Disclaimer: Saban and Disney's, not mine
He heard the stories growing up of those that dreamt, and lost their way in the dreams. They wake up of course, eventually, but they're never quite the same again, forever lost in the space between dream and reality. He was pretty sure this was at least one reason why most Xybrians didn't go off planet: it was thought that if you had someone with you at night to keep you from floating away, you wouldn't get lost. He had always dismissed both as superstition-- until one night, when he could feel it happening to himself.
Even as he dreamt, he knew he would have to wake soon, and tried to bring himself back to the real world like he did every morning... but it didn't work. He kept falling, losing more and more of himself, until he wasn't sure if he'd ever find his way home again.
Then he felt a hand take his, lips pressed against the palm in a gentle kiss before whoever it was guided him back.
Trip shook his head slightly as he stretched. That was easily the weirdest dream he'd ever had. He blinked in surprise when he saw Katie smiling over him, her hand in his.
"Good morning. I was starting to wonder if you'd ever wake up."