi. Sadly however, it seemed that was just the problem.

There could be no help that her parents were more rulers than...well...parents.

Luckily however, her godmother and close friend of the royal family, Kaede, had been there for her.

Wise and caring, she had always given Kagome advice and the strength to keep her own mind right where it needed to be.

Kagome would forever be grateful to her godmother for that.

Bright chocolate brown eyes scanned over the jagged peeks along the horizon.

The sun was beginning to bath the valley in its golden glow.

Kagome stretched her arms above her head and took a deep breath.

Kaede would be arriving soon to Kagome's room to see to it she was properly dressed for the day. She had to be ready for her mother's instructions on which lessons needed taking this week.

How she wished she could seize the sands of time.

Just keep this moment forever and live in this world of hers where she had no rules or lessons or bossy instructors to tell her what to do.

She wanted to be Kagome.

Just Kagome.

Instead of always being, "Royal Princess of the honorable King Higurashi."

But this was her title.

This was her life

...and her fate, she supposed.

At such a young age, Kagome had realized what fate would always bring her.


And she was to follow every single one.

Without question,

without reprise,

without another thought in her mind.

She was to display an image of a well trained, well mannered, well breed, well brought up princess for all the people of her land to admire.

Kagome saw her life as a map that had already been written out.

Nothing would please her parents more than to see her follow the paths they've paved and make a great ruler of herself.

Kagome did wish to be a great ruler.

But she just couldn't see herself as the one her parents were hoping for. She wanted to put her mind and heart into this land and make a difference in all the lives she would one day essentially be in control of.

Could that make her judgment clouded?

Would she ever live up to her mother and father without giving up her thoughts to orders and rules?

At the sound of the morning guard entering the castle grounds, Kagome shook her head to clear her thoughts.

She took one final breath of normality, peering out at the kingdom laid before her one last time before the chaos that was her life once again gave birth to a new day.

review if you think it's any good....